[情報] 丹麥-臺灣電噪競集

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丹麥-臺灣電噪競集 Denmark-Taiwan Electro/Noise Jam Session 時間 Time/ 2019/10/04(五) 19:30入場 door opens / 20:00開演 starts 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performers/ sæNk solo (DK) / 電吉他、電子 electric guitar, electronics 徐嘉駿 Chia-Chun Xu / 電子 electronics feat. 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang / 二胡 erhu 入場贊助 Donation for entry/ $300-200 自由訂價 self-pricing donation *不論年齡只要有親子關係,即一位免費入場 Audiences with parent-child relationship will get free entry for one person. *請勿攜帶外食飲品 No outside food or drinks allowed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performers/sæNk solo (DK) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4Je6asW-Rc&t=2s
sæNk這個名稱由Cesar Franck這個名字混合而來,他的作品是這個演出名義的起始點; 2015年時sæNk還只是一支清新的二重奏組合,演出短篇緊湊的作品與長篇刺耳的殭屍音 樂即興,每一次的演出皆精心的錄製、保存、混音與進行母帶後期製作,有些被放在 Youtube上。創始成員Mathias Klarlund對於各種不同類型的音樂擁有極大的熱愛,特別 是來自聆聽者的反饋,促使他的音樂更加具有感染力。sæNk曾在世界遺產礦場、老工廠 、鐵克諾派對、農場、城堡廣場、稻田、叢林、開放街道與潮濕的地下室等差異極大的場 域演出,他們的音樂曾被歸類為摔角即興、信任搖滾、情緒前衛與巫師爵士等。自sæNk 創始以來,越來越多成員加入這樣的表演概念,到目前為止加入的樂手來自不同的音樂場 景,包括鐵克諾、doom、噪音、即興與爵士等來來去去,但只要他們演出,無論何時何地 ,主要的目標即是傳遞、共同精神、碾壓與被碾壓、歇斯底里、巨大聲響、壓低音量、懼 怕與美麗。 sæNk is a slight portmanteau of the name Cesar Franck whose compositions was the starting point for the operation; in 2015 sæNk was a new dewy duo by playing short tight compositions and long harsh zombie-soundtrack improvisations, every session meticulously recorded and stored, mixed and mastered and some put on youtube. Original member, Mathias Klarlund, has huge love for all kinds of music that asks much from its listener, that animates and that has the ability to dip-dye blinx of eyes. There has been sæNk concerts at a UNESCO world heritage quarry, at an old factory, at technoparties, at a farm, in castle yards, rice-fields, jungles, open streets and wet basements. It has been labelled wrestlejam, trustrock, emoprog and witchjazz!!!!! Since it's beginning, more members add to the concept, so far musicians from the techno scene, the doom scene, the noise, improv and the jazz scene have been involved, come and go, but whenever they play, the main aim is at transmission, common spirits, the overwhelming and overwhelmed, the hysteric, the loud, the hushed, the scary and the beautiful. -- ● 徐嘉駿 Chia-Chun Xu 1997年生,於2015年開始以Berserk名義進行粗噪音演出及創作,初期以自製樂器產生的 大量反饋和合成器為主,而後開始專注於效果器「無輸入(no-input)」的手法,以大量 效果器串接/錯用,進而在內部產生出一連串多變且難以控制的反饋,並透過大量的破音 扭曲,放大其音色。受日本噪音、死亡金屬、硬芯龐克等音樂影響,以高能量、大音量且 極具身體性的激烈現場演出聞名。而在2017年,他開始以本名使用無輸入混音器( no-input mixer)、短波收音機等媒材與自由即興樂手或民間談講者合作,不同於 Berserk外放的粗噪音手法,他以本名的創作則更為內斂,雖同樣操縱電子雜訊,但比以 往更注重於聲音與所在空間,其他樂手以及觀眾的對話關係,以及聲音本身的細節和層次 。除創作者的身分外,另為新興實驗音樂廠牌MKUltra Productions主理人,不定期發行 台灣以及世界各地噪音、實驗音樂等作品,並於2019年起開始策劃「Outer Pulsation」 戶外游擊噪音演出。 Born in 1997, Xu set out performing and producing harsh noise under the alias “Berserk” since 2015. Initially, he focused on playing rough feedback from handmade instruments and synthesizers before carrying on specializes in no-input effects. Influenced by Japanoise, Death Metal, Hardcore Punk, his live performance is known for highly intense physical energy and massive volume. In 2017, he turned to combining various equipments including no-input mixer and shortwave radio to session with Free Improvisation musicians and folk narrator. His works as Chia-Chun Xu emphasize more on the interaction between sounds, space, and the others. Besides working on his projects, he also runs his music label “MKUltra Productions”, promoting Taiwanese and worldwide noise and experimental musicians. -- ● 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang 出生成長於新竹,美國馬里蘭藝術學院藝術創作碩士,2010年回台後持續從事藝術展演、 策劃與推廣至今,並成立江山藝改所藝文空間。自幼學習鋼琴與二胡多年,並參與樂團演 出,聆聽音樂類型廣泛,從古典傳統到前衛實驗,近年開始嘗試以二胡及嗩吶進行自由即 興與噪音演奏。 Born, raised and based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, MD. He has been constantly working on artistic practice, curatorial practice and art promotion since returning to Taiwan in 2010. He founded the art space “Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo”. He learned to play piano and erhu for many years when in young ages and participated in a well-known local Chinese orchestra. He enjoys listening to music comprehensively, from very classical or traditional to extremely avant-garde or experimental. He has attempted to play erhu and suona in an freely improvisational and noisy approach in recent years. 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/528622584570904/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 編輯: OscarJeff ( 臺灣), 10/04/2019 01:40:52
文章代碼(AID): #1TbZAPZL (Concert)
文章代碼(AID): #1TbZAPZL (Concert)