[情報] 舊金山呼叫:合成器x擊樂實驗音樂即興

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舊金山呼叫:合成器x擊樂實驗音樂即興 SF Calling: Synth x Percussion Experimental Music Improv 時間 Time/ 2018/10/23(二) 19:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performers/ <duo> Jorge Bachmann (US) / 模組合成器 modular synth + Kevin Corcoran (US) / 擊樂 percussion feat. 張登堯 CHANG Deng-Yao / 二胡 erhu 入場贊助 Donation for entry/ $250-150 自由訂價 self-pricing donation *不論年齡只要有親子關係,即一位免費入場 Audiences with parent-child relationship will get free entry for one person. *請勿攜帶外食飲品 No outside food or drinks allowed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performers/ ● Jorge Bachmann (US) Jorge Bachmann是一位舊金山的媒體藝術家、實驗作曲家與策展人,他自2000年左右就加 入了當地的實驗音樂/舞蹈場景。 巴赫曼的作品探索著廣泛的可能性,兼容並蓄,從低限的「具象音樂」音景作品,一直到 類比模組合成器極微主義作品。 他從 1980 年代初期開始就在試探著日常生活中奇異、獨特而微小的聲響。他也收集田野 錄音與創作著沉浸式的音景作品,將野外聲音環境與人造聲音的界線模糊。巴赫曼也為 MOBU舞團譜曲,並且與Christine Bonansea Dance Company密切合作。他曾在北美、南美 、歐洲、日本及臺灣展演。他在2009的第十屆舊金山電子音樂節演出自己的影音作品《 Coleoptera》。近年來,他偕同許多藝術家演出或即興演奏:亞歷山卓.柯第尼 (Alessandro Cortini)、布萊恩.戴 (Bryan Day)、麥可.雋卓 (Michael Gendreau)、 梅森.瓊斯 (Mason Jones)、大衛.葛瑞夫斯 (David Graves)、丹尼許塔.里維羅 (Danishta Rivero)、馬可斯.霍金 (Markus Hawkings)、松山祐子 (Yuko Matsuyama)、 凱文.寇爾寇蘭 (Kevin Corcoran) 以及川口貴大 (Takahiro Kawaguchi)。 他最新的個人專輯《Mare Island》由巴爾的摩的「VauxFlores Industrial」廠牌發行。 目前他也是「Collision Stories」、「audre」與「Faults」等演出組合的一員。 JORGE BACHMANN is a media artist, experimental composer and curator based in San Francisco , USA. Working across a wide range of explorations, bachmann's work is eclectic, going from subtle "musique concrete" soundscapes to analog synth minimalism. Since the early 1980's he has been exploring the strange, unique and microcosmic sounds of everyday life, collecting field recordings and creating soundscapes meant for deep listening. He has performed in North America, Europe, Japan, Taiwan and South America. In 2009 he performed his audio-visual piece, Coleoptera, at the 10th Francisco Electronic Music Festival. In recent years he has performed and improvised with the likes of Alessandro Cortini, Bryan Day, Michael Gendreau, Mason Jones, David Graves, Dan- ishta Rivero, Markus Hawkings and Takahiro Kawaguchi. --- ● Kevin Corcoran (US) Kevin Corcoran的表演建立在以聲音作為媒介的廣泛興趣上,而這些聲音在表演與固定的 媒體作品中透過藝術、音樂、生態、傳達溝通等的內涵之間流動。 身為一位擊樂家,他最感興趣的是能夠延伸樂器發聲可能性的相關技巧,包括強調構造聲 響、磨擦、共振、持續音與物件的使用等等。因此,他的演奏重點是在演奏過程中自由安 排聲響事件,而非以節奏來標定時間。 他也使用環境錄音來進行表演,特別感興趣的是自然與人造環境中的聲響,透過回饋系統 、電腦軟體與卡帶對場域和電子聲響進行觀察與互動。在他的表演中這些聲響經常用來結 合擊樂演奏,被移置他處的環境聲響提供了對於該空間暫時的聲音自明性,以及對於過往 動作的聲音層次,並且融入當下的聲音創造。 他在加州大學戴維斯分校學習聲音藝術與媒體理論,在取得科技文化研究學位之後搬到舊 金山定居、獨立工作並與其他音樂家、舞者、電影導演共同合作。 他的表演足跡遍及美國、歐洲、日本與臺灣,並且參與合作過幾張發行的錄音,其中包含 即興演奏與作曲演奏,目前仍有合作和特定的即興演奏計畫在進行中。 同時他也是音樂會系列「Re:Soundwhich」的共同策劃人與紀錄者,該系列演出在舊金山 馬雷島一處廢棄的彈藥庫中舉行,並且透過非營利組織「23Five Incorporated」來運作 ,該組織是專門為了聲音創作在公共領域中的發展與提升關注所設立。 Kevin Corcoran works with an open interest in sound as medium as it moves through contexts of art, music, ecology, and communication in performance and fixed media pieces. As a percussionist he is most interested in techniques which extend the sonic possibilities of the instrument emphasizing textural sound, friction, sympathetic vibration, sustained tones and the use of found objects. In this way, emphasis is placed on freely arranging sonic events in duration rather than marking time by rhythm. He works also with environmental recordings, interested in sounds of natural and built surroundings through both observing and interacting with sites, and electronic sound through feedback systems, computer software and cassette tapes. These sounds are often combined with percussion in his performances where displaced environmental sounds provide a temporary acoustic identity of the space, and layers of past actions join the present moment of sound-making. After earning a degree in Technocultural Studies from the University of California at Davis where he studied sonic arts and media theory he relocated to San Francisco where he currently lives, working solo and in collaboration with other musicians, dancers and filmmakers. He has performed throughout the United States, Europe, Japan and Taiwan and has collaborated on several published recordings both improvised and composed while continuing to work in ongoing collaborations and ad-hoc improvisations. In addition to his own work he is co-curator and archivist of the concert series Re:Soundwhich takes place in an abandoned munitions magazine on Mare Island and operates under the nonprofit organization 23Five Incorporated which is dedicated to the development and increased awareness of sound works in the public arena. --- ● 張登堯 CHANG Deng-Yao 1984年生於新竹,美國馬里蘭藝術學院藝術創作碩士,2010年回台後持續從事藝術展演、 策劃與推廣至今,並成立江山藝改所藝文空間。自幼學習鋼琴與二胡多年,並參與樂團演 出,聆聽音樂類型廣泛,從古典傳統到前衛實驗,近年開始嘗試以二胡及嗩吶進行自由即 興與噪音演奏。 Born 1984 and based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. Deng-Yao received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, MD. He has been constantly working on artistic practice, curatorial practice and art promotion since returning to Taiwan in 2010. He founded the art space “Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo”. He learned to play piano and erhu for many years when in young ages and participated in a well-known local Chinese orchestra. He enjoys listening to music comprehensively, from classical or traditional music to avant-garde or experimental sounds. He has attempted to play erhu and suona in an freely improvisational and noisy approach in recent years. 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/1934778073254944/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 10/23/2018 02:53:42
文章代碼(AID): #1RpXogSF (Concert)
文章代碼(AID): #1RpXogSF (Concert)