[閒聊] Atlas Genius - Trojans

看板AltMusic作者 (陳松鼠)時間11年前 (2013/10/25 04:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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半夜睡不著逛逛PTT意外發現這個版 讓我又驚又喜阿 版上好多我熟悉的樂團名跟我喜歡的歌曲 手機裡滿滿的歌卻找不到知音實在是太悶了 (我也不懂什麼樂理拉 就是單純喜歡聽歌而已) 所以迫不及待地發了第一篇文章 Atlas Genius來自南澳大利亞 收錄在首張EP跟首張專輯中的歌曲 Trojans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd2yr12abg8
歌詞: Take it off Take it in Take off all the thoughts of what we've been Take a look Hesitate Take a picture you could never recreate Write a song make a note for the lump that sits inside your throat Change the locks, change the scene Change it all but can't change what we've been Your trojan's in my head(*3) It's ok if it's gone The thoughts that you had that it was the one And oh what is left? For all those times is that what you get? Oh regardless The walls get painted anyway Oh you're guarding The gates, but it all got away Your trojan's in my head(*6) Take it off Take it in Take off all the thoughts of what we've been Take a look Hesitate Take a picture you could never recreate Write a song make a note for the lump that sits inside your throat Change the locks, change the scene Change it all but can't change what we've been Your trojan's in my head(*5) Take it off Take it in All the thoughts of what we've been Take off all the thoughts of what we've been -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1IQOTty9 (AltMusic)