[情報] (愛)之歌本:堀哲也人聲作品音樂會

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(愛)之歌本 The (love) Song Book 時間 Time/ 2018/11/16(五) 20:00 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performers/ <solo> 董昭民 Chao-Ming Tung / 古箏、二胡 guzheng, erhu <solo> 小瀬泉 Izumi Ose (JP) / 人聲 voice 堀哲也 Tetsuya Hori (JP) / 作曲 composition <trio> 董昭民 Chao-Ming Tung 小瀬泉 Izumi Ose (JP) feat. 謝奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh / 筆電 laptop 入場贊助 Donation For Entry/ $350-250 自由訂價 self-pricing donation *不論年齡只要有親子關係,即一位免費入場 Audiences with parent-child relationship will get free entry for one person. *請勿攜帶外食飲品 No outside food or drinks allowed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演 About The Performance/ 《The (love) Song Book》(愛)之歌本是由七首情歌所組成的獨唱人聲表演,每一首歌 的歌詞都來自於幾位詩人的詩作而組成。本作品由堀哲也所作曲,小瀬泉進行表演。這件 作品於2016年春天於德國柏林進行首次演出,此後小瀬泉陸續於德國斯圖加特、漢堡、英 國倫敦、法國巴黎、日本福岡以及岐阜等地發表演出。 "The (love) Song Book" for solo voice is consists of 7 love-songs. All of songs are with poem from several poets. It will be performed by Izumi Ose and is composed by Tetsuya Hori. This piece was premiered in Berlin in the spring of 2016. Since then, it has been performed by Izumi Ose in Stuttgart, Hamburg, London, Paris, Fukuoka, Gifu (Japan) so far. 作品片段(第一樂章)Video (The 1st movement):https://youtu.be/Ob_KVFHaY_w
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performers/ ● 董昭民 Chao-Ming Tung 臺灣作曲家董昭民,1969年出生於臺北,作曲師事錢南章教授、Johannes Fritsch、 Mauricio Kagel及Nicolaus A. Huber。德國埃森音樂院最高藝術家文憑並以該校最優異 成積畢業。同年獲頒德國科隆巿政府作曲獎及獎學金。二OO一年獲台灣國家文藝基金會 的作曲贊助。二OO四年獲美國洛杉磯Villa Aurora藝術家獎學金。2006年獲許常惠作曲 比賽民族樂器類第二名,2008年獲教育部文藝創作獎教師組音樂作曲特優。同年獲國藝會 補助,製作他的第一張個人原創作品集《音之旅》。其作品已在亞洲、美洲及歐洲的音樂 節多次發表演出:柏林國際音樂節MaerzMusik Berlin、芝加哥新音樂節Soundfield Festival Chicago、慕尼黑新音樂糸列musica viva Munchen、德國達姆斯塔新國際音樂 研討會等。與他合作的知名團體包括臺灣采風樂坊、德國摩登樂團Ensemble Modern Frankfurt、德國漢堡Resonanz絃樂團、維也納音響論坊Klangforum Wien、芝加哥諾門訥 斯樂團Ensemble Noamnesia Chicago、芬蘭Avanti!室內樂團、中國國家交響樂團、莫比 斯圓環創作公社等。 董昭民目前的創作,企圖將東方的人文精神及藝術思想表現在他的 作品中。他的音樂創作涵蓋了中西樂器的獨奏、室內樂、交響樂、輕歌劇、戲劇音樂。董 昭民擅長古箏演奏與即興。他於2004年與旅德古箏大師徐鳳霞及旅奧作曲家王蓂合組古箏 「箏鳴」 三重奏,並加入電子樂器,極力拓展東方音樂語法及表達手法的新空間。 他多 次與畫家及舞蹈家合作創作舞蹈音樂及多媒體表演藝術,融入即時電聲創作,發展他藝術 表達的多樣性。德國法蘭克福日報:董昭民在「睡佛百姿」裡,以樂器的聲響探索為基礎 ,塑造了一種暗示性的音樂語法。前所未聞的聲響循序漸進,充滿了無限聯想-宗教般的 情懷,且趣意盎然。(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 03.12.2002) 董昭民於 2006-2007擔任臺灣采風樂坊駐團作曲家, 並於2007年開始任教於新竹交通大學音樂研究 所。2008年與交大應用研究所和建築研究所共創「交大多媒體藝術團隊」,參加多次國內 外跨領域展演和文藝交流,成果豐碩。 Chao-Ming Tung is a Taiwanese-born composer and gu-zheng player (Chinese zither). His music encompasses stage, instrumental, vocal, and electro-acoustic works, and multimedia-performances with visual arts and dance. Since 2000 he has gradually incorporated Chinese instruments into his music, and improvises with gu-zheng and live electronics in concerts. In 1988 he began composition studies with Chien Nan-Chang in the Chinese-Culture-University Taipei. He continued his training from 1990 -1997 at the Musikhochschule Köln Germany with Johannes Fritsch and Mauricio Kagel, and later at the Folkwang-Hochschule Essen with Nicolaus A. Huber, where he graduated with distinction. Since 1999 he has worked as a freelance composer and musician, and facilitates East-West cultural exchanges. Tung's work has been presented in concerts of numerous festivals throughout Europe, Asia, and the USA. He has collaborated with choreographers, dancers, painters, musicians, ensembles, sound-, media- and video artists, e.g. Annegret Heiln, René Pieters, Bernhard Gal, Klang Forum Wien, Ensemble Ictus, Ensemble Modern, ensemble 2e2m, Ensemble On-Line Vienna , ensemble DEDALO, and China Found Music Workshop Taipei. He was awarded the Bernd Alois Zimmermann Scholarship for Composers from the City of Cologne in 1999, the Scholarship of National Culture and Arts Foundation Taiwan in 2001 and the Scholarship of Villa Aurora Los Angles, second award of international Xu Chang Hui composition competition Taiwan. He is a composer in residence of China Found Music Workshop Taipei since 2006 and professor for composition at the National Ciao Tung University since 2007. --- ● 小瀬泉 Izumi Ose (JP) 小瀬泉以歌手的身分參與堀哲也於2011年發行的「Dried Fish Is Just Good As Bait」 (AR041),此張專輯被音樂評論家Foxy Digitalis評選為 2011 年度最佳專輯。 She participated in the CD of Tetsuya Hori called ried Fish Is Just Good As Bait(AR041)“ as a Vocalist, which released in 2011. The CD was named the best album of 2011 by the music critics "Foxy Digitalis". --- ● 堀哲也 Tetsuya Hori (JP) www.tetsuyahori.de 堀哲也是一位作曲家,以樂器、人聲、電子和物件進行作曲。他出生於日本札幌,四歲便 開始彈奏管風琴,之後開始嘗試作曲,他16歲開始在札幌學習作曲,隨後進入神奈川縣的 昭和音樂大學進行作曲研究,22歲畢業時獲得特別賞的殊榮。2000 年至 2003 年間,他 擔任鋼琴、聲樂、合唱和管弦樂隊的講師。在昭和音樂大學畢業後,他於2003 年開始定 居於德國柏林持續進行創作,同年開始嘗試以Max / MSP軟體進行現場的電子聲響表演。 堀哲也目前為不同的音樂演奏家、室內樂和交響樂團進行作曲創作,並於歐洲、亞洲和北 美的學校及大學教授作曲。HORI曾於 2011 年獲得國際音樂大賞傑出作曲獎,同年被樂評 家 Foxy Digitalis評選為當年度最佳專輯。2012 年以作曲作品「鋼琴及管弦樂協奏曲」 於比利時伊麗莎白皇后音樂比賽的作曲組進入準決賽。 Tetsuya Hori is a composer. He writes music for instruments, vocals, electronic and objects.He was born in Sapporo, Japan, started playing the organ at the age of four and took up composing soon afterwards. He commenced studying composition in Sapporo at the age of 16 and later continued with composition studies at the Showa University of Music in Kanagawa. Hori graduated at the age of 22, winning a special prize from the university. From 2000 to 2003 he was a lecturer for piano, vocal, chorus, and orchestra. After studying at Showa University of Music, he moved to Berlin in 2003 where he lives and composes. In 2003 he also began composing for live-electro using the software Max/MSP. Hori currently composes for various performing musicians, chamber and symphonic orchestra and teaches composition at various schools and universities in Europe, Asia and North America. Hori has been the recipient of special mention from International Music Prize for Excellence in Composition 2011, the Best Album of 2011 by foxy digitalis and Semi-Finalist of the 2012 Queen Elisabeth Composition Competition in Belgium with his work called "Concerto for Piano and Orchestra". --- ● 謝奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh http://dieananas.weebly.com/ 謝奉珍是一位以聲音為主要創作媒材的藝術家。1987年出生於台灣高雄,2014年畢業於國 立台南藝術大學造型藝術研究所。參與現場表演、聲音裝置、聲音影像間的關係實驗、田 野錄音等,目前關注方向為人-人-環境-時空間的相互牽連變化上。她大部分的聲音裝 置作品為現地製作,從2012年開始發表〈空間刺探機〉系列聲音裝置作品創作計畫,以不 同的展覽空間特性為聲音創作的概念。在聲音表演上,她會透過日常的聲音採集,組合成 不同的聲音片段,在現場表演時會依據現場的氣氛運用聲音的表現來做回應,並嘗試與觀 眾互動。她也常與國內外不同的表演者進行合作交流。 Most of her works were shown by sound. In 1987, she was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She received a bachelor degree in "Department of Fine Art" from National Kaohsiung Normal University in 2009 and further received a MFA degree in "Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts" from Tainan National University of The Arts in 2014. She participated in live performances, sound installations, the relationship of experiment between sound and image and field recordings. Now she is concerned about the inter-relationship between person-person-envirernment-space and time. Most of her sound installations are regarded about site-specific. From 2012 she begun to create a series sound installation project "Space Prying Machine", her work concept is using sound characteristics of different exhibition space. During her live performance, she uses field recordings gathered from everyday lives to form various sound sections, and performs based on the atmosphere of the live events. She often tries to interact with audience members, and often works with other performers from Taiwan and foreign. 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/2250688345189353/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 11/15/2018 16:38:09
文章代碼(AID): #1RxJ1XEt (ClassicMusic)
文章代碼(AID): #1RxJ1XEt (ClassicMusic)