Re: [鄉村] 本周Billboard鄉村Top 10

看板CountryMusic (鄉村音樂)作者 (流氓駿)時間14年前 (2011/03/31 15:56), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串56/86 (看更多)
LW TW Artist Album Sales TW Sales Total 18 26 Jason Aldean My Kinda Party 19,271 999,608 23 28 Zac Brown Band You Get What You Give 16,538 787,242 20 30 Rascal Flatts Nothing Like This 16,198 719,635 17 32 Sara Evans Stronger 15,751 93,167 26 34 Taylor Swift Speak Now 15,344 3,286,967 24 34 Lady Antebellum Need You Now 15,110 3,387,410 30 38 Aaron Lewis Town Line 13,346 80,888 47 46 Sugarland The incredible Machine 11,272 911,629 27 48 Kenny Rogers Love of God 10,362 35,897 42 49 Steve Martin/S.C.Rangers Rare Bird Alert 10,236 19,756 36 53 Thompson Square Thompson Square 9,668 109,480 41 57 The Band Perry The Band Perry 9,396 465,797 46 58 Kenny Chesney Hemingway's Whiskey 9,358 758,928 60 65 Miranda Lambert Revolution 7,950 1,242,046 51 72 Tim McGraw Number One Hits 7,129 308,770 66 77 Zac Brown Band Foundation 6,827 2,559,143 NEW 89 Josh Kelley Georgia Clay 6,125 6,130 77 91 Billy Currington Enjoy Yourself 5,950 282,034 65 99 Lucinda Williams Blessed 5,563 50,691 74 100 Blake Shelton Loaded…Best of Blake… 5,561 212,078 New 105 Various Artist/ZinePak 46th Annual ACM Award 5,323 5,323 New 109 Josh Turner Icon: Best Of 5,144 5,187 91 111 Jerrod Niemann Judge Jerrod/Hung Jury 4,859 275,626 New 114 Billy Currington Icon: Best Of 4,779 4,801 112 127 Keith Urban Get Closer 4,280 558,830 下週就是看ACM的影響了~~~ 再補充一下 泰勒妹這週慶祝全球專輯銷售突破2000萬張 Big Machine公布的銷售數字: Taylor's 20 million + albums sold include the following: Taylor Swift 5,534,805 units US & International Fearless 8,681,753 units US & International Speak Now 4,850,246 units US & International The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection 788,353 units US Beautiful Eyes 257,047 units US -- ◣ ◢ ◢█ ◢█◣ ◢◣◢◣◢◣ ◢ ◣◢ ◢█ ◢█◢█◣◢◢█ ◢██ ◢█ ███ ▍▍ ▍▍▃▃ ◥█◤◥██◤█◥██◥█ 美國偶像全新第季正式開播 詳情請洽AmericanIdol板 kxhaψ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Lovemei 來自: (03/31 15:57) ※ 編輯: Lovemei 來自: (04/01 10:31)
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文章代碼(AID): #1Db3E-Ew (CountryMusic)