Re: [鄉村] 本周Billboard鄉村Top 10

看板CountryMusic (鄉村音樂)作者 (苦工)時間14年前 (2011/04/19 17:25), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串58/86 (看更多)
本周因為ACM的關係都有上漲,不過沒多很多 01.Jason Aldean/My Kinda Party (22,698) 02.Zac Brown Band/You Get What You Give (21,610) 03.Taylor Swift/Speak Now (17,768) 04.Lady Antebellum/Need You Now (16,297) 05.Sara Evans/Stronger (14,648) 06.Rascal Flatts/Nothing Like This (14,028) 07.Sugarland/Incredible Machine (12,811) 08.The Band Perry/The Band Perry (12,614) 09.Miranda Lambert/Revolution (12,545) 10.Aaron Lewis/Town Line (10,435) ※ 引述《Lovemei (流氓駿)》之銘言: : LW TW Artist Album Sales TW Sales Total : 26 23 Jason Aldean My Kinda Party 19,251 1,018,862 : 28 28 Zac Brown Band You Get What You Give 16,763 804,005 : 30 30 Rascal Flatts Nothing Like This 15,714 735,349 : 33 33 Taylor Swift Speak Now 14,753 3,301,720 : 34 35 Lady Antebellum Need You Now 14,644 3,402,054 : 32 38 Sara Evans Stronger 14,126 107,293 : 46 41 Sugarland The incredible Machine 13,456 925,085 : 38 50 Aaron Lewis Town Line 11,559 92,447 : 65 53 Miranda Lambert Revolution 11,020 1,253,066 : 53 57 Thompson Square Thompson Square 10,273 119,753 : 57 59 The Band Perry The Band Perry 10,149 475,946 : 58 64 Kenny Chesney Hemingway's Whiskey 9,472 768,400 : 78 66 Zac Brown Band Foundation 8,763 2,567,906 : 73 85 Tim McGraw Number One Hits 6,494 315,264 : 48 88 Kenny Rogers The Love of God 6,273 42,170 : 93 90 Billy Currington Enjoy Yourself 6,206 288,240 : 49 93 Steve Martin/S.C.Rangers Rare Bird Alert 6,008 25,764 : 150 94 Brad Paisley Hits Alive 5,864 235,881 : 102 96 Blake Shelton Loaded…Best of Blake… 5,775 217,853 : 107 107 Various Artist/ZinePak 46th Annual ACM Award 5,324 10,647 : 113 111 Jerrod Niemann Judge Jerrod/Hung Jury 5,175 280,781 : 128 124 Keith Urban Get Closer 4,788 563,618 : 138 137 Eric Church Carolina 4,298 433,212 : 143 138 Easton Corbin Easton Corbin 4,284 353,577 : Re 152 Carrie Underwood Play On 3,928 1,977,026 : 下週就看ACM效應完全發酵的結果了 前5名應該只有Rascal Flatts會往後退吧... : 另外本週ZBB的"Colder Weather"拿下Billboard鄉村單曲榜#1 : 他們從2008年的單曲"Chicken Fried"開始已經拿下6支#1 : 只有"Whatever It Is"#2 不過"Whatever It Is"有在Mediabase冠軍 : 所以等於他們從2008年開始到現在的連續7支單曲全數拱入#1(抖) : 而且"Colder Weather"下週篤定繼續冠軍.....(再抖) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

04/20 17:04, , 1F
幸好Rascal Flatts沒怎麼跌 這週名次應可回升~
04/20 17:04, 1F

04/24 09:01, , 2F
04/24 09:01, 2F

04/24 09:22, , 3F
推錯 > <
04/24 09:22, 3F
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