[情報] 謝明諺四重奏"Firry Path"專輯發表會

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謝明諺爵士四重奏 "Firry Path" 專輯發表會 Minyen Hsieh Jazz Quartet "Firry Path" Album Release Concert 時間 Time/ 2013/06/04(三) 19:30~21:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街17-4號/城隍廟旁/江山街13.15號巷縫中) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No.17-4, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple/in the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.) 表演者 Performers/ 謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh (次中音薩克斯風 Tenor Saxophone) 葉賀璞 Yeh Hope (吉他 Guitar) Martijn Vanbuel (低音提琴 Acoustic Bass) Sebastiaan Kaptein (鼓組 Drums) 票價 Admission/ $350 交通方式/ ●大眾運輸 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走約100公尺,於左手邊「台灣銀行」前搭乘大遠 百免費接駁車,在第三個停靠站(中山路北門街口)下車,往前直走約50公尺右轉仁德街( 地標為貢茶),直走約50公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15 公尺右手邊即為本空間正門。 ●步行 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走,看到右手邊的「南門醫院」後右轉復興路並直 走東門街,看到城隍廟前廣場往正前方找到仁德街(地標為貢茶),進入仁德街直走約50公 尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15公尺右手邊即為本空間正門 。(約15~20分鐘) ●地圖 Map 中文版: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=418695844895096&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater English version: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420338138064200&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演 About The Performance/ 本次的專輯收錄了九首明諺在2008~2013數年間的創作,這些作曲的走向是以歌(Song)為 主要考量,而非曲(tunes),意思就是旋律是如歌唱般的優美自然,而非一般現代爵士樂 中複雜難懂的器樂線條,加上洗練的和聲與動感的律動襯托,呈現出有別於一般爵士樂標 準搖擺曲風,帶有歐式優雅又充滿律動的清新風格。 樂曲的主題多在於描述明諺記憶中的生活景物,像是高中時期每天必經的一條杉林小徑, 或是綻放於夜晚時分、芬芳優雅的曼陀羅花、想放棄卻又不甘心放手的離別時分,還有春 末夏初、下過磅礡大雨的慵懶午後。 樂手找來了一同於比利時求學、合作多年的鋼琴手增譯,比利時籍、旅居台灣多年的Bass 手Martijn和長住於日本沖繩的荷蘭鼓手Sebastiaan。他們有著共同的歐系學習成長背景 ,也共同有著在亞洲生活的豐厚淵源,彼此激盪出一段又一段精彩的音樂互動對話。 這張專輯將帶領你,用聽覺摹寫從心靈深處反射出來,那自然與日常的多面樣貌。 而本場為專輯發表會台灣的第四場,樂手除了原班人馬的Bass手Martijn和從沖繩遠道而 來的鼓手Sebastiaan之外,也找來了與明諺熟識多年,台灣最為優秀的爵士吉他手葉賀璞 。專輯曲目Live呈現,精采不容錯過!! This album contains nine compositions written by Taiwanese saxophonist Minyen Hsieh, between the years 2008-2013. Through these pieces, he hopes to present lyrical melodies that are beautiful and natural rather than angular, complex phrases often heard in many contemporary jazz compositions. Blending colorful, distilled harmonies with dynamic, innovative rhythms, the pieces depart from straight-ahead jazz and are interpreted in an inventive style tinged with European sensibilities. Many of the compositions are inspired by Minyen's fond memories of things and places that remain meaningful to him: A narrow, firry path he walked along every day during his high school days; the fragrance of elegant moonflowers that only bloom at night; a time when he felt torn between letting go and holding onto something special; or the memory of a lazy summer afternoon spent staring out the window after a thunderstorm. The musicians on this album include pianist Tsengyi, who has long collaborated with Minyen since their days of studying in Belgium, bassist Martijn, who grew up in Belgium but has lived in Taiwan for many years, and drummer Sebastiaan from the Netherlands who currently resides in Okinawa, Japan. Their shared experiences of having studied in Europe and living in Asia contribute to the multiple layers of interesting musical dialogues that can be heard on the album. It is hoped that the music presented here can lead listeners to reflect on the extraordinary moments contained in the ordinary experiences of everyday life. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 音樂家簡介 About The Musician/ 謝明諺 Minyen Hsieh http://soundcloud.com/minyenhsieh 比利時荷語布魯塞爾皇家音樂院爵士薩克斯風演奏碩士、碩士後文憑。2012台中國際薩克 斯風大賽冠軍。風格橫跨傳統、現代、放克、拉丁、前衛。旅歐期間曾演出的國家包括比 利時,荷蘭,德國,盧森堡,布吉納法索等等,經歷豐富。 於2011年七月甫回到台灣至今已參與超過300場的演出,許多樂團如Brussel Van Taipeh 、Trio J.T.、Minyen Hsieh Quartet I, II、Kiss The Dreamer、MicroCosmos有微機體 、土曾言睪+日月言彥 Duet、德州仙人掌,紅色彗星等等之外,也是台灣前衛/噪音/自 由即興的指標性唱片廠牌Kandala Records的系列演出常客。時常和來訪外國音樂家合作 演出,例如:西班牙爵士鋼琴家Ignasi Terraza、旅居加拿大的二胡演奏/作曲家董籃的 即興音樂會+作品首演、日本自由爵士傳奇鼓手豐住芳三郎2012台灣巡迴系列演出、旅歐 韓裔鋼琴/作曲家Biora Kim、德國人聲樂團Java Five。2013一月於日本大阪和京都的系 列即興音樂會,二月法國大提琴家Hugues Vincent的2 CELLOS Plus More。五月葡萄牙自 由即興大師Carlos Zingaro,日本噪音鬼才本木良憲。曾增譯-共聲体三重奏專輯發表巡 迴等等。平時也經常參與電影/爵士/流行音樂的錄音,和大學社團/推廣部教學以及不定 期的講座。 Graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Belgium. Winner of 2012 Taichung International Saxophone Competition. Minyen Hsieh plays in a variety of styles such as traditional, pop, funk, latin and avant-garde, and has performed in many countries such as Belgium, Netherlands and Italy. He's performed in over 300 concerts since July 2011 in Taiwan with groups like Brussel Van Taipeh, Trio J.T., Kiss The Dreamer and international musicians like Ignasi Terraza From Spain, Lan Tung from Canada and Japanese free jazz legendary drummer Sabu Toyosumi just to name a few. He also participates in many recording sessions for movie, jazz, pop and experimental music in Taiwan. https://www.facebook.com/events/276723142499076/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 05/26/2014 02:14:57
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