[情報] 亞洲長鳴在德國
Asian Drones In Germany
時間 Time/
2019/08/14(三) 19:30入場 door opens / 20:00開演 starts
地點 Venue/
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City)
表演者 Performers/
Kazehito Seki (JP) / 人聲、混音器 voice, mixer
Tintin Patrone (DE/PH) / 長號、電子 trombone, electronics
入場贊助 Donation for entry/
$300-200 自由訂價 self-pricing donation
Audiences with parent-child relationship will get free entry for one person.
No outside food or drinks allowed.
關於表演者 About The Performers/
● Kazehito Seki (JP)
東京出身、目前旅居德國柏林的Noise和Hardcore之間的Voice x Noise藝術家。他的聲音
Electrifeeding voice artist, Noise musician, Aural acupuncturist, etc. His
latest solo project titled Self Toxication explores possibilities of noise
music (the music beyond the existing context/idioms of “music”) with
extended vocal noise techniques, their amplification, and the feedbacks
through re-amplification processes. Kazehito’s unique organic noise with no
ready-made effects coins the onliest groove with dynamic physicality.
Exploring stages (or anything with PA) all over the world, also as his
lifetime project, he has toured Europe extensively, Japan, Southeast Asia,
USA, with Self Toxication, as well as Sweatnosiecore duo project, BNSU, and
collaborations with numerous other artists, installations, musicians,
performers, etc. Some of his past stages are listed as below: Ende Tymes
(2019, 2017 / NYC), TOPH X TUSK FRINGE (2018 / Newcastle), Hluková mystéria
(2018 / Ostrava), allEars (2018 / Oslo), MultiDOM (2016~ / Over Europe, at
Hausmania, OCCII, Rxxxxhaus, etc), FRIV Festival (2016 / Pozna,
MultiMadeira (2015 / Madeira), (LUFF - Lausanne Underground Film&Music
Festival 2016, 15), etc.
Various releases of his projects can be found via Brain Pussyfication
(Multiverse), DBY Records (Pilsen), Deathwave Industries (Massachusetts),
Ideopathic Records (NYC), Larch Records (寵, Mapawi Records (Montreal),
OOOSOUND (Tokyo), Oxen Records (LA), etc.
● Tintin Patrone (DE/PH)
Tintin Patrone是一位來自德國漢堡的菲律賓裔作曲家和聲音藝術家。她最小的聲響創作
育空地區(Yukon Territory)的哈士奇吟唱嚎叫或泰國北部的泰國大象樂團(the Thai
Elephant Orchestra )。
她的首張個人專輯《Oswald Wiener Dog》專注於調音,語調和諧波調製。這項創作是藉
簡介:玩劇島小劇場 Little Play)
Tintin Patrone is a German-Filipino composer and sound-artist based in
Hamburg, Germany. Her minimal sound work and long duration performances are
essentially shaped by her studies in microtonality and music making animals
like the chanting huskies from Yukon Territory, Canada or the Thai Elephant
Orchestra from Northern Thailand. Her debut solo album called ‘Oswald Wiener
Dog' is focused on tuning, intonation and harmonic modulation. The work moves
gradually through a series of long, sustained tones played by trombone and
various modulation devices. The songs and improvisational pieces rely on the
perceptual effects of controlled tones to re- calibrate the listener’s
relationship to natural sound.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 編輯: OscarJeff ( 臺灣), 08/14/2019 11:08:29
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