Re: [鄉村] 本周Billboard鄉村Top 10
看板CountryMusic (鄉村音樂)作者Lovemei (流氓駿)時間14年前 (2011/05/13 22:56)推噓6(6推 0噓 10→)留言16則, 5人參與討論串63/86 (看更多)
Billboard Chart Date: Week of May 21, 2011
LW TW Artist Album Sales TW Sales Total
11 12 Jason Aldean My Kinda Party 28,773 1,147,138
12 16 Alison Krauss Paper Airplane 23,424 171,944
/Union Station
new 26 Colt Ford Every Chance I Get 19,117 19,145
43 27 Lady Anthebellum Need You Now 18,657 3,478,212
30 28 Taylor Swift Speak Now 18,019 3,391,028
27 29 Zac Brown Band You Get What You Give 16,112 892,920
New 30 Donny & Marie Donny & Marie 16,038 16,044
36 37 Rascal Flatts Nothing Like This 14,201 806,512
40 42 Sara Evans Stronger 12,080 171,752
33 46 Original Soundtrack Country Strong 11,526 257,968
42 48 The Band Perry The Band Perry 11,354 537,701
63 53 Sugarland The Incredible Machine 10,091 976,145
18 55 Emmylou Harris Hard Bargin 10,000 27,086
55 61 Miranda Lambert Revolution 8,880 1,301,319
24 67 Steve Earle I'll Never Get Out of 7,858 21,884
This World Alive
71 69 Blake Shelton Loaded…Best of Blake… 7,809 251,819
73 71 Kenny Chesney Hemingway's Whiskey 7,563 806,038
57 74 Aaron Lewis Town Line 7,191 136,072
84 77 Zac Brown Band The Foundation 6,911 2,604,006
72 79 Thompson Square Thompson Square 6,468 156,233
77 81 Tim McGraw Number One Hits 6,361 346,026
NEW 85 Randy Travis Randy Travis 6,318 6,318
115 112 Darius Rucker Charleston, SC 1966 5,018 461,781
NEW 128 Eli Young Band Crazy Girl EP 4,631 4,631
147 132 Billy Currington Enjoy Yourself 4,598 311,250
re 139 Keith Urban Get Closer 4,403 583,646
re 144 Steve Martin And The Rare Bird Alert 4,317 42,739
Steep Canyon Rangers
151 145 Jerrod Niemann Judge Jerrod/Hung Jury 4,313 302,274
200 198 Easton Corbin Easton Corbin 3,444 371,167
out out Carrie Underwood Play On 3,260 1,996,397
本週最矚目的就是Lady Antebellum "Just A Kiss"憑藉著高銷售211,000
不僅在Digital Songs榜飆至#3 更在Hot 100空降#7
打破52年來鄉村團體debut Hot 100最高紀錄
(之前是由Sugarland保持這記錄 "Stuck Like Glue" debut #20)
另外在鄉村單曲榜也空降#28 也是他們在鄉單榜最高debut
不過很可惜無法打破Rascal Flatts於2007年創的鄉村團體debut鄉單榜最高紀錄
"Take Me There" debut #24 並且火速飆升 第10週冠軍 一共3週#1
Lady Antebellum的還只是團體第三高debut
第二是Sugarland 2008年 "All I Want To Do" debut #27
一樣快速上升 第11週冠軍 1週#1
是繼Miranda Lambert去年6月的4週冠"The House That Built Me"後
再度有女歌手能#1 2週以上~
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美國偶像全新第十季正式開播 詳情請洽AmericanIdol板 kxhaψ
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
05/13 23:07, , 1F
05/13 23:07, 1F
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05/13 23:11, 4F
※ 編輯: Lovemei 來自: (05/13 23:13)
05/14 21:31, , 5F
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05/17 20:30, , 16F
05/17 20:30, 16F
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