[情報] 山內桂的電影與薩克斯風音樂

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山內桂的電影與薩克斯風音樂 Katsura Yamauchi's Films & Saxophone Music 時間 Time/ 2015/02/25(四) 19:30-21:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/近城隍廟) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) 導演、表演者 Director & Performer/ 山內桂 Katsura Yamauchi (JP) 票價 Ticket/ $150 交通方式/ ●大眾運輸 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走約100公尺,於左手邊「台灣銀行」前搭乘大遠 百免費接駁車,在第三個停靠站(中山路北門街口)下車,往前直走約50公尺右轉仁德街( 地標為貢茶),直走約50公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15 公尺右手邊即為本空間正門。 ●步行 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走,看到右手邊的「南門醫院」後右轉復興路並直 走東門街,看到城隍廟前廣場往正前方找到仁德街(地標為貢茶),進入仁德街直走約50公 尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15公尺右手邊即為本空間正門 。(約15~20分鐘) ●地圖 Map 中文版: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=418695844895096&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater English version: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420338138064200&set=a.418695798228434.1 073741838.401184409979573&type=3&theater /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於電影 About The Films/ ● HoFuNeM・ホフネン 2012 | 40min ◎ 2013匈牙利MEDIAWAVE國際影展 ◎ 2013伊拉克Baghdad國際影展 "水の精" が歌いそして見せてくれる水の映像 優しさと厳しさ 美しさと醜さ 安定と破壊 男と女 太陽と月 終わりと始まり、、、 最後に観るのは? 自然・宇宙の原点を見せることで未来を暗示、、、読み解くのはあなた The image of water which the fairy of water sings and shows; tenderness and severity beauty and ugliness stability and destruction men and women the sun and the moon end and beginning... Does it see at the end? She suggests the future by showing the starting point of nature and the universe... seeing and solving is you! 《HoFuNeM》預告片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75gPOQzvGl8
--- ● HaRuLi・ハルリ 2014 | 25min ◎ 2015哥倫比亞Villavicencio國際影展 ◎ 2015義大利國際藝術影展 ◎ 2015印度Voices from the Waters影展 ◎ 2015韓國亞洲國際短片影展 ◎ 2015泰國曼谷地下影展 ホフネンに続く第2作。山の中の名もない小さな池の「水の叙情詩」 The second movie following the "HoFuNeM". "A lyrics of water" in unnamed pond in mountains. 《HaRuLi》預告片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnstbTnLVfM
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Director & Performer/ ● 山內桂 Katsura Yamauchi (b.1954) 1954年生,70年代初開始演奏薩克斯風,並很快的就投入了現代爵士、前衛和自由即興的 領域。出生在別府,距離日本大城市那些廣為人知的創意中心相當遙遠。山內的名字或許 對大部份樂迷有些陌生,但他卻是日本最具特色的音樂家之一。多年來,山內桂身兼演奏 家及音樂會策劃者的身份,幫助來自歐美的知名音樂家完成日本巡演,如:Derek Bailey 、Han Bennink及Milford Graves等。直到2002年,他辭去穩定的工作,完全奉獻給音樂 。雖然受到東京新實驗聲音的影響,山內仍發展自己獨具原創性的風格,將旋律性的元素 混合即興及低限主義,聆聽時同時具挑戰性又容易進入,卻也有著難以辨識的美。山內桂 已發行多張個人獨奏專輯,並與Voice Crack的Michel Doneda、Gunter Muller及 Norbert Möslang共錄過專輯,曾經合作演出的知名音樂家包括:Taku Unami, I.S.O., Misha Mengelberg, Tatsuya Nakatani, Sharif Sehnaoui, Jason Kahn, Otomo Yoshihide, sachiko M, Barre Phillips, Kim Dae-Hwan, Gino Robair, Toshinori Kondo, Yoshimitsu Ichiraku, Travassos, Toshimaru Nakamura, Seijiro Murayama, Han Bennink等等。除了在日本廣泛的演出,山內桂並多次於美國及歐洲的音樂節巡迴演 出。 日本著名實驗音樂家兼作曲家大友良英讚賞:「山內桂真的是一個既創新又老練的藝術家 ,他活力和自信的表演讓我感到振奮。」 Katsura Yamauchi picked up his first saxophone in the early 1970s and was quickly drawn to modern jazz, avant-garde and free improvisation. Born in Beppu, far from the traditional creative centers around the bigger cities in Japan, Yamauchi was until recently relatively unknown, but has now shown himself to be one of the most unique musicians in Japan. For years Katsura Yamauchi was sporadically active as both musician and concert organizer, and helped arrange performances in Japan for veteran musicians from both the USA and Europe, such as Derek Bailey, Han Bennink and Milford Graves. Not until 2002 did he quit his regular job to dedicate himself fully to music. Yamauchi was influenced by the new experimental sounds coming from Tokyo, but had developed his own original style, mixing improvisation and minimalism with melodic elements. The music is at the same time challenging and easily accessible, unrecognizable and beautiful. Katsura Yamauchi has released several solo CDs and recorded with Michel Doneda, Gunter Müller and Norbert Möslang from Voice Crack and performed with Taku Unami, I.S.O., Misha Mengelberg, Tatsuya Nakatani, Sharif Sehnaoui, Jason Kahn, Otomo Yoshihide, sachiko M, Barre Phillips, Kim Dae-Hwan, Gino Robair, Toshinori Kondo, Yoshimitsu Ichiraku, Travassos, Toshimaru Nakamura, Seijiro Murayama, Han Bennink and many others. In addition to extensive activity in Japan, Katsura Yamauchi has toured the USA and several times in Europe. He has performed at the following festivals: Musique Innovatrices 2005, Castello Canalis 2007, Ftarri Festival 2008, Amplify Festival 2008, Beppu Contemporary Art Festival 2009, Asian Meeting Festival 2009, Ftarri Doubtmusic festival 2010, Yokohama Improvisation Festival 2010 and Nuit Bleue festival 2010, BACK TO THE TREES 2011 etc. "Katsura Yamauchi is really both a new and a veteran artist... I am greatly refreshed by his energetic and confident performance." - Otomo Yoshihide, July 2003 試聽 Demo: 浴湯人・Yokutojin / Katsura Yamauchi & Toshimaru Nakamura http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Droz2vKx8hg
"KIHOU" sax solo (3/30/2012) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvOv68aPdPA
"impro." solo @ MIE PREFECTURAL MUSEUM (10/30/2010) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHwTT0J8L-g
活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/1548359978790187/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 02/24/2016 01:56:35
文章代碼(AID): #1Mp9r5ht (Concert)
文章代碼(AID): #1Mp9r5ht (Concert)