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看板CTU-24作者 (美女噗@Seattle)時間15年前 (2010/03/17 14:13), 編輯推噓2(201)
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好久沒出現了,把電子報上面的小資訊跟大家分享一下, 24的電影版蓄勢待發了! 本來之前就一直在謠傳要是沒有第九季的話,FOX會拍電影, 然後做個歡喜大結局(誤?),不過傑克已經很想再繼續歹命, 所以FOX也還一直在搖擺不定,雖然下面文中還是寫"remains undecided"反正,本來第九季就是沒合約,一直拖到現在還 在搞神秘要不要重新簽約(看起來機率是很低),但是電影是 已經開始在搞了......(看起來) 24 MOVIE GAINS MOMENTUM It’s beginning to look like Jack Bauer is headed to the big screen. Variety reports that screenwriter Billy Ray (State of Play, Flightplan) has been hired by Twentieth Century Fox to script a feature film version of 24, which may see Bauer fighting terrorists in Europe. The fate of the television series – and star Kiefer Sutherland’s desire to return – remains undecided. There is no contract for a ninth season. In a 2009 interview with parade magazine, Sutherland said: "We thought it would be kind of cruel and unusual punishment to ask the writers to script the equivalent of 12 films a year and then say, 'By the way, in your off-time come up with an unbelievable idea that's so superb that we could justify making a feature out of it, So we collectively decided that when the show is finished then we would take it on." 下面這段,前面也有人PO類似的,就是...孔雀台要24嗎? 講得那麼函蓄,說不會rule it out,但是,意思還是機率不大? 看來,廣告很多的誘因還是蓋不過成本很高吧? 不過,狐狸還真捨得丟掉金雞母,現在他們沒有什麼片, 可以達到像24的榮景了吧?! DOES NBC WANT 24? If FOX decides against bringing back 24 for a ninth season, NBC has hinted that it might like to see 24 on its airwaves next fall. NBC network president Angela Bromstad told The Hollywood Reporter that such a move was unlikely due to the high price of producing 24, but didn’t close the door on the possibility. "I think it would be expensive for us,” she said. “It's been floated. It's all going to come down to how strong our development is… I wouldn't rule it out. I wouldn't think it's likely, but I wouldn't rule it out." 傑克也不是鐵打的! 原來Kiefer Sutherland生病了,動了個手術休養, 總算回到劇組續拍,要跟傑克一樣頭好壯壯才行喔!! SUTHERLAND RECOVERS, BACK TO WORK Kiefer Sutherland is back to work on 24 after production on the series was halted for two weeks last month so the actor could recover from surgery – reportedly to repair a ruptured cyst near his kidney. -- ( . . ) ^ -----OOOo-----O-----oOOO------ Lasting Forever ------------------------------ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/19 08:52, , 1F
03/19 08:52, 1F

03/23 22:06, , 2F
03/23 22:06, 2F

03/25 20:30, , 3F
03/25 20:30, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1Be7CWaf (CTU-24)
文章代碼(AID): #1Be7CWaf (CTU-24)