Re: [鄉村] 本周Billboard鄉村Top 10
看板CountryMusic (鄉村音樂)作者Lovemei (超愛Archie.的駿)時間14年前 (2011/01/23 17:18)推噓2(2推 0噓 0→)留言2則, 2人參與討論串49/86 (看更多)
LW TW Artist Album Sales TW Sales Total
1 3 Taylor Swift Speak Now 35,381 3,047,740
10 6 Various/Country Strong Official Soundtrack 28,606 100,005
New 7 Steel Magnolia Steel Magnolia 28,313 28,346
9 11 Jason Aldean My Kinda Party 25,209 741,848
48 23 Various/Country Strong More Music From Film 15,289 25,926
18 25 Lady Antebellum Need You Now 14,632 3,123,400
31 28 Kenny Chesney Hemingway's Whiskey 12,230 642,848
29 31 Zac Brown Band You Get What You Give 11,634 623,021
30 33 Rascal Flatts Nothing Like This 11,005 570,016
33 34 Tim McGraw Number One Hits 10,754 210,191
36 37 The Band Perry The Band Perry 10,565 354,474
34 38 Sugarland Incredible Machine 10,512 804,538
62 52 Darius Rucker Charleston, SC 1966 7,340 370,045
57 57 Miranda Lambert Revolution 6,901 1,142,415
65 59 Blake Shelton Loaded: Best Of... 6,558 135,948
58 61 Alan Jackson 34 Number Ones 6,287 175,274
69 68 Zac Brown Band Foundation 5,819 2,483,392
50 69 Keith Urban Get Closer 5,754 502,325
69 75 Billy Currington Enjoy Yourself 5,305 216,329
87 80 Taylor Swift Fearless 5,186 6,228,690
103 86 Toby Keith Bullets In The Gun 4,745 274,910
93 96 Brad Paisley Hits Alive 4,321 184,838
98 101 Carrie Underwood Play On 4,117 1,932,803
New 108 Grascals Grascals and Friends... 4,049 4,049
102 121 Reba All The Woman I Am 3,481 221,365
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