[情報] 長號與實驗聲音 即興音樂會

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長號與實驗聲音 即興音樂會 Trombone & Experimental Sounds Improv Concert 時間 Time/ 2017/02/26(日) 20:00-22:00 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/城隍廟旁) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) 表演者 Performers/ Matthias Müller (DE) / 長號 Trombone Simon Whetham (UK) / 電子、物件 Electronics, Objects 謝奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh / 電子 Electronics 票價 Ticket/ $300-200(自由定價 Suggested Donation) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performers/ ● Matthias Müller (DE) 1971年生於德國策芬鎮(Zeven),10歲時加入當地的長號合奏團開始其長號演奏生涯。 1994至1999年於埃森市(Essen)的福克旺音樂學院(Folkwang Hochschule)學習爵士長 號演奏,並開始嘗試即興音樂演奏。Matthias Müller於2004年發行的個人專輯《Bhavan 》由芝加哥音樂家暨記者John Corbett所製作,同年他搬到柏林定居並經常與國際知名的 即興樂手合作演出。他曾參與由Albert Mangelsdorff擔任音樂總監的「德法爵士合奏團 」,目前則為24人即興合奏團「Splitter Orchester」的團員。此外,他也活躍於當代音 樂領域,曾與多個柏林的合奏團合作,並參與作曲家Mark Andre的歌劇作品《…22, 13… 》的演出及專輯錄音。Müller的演奏足跡遍及非洲、亞洲、北美與歐洲許多國家,於眾 多音樂節中演出,並發行超過20張個人創作或演奏CD。 Matthias Müller was born 1971 in Zeven, Germany and starting playing trombone in the local trombone choir at the age of 10. From 1994 to 1999 he studied jazz-trombone at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen, where he also made his first steps into improvised music. His CD havan“, which was released in 2004, was produced by Chicago based musician and journalist John Corbett. In the same year he moved to Berlin and has since been regularly playing with internationally recognized improvisers such as John Edwards, Mark Sanders, George Lewis, Johannes Bauer, Jeb Bishop, Tobias Delius, Olaf Rupp, Paul Lovens, Toshimaru Nakamura, Clayton Thomas, Michael Vorfeld, Axel Dörner, and many more. He is a member of the 24-piece improvising ensemble, “ Splitter Orchester“, and was also a member of the “German-French Jazzensemble“ under the direction of Albert Mangelsdorff. In addition, Mü ller is also active in the field of contemporary music, having worked with the Berlin-based ensembles “Xenon“, “Work In Progress“, and “Zinc & Copper Works“. He also took part in the performance and CD-recording of composer Mark Andre’s opera K22, 13…“. Müller has toured Africa, Asia, North America and many countries in Europe, having played on numerous festivals, and released more than 20 CDs of his own projects. http://matthiasmueller.net/ --- ● Simon Whetham (UK) 1970年生於英國。Simon Whetham發展出聲音錄製技術記錄聲響,並藉著所錄製的聲音為 素材,進而製作成樂曲以及演出。他以各種不同的方法和技巧記錄來自環境的聲音,更試 圖捕捉常為人忽略或是更模糊隱微的聲音景象。 Whetham不少作品由不同的音樂廠牌發行 ,如葡萄牙的Crónica和美國的Helen Scarsdale Agency,同時在國際上亦有活躍的表現 ,與音樂家、行為藝術家、畫家、錄像藝術家與舞者進行跨領域的合作,並曾在英國、愛 沙尼亞、哥倫比亞、智利與澳洲舉辦工作坊,更獲得許多委託創作和獎助計畫,而「 Active Crossover」則是其中最值得注目的策展計畫。 Simon Whetham has developed a practice of working with sound recordings as raw materials for composition and performance. These are often environmental sounds he captures employing a variety of methods and techniques to obtain discreet or obscured sonic phenomena. Simon has a number of works published through labels including Crónica (PT) and Helen Scarsdale Agency (USA); performed extensively internationally; collaborated with musicians, performance artists, painters, video artists and dancers; given workshops in UK, Estonia, Colombia, Chile and Australia; and received a large number of commissions and awards for projects – most notably for curating the project ”Active Crossover”. http://www.simonwhetham.co.uk/ --- ● 謝奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh 主要以聲音為創作媒材,她總是以聲音為媒介與環境做互動。參與現場表演、聲音裝置、 聲音影像間的關係實驗、田野錄音等。在聲音表演上,她會透過日常的聲音採集,組合成 不同的聲音片段,在現場表演時會依據現場的氣氛運用聲音的表現來做回應,並嘗試與觀 眾互動。她也常與國內外不同的表演者進行合作交流。 http://dieananas.weebly.com/ http://pinh.bandcamp.com/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 交通方式/ ● 大眾運輸 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走約100公尺,於左手邊「台灣銀行」前搭乘大遠 百免費接駁車,在第三個停靠站(中山路北門街口)下車,往前直走約50公尺右轉仁德街( 地標為貢茶),直走約50公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15 公尺右手邊即為本所正門。 ● 步行 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走,看到右手邊的「南門醫院」後右轉復興路並直 走接東門街,看到城隍廟前廣場往正前方找到仁德街(地標為貢茶),進入仁德街直走約50 公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15公尺右手邊即為本所正門 。(約15~20分鐘) ● 地圖 Map 中文版:http://0rz.tw/3y8dH English Version:http://0rz.tw/AQCdk 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/420424531630614/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 02/25/2017 11:55:34

06/18 17:21, , 1F
06/18 17:21, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #1OiG0gb2 (Concert)