[情報] 六月電子報

看板CTU-24作者 (美女噗@Seattle)時間14年前 (2010/06/15 17:14), 編輯推噓8(800)
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這一期的電子報裡頭有段非常好笑的,在Kiefer的專訪裡, 這一期應該沒有雷了.. RESET THE CLOCK FOR THE 24 MOVIE Kiefer Sutherland, who recently ended his television run after eight seasons as Jack Bauer on 24, told E! Online that he’s looking forward to a fresh start – with no ticking clock – for the 24 franchise when it makes the transition to the big screen. "The film will be a two-hour representation of a 24-hour day, which alleviates the writers of the responsibility of writing in real time, which is unbelievably difficult." 這一段其實還好沒講什麼,大致上跟前一篇有人PO的差不多,就是電影版的不會 像影集版的會有讀秒.... Sutherland also told the United Kingdom Press Association that he didn’t understand the groundbreaking real-time concept of 24 when he signed on to the series nearly a decade ago. "I remember when I first read the script, I was kind of flipping through the pages and the very front page said ‘All events take place in real time.’ I was like, ‘What does that mean?’ I can honestly say the reason I took 24 was that I was attracted to the interaction of the characters because I had no idea what on earth ‘All events take place in real time’ meant.” Sutherland在受訪的時候說,他記得第一次看到劇本的時候,就把它翻一翻, 然後完全無法理解什麼叫做"take place in real time"(就是情節實時發生) 他說一開始他是對人物的互動受到吸引,完全不知道到底real time是啥意思 JACK BAUER MEETS REAL-LIFE TERRORISM EXPERT According to a May 4 report by the World Entertainment News Network (wenn.com), 24 star Kiefer Sutherland came face-to-face with an actual CIA terrorism expert while on a ski trip. The real operative, who had recently returned from Afghanistan, asked the actor to call his mom and explain why 24 makes her son’s job look so easy on TV. "When we got to the top of the mountain, he wanted me to call his mom and explain to her why he can't get things done in 24 hours,” Sutherland said. 這個就是很好笑的地方了,Kiefer去划雪的時候遇到一個真正的反恐專家, 是一個在CIA工作的,然後那位CIA就把手機給JACK,然後請他打電話跟他媽媽解釋, 為什麼他的兒子,沒有辦法在24小時之內就解決掉恐怖份子的問題...XDDD -- The dead's speak from the undergrave is what we callcONsCienCe...... 死者從陰間所說的話,就是我們所謂的良心...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/15 19:13, , 1F
06/15 19:13, 1F

06/15 20:34, , 2F
06/15 20:34, 2F

06/16 01:33, , 3F
最後一段= =
06/16 01:33, 3F

06/16 02:29, , 4F
06/16 02:29, 4F

06/16 16:56, , 5F
Jack:Mom,because Cloe works for CTU not CIA.
06/16 16:56, 5F

06/25 16:46, , 6F
XD 在24小時之內就解決掉恐怖份子的問題
06/25 16:46, 6F

07/07 03:37, , 7F
Mom, because Cloe works for CTU not for CIA.
07/07 03:37, 7F

08/04 07:18, , 8F
08/04 07:18, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1C5qIIsd (CTU-24)
文章代碼(AID): #1C5qIIsd (CTU-24)