[情報] 在太空過夜:Sleepover in Outer Spaces

看板Concert (演唱會/音樂祭)作者 (藝術與城市)時間8年前 (2016/04/27 18:24), 8年前編輯推噓0(000)
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在太空過夜 :Sleepover in Outer Spaces 是第一場 PALEO TECHNO 辦的活動 is the first installment of a series of events by PALEO TECHNO ‧ http://paleotechno.blog.com/ 時間:2016/04/30 19:30-22:30 地點:江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/近城隍廟) - _drone|noise|synth|ambient_ - Jiachi Lu swivelized sounds Yearning Kru Simon Frank IMPROV COLLABORATION - $200 with a free drink | $150 with a free drink [Student ID] - 瞭解更多 : GET TO KNOW THE ARTISTS LU JIACHI [TW] https://soundcloud.com/lujiachihttps://lujiachi.bandcamp.com/ 在吉他人間界修得正果之後,盧家齊開始玩起合成器,遁入更純粹的頻率探索領域;在他 個人的 Soundcloud 上我們仍能聽見許多關於吉他的作品,但一樣從東方的美學出發,並 吸收了更多ambient、drone、民族音樂、酸菜搖滾精華,已更臻成熟,也更具代表性了。 (文/山角龍) SWIVELIZED SOUNDS [US]https://soundcloud.com/swivelized-sounds For over two decades, swivel has been producing experimental noise music. Greatly influenced by the DIY punk scene of the early 80's and pioneering electronic artists of the 1960's. The music is often noisy, but not harsh, with elements of post-punk, drone, ambient, and dance. Currently, swivel is exploring loops, layers, and percussive tones and rhythms in a free un-synched narrative that is both emotional and alienated. YEARNING KRU [UK]https://soundcloud.com/yearning-kruhttps://yearningkru.bandcamp.com/ Yearning Kru 使用數位製作和特殊的sample方式創造出獨特的lo-fi 迷幻情境,並有大 量的自製蒙太奇視覺元素參雜在他的藝術創作跟現場表演之中。 Croydon's Yearning Kru uses digital technology and specifically sampling to make a unique lo-fi psychedelic environment. There is a large visual element with all his artwork self-made and live performances accompanied by his own distinctive visual montages. His work is inspired by the world-building aspect of various literary fantasy environments, especially Gormenghast and Dune, and the music is a psychedelic representation of landscapes rather than narratives of characters (as more song-based music might represent). The tracks function as viewpoints into a world for a brief period of time, and the world represented is one of small workshops toiling and churning in the shadow of great hives of technology. SIMON FRANK [CA]https://soundcloud.com/simon-frank 出生在加拿大但茁壯于新德里和北京,西門(慶)法蘭(龐)克愛在合成器所發出的靡靡之音 中顛沛流離。同時,他和他的親兄弟各佔跨縣城二人組冷熱兄弟的一半。 Simon Frank plays displaced synth punk drone. Simon was born in Canada but grew up in New Delhi and Beijing. Along with his brother, Simon is 1/2 of transnational duo Hot & Cold. 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/198500110534579/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 04/27/2016 18:24:44
文章代碼(AID): #1N89DWNi (Concert)
文章代碼(AID): #1N89DWNi (Concert)