Re: [鄉村] 本周Billboard鄉村Top 10

看板CountryMusic (鄉村音樂)作者 (流氓駿)時間14年前 (2011/05/01 22:29), 編輯推噓4(400)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串60/86 (看更多)
Billboard Chart Date: Week of May 07, 2011 LW TW Artist Album Sales TW Sales Total 3 6 Alison Krauss/Union Station Paper Airplane 42,314 125,554 15 13 Jason Aldean My Kinda Party 30,298 1,094,905 30 17 Taylor Swift Speak Now 27,324 3,361,961 26 23 Original Soundtrack Country Strong 21,205 234,545 27 25 Zac Brown Band You Get What You Give 19,593 863,789 35 28 Rascal Flatts Nothing Like This 17,970 781,177 36 29 Lady Antebellum Need You Now 17,863 3,449,923 43 33 The Band Perry The Band Perry 17,178 516,681 40 36 Sara Evans Stronger 15,248 149,786 55 47 Sugarland The Incredible Machine 11,881 959,367 58 52 Miranda Lambert Revolution 10,449 1,285,123 57 55 Aaron Lewis Town Line 9,500 121,657 77 64 Kenny Chesney Hemingway's Whiskey 8,220 792,274 70 65 Thompson Square Thompson Square 8,131 143,531 68 68 Zac Brown Band The Foundation 7,989 2,591,555 83 71 Soundtrack - More Music Country Strong 7,690 63,321 93 75 Blake Shelton Loaded…Best of Blake… 7,386 237,714 97 85 Tim McGraw Number One Hits 6,766 333,751 114 103 Darius Rukcer Charleston, SC 1966 5,302 452,418 122 106 Jerrod Niemann Judge Jerrod/Hung Jury 5,055 294,299 118 108 Billy Currington Enjoy Yourself 5,012 302,890 145 129 Brad Paisley Hits Alive 4,277 289,244 Re 146 Carrie Underwood Play On 3,875 1,990,383 124 172 Craig Campbell Craig Campbell 3,303 15,256 Re 185 Toby Keith Bullets In The Gun 3,063 323,880 Carrie跟Sugarland再一個月左右就可以分別正式突破200萬和100萬張了!!! 感謝Easter假期讓專輯銷量全面回升~ -- ◣ ◢ ◢█ ◢█◣ ◢◣◢◣◢◣ ◢ ◣◢ ◢█ ◢█◢█◣◢◢█ ◢██ ◢█ ███ ▍▍ ▍▍▃▃ ◥█◤◥██◤█◥██◥█ 美國偶像全新第季正式開播 詳情請洽AmericanIdol板 kxhaψ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/02 17:24, , 1F
Jason Aldean儼然已成為鄉村一哥
05/02 17:24, 1F

05/02 17:45, , 2F
The Band Perry破50了~~繼續慢慢的破百吧!!
05/02 17:45, 2F

05/02 17:47, , 3F
05/02 17:47, 3F

05/02 20:27, , 4F
沒想到Jason Aldean這麼會賣
05/02 20:27, 4F
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