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看板DoctorWho作者時間13年前 (2011/05/21 09:46), 9年前編輯推噓9(906)
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R^L#@a,:L1:,#@ ██████◣ ██ ██ ◥█◣ ██ ▍ ██ ◥█ ██ ▍ ██ █ ██ ▊ ▋ ██ █ ██ ▊ ▋ ██ █ ██ █▊ ▋ ██ █ ██ █▊ ▋ ██ ◢█ ██ █ ▋ ▋ ██ ◢█◤ ██ █ ▋ ▋ ██████◤ ███ █▌ List of Doctor Who Episodes ▼ ^L:L1:#@u,:L8:,#@d,:L2:,#@r,:11:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1→ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:L2:#@u,:L1:,#@d,:L3:,#@r,:21:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2→ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:L3:#@u,:L2:,#@d,:L4:,#@r,:31:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3→ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:L4:#@u,:L3:,#@d,:09:,#@r,:41:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4→ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:09:#@u,:L4:,#@d,:L5:,#@r,:091:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 → ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:L5:#@u,:09:,#@d,:L6:,#@r,:51:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5→ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:L6:#@u,:L5:,#@d,:L7:,#@r,:61:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6→ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:L7:#@u,:L6:,#@d,:L50:,#@r,:71:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7→ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:L50:#@u,:L7:,#@d,:L8:,#@r,:DoD:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th → ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ^L:DoD:#@l,:L50:,#@d,:ToD:,#@u,:ToD:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ║ 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ War Doctor : John Hurt ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝╟────╖ ┌─ The Day of The Doctor 劇情簡介: ║Season 1║║Season 2║ │ 博士和Clara收到伊莉莎白一 ║Season 3║ │ 世的請求,來調查美術館的 ║Season 4║ ├─ The Time of The Doctor 神秘事件。他們在美術館裡 ║ 2009 ║ │ 見到名為"Gallifrey Falls" ║Season 5║ │ ,一副描繪時間大戰的畫作 ║Season 6║ │ 。驚訝之餘,博士發現他的 ║Season 7║ │ 過去和未來開始重疊.... ║ 50th ╟──┘ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ψSteven Moffat ^L:ToD:#@l,:L50:,#@u,:DoD:,#@d,:DoD,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ║ 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ┌─ The Day of The Doctor 劇情簡介: ║Season 1║║Season 2║ │ 博士和Clara如預言所說的再 ║Season 3║ │ 度來到Trenzalore,博士的 ║Season 4║ ├─ The Time of The Doctor 安息之地。已經無法重生的 ║ 2009 ║ │ 博士被他所遭遇過的各種敵 ║Season 5║ │ 人困在此地,他必須在各種 ║Season 6║ │ 威脅前保護一個名為"聖誕" ║Season 7║ │ 的小鎮。 ║ 50th ╟──┘ ║Season 8║ ╚════╝ ψSteven Moffat ^L:L8:#@u,:L50:,#@d,:L1:,#@r,:L801:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ ║Season 2║ ║Season 3║ ║Season 4║ ║ 2009 ║ ║Season 5║ ║Season 6║ ║Season 7║ ║ 50th ║ ║Season 8→ ╚════╝ ^L:11:#@l,:L1:,#@d,:12:,#@u,:114:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead Rose Tyler是一個普通的女孩 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 在服飾店打工,過著平凡的生 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 活。有一天,她發現服飾店裡 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 的塑膠模特兒都活起來了,還 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 有一個自稱「博士」的怪人拉 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 著Rose到處跑,一場奇幻的冒 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 險正要展開! ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:12:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:11:,#@d,:13:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 博士用他的時間機器,TARDIS ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 帶Rose到地球的末日去,太陽 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 即將要超新星化,地球將不復 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 存在。數十個外星名人聚集在 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 一艘太空船上觀賞這個奇妙絕 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 景,但是太空船居然被人惡意 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 破壞,而這其中似乎又有某些 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 陰謀.... ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:13:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:12:,#@d,:14:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 這回博士和Rose來到19世紀的 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 卡地夫,這個小鎮發生了不尋 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 常的事,死人開始活過來並到 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 處走動。他們還遇到了大文豪 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 狄更斯,還有一個殯葬業者和 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 他會通靈的女僕-Gwyneth,究 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 竟這一行人要如何解決這離奇 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 的鬧鬼事件呢?? ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψMark Gatiss ^L:14:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:13:,#@d,:15:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead Rose決定回家探望一趟,但博 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 士卻不小心把她送到Rose離家 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 一年後的時間,大家都以為她 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 死了,Rose的男友Mickey更是 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 被指為殺人兇手。正當一行人 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 澄清誤會之際,一台外星飛船 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 居然墜毀在倫敦,還摧毀了大 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 笨鐘.... ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:15:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:14:,#@d,:16:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 繼上集,原來政府官員都被外 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 星人Slitheen殺害並取代,他 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 們打算把地球熔掉再賣出去, ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 一位記者Harris Jones也發現 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 了這個陰謀,究竟這一行人要 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 怎麼拯救地球呢? ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:16:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:15:,#@d,:17:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 這回博士和Rose來到2012年的 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 一位大富豪家,這位富豪喜歡 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 收集一些外星物品,並表示要 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 把博士,一個活生生的外星人 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game ,納入他的收藏。正當博士和 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day Rose忙著逃命時,他們卻發現 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 地牢裡還有另一個外星人,一 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 個博士永遠的死敵.... ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRobert Shearman ^L:17:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:16:,#@d,:18:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 博士、Rose、Adam來到了公元 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 20萬年的衛星五號,繞著人類 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 第四帝國旋轉的巨大衛星。這 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 裡的人可以利用腦部的晶片和 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 電腦互動,大家都想被提升到 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 神秘的第五百層,究竟第五百 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 層裡面到底有什麼呢? ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:18:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:17:,#@d,:19:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead Rose和博士回去Rose父母婚禮 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London ,也是Rose父親車禍死去的那 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 天,Rose忍不住救了她父親, ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 博士勃然大怒,因為改變時間 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 是不被允許的!!而歷史被改變 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 的後果也開始向他們襲來.... ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψPaul Cornell ^L:19:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:18:,#@d,:110:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 博士和Rose在追蹤一個神秘的 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 金屬柱,意外地來到了二戰時 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 期的英國。沒想到TARDIS上的 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 電話居然響了,這似乎和一個 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 帶毒氣面具的小男孩有關。在 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 這裡,他們還遇到了時間特工 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child Jack,究竟這三人會擦出什麼 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 火花呢? ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψSteven Moffat ^L:110:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:19:,#@d,:111:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 病毒持續擴散,許多倫敦居民 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 都變成了毒氣面具臉,開始找 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 媽咪,博士一行人開始被感染 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 者攻擊,不僅如此,德軍的炸 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 彈也將要落下,博士、Rose和 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day Jack有辦法阻止感染,並及時 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 拯救倫敦嗎? ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψSteven Moffat ^L:111:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:110:,#@d,:112:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 博士一行人回到卡地夫,利用 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 裂縫能量替TARDIS加油,但是 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 他們發現卡地夫的市長居然是 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 上次侵略的Slitheen的倖存者 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game Margaret!博士制伏她並要將 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 她送回母星並接受審判,但是 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child Margaret回去就必死無疑,她 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 懇求博士放她一馬並保證從良 ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ,博士真的能相信她嗎? ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:112:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:111:,#@d,:113:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 博士一行人再度回到衛星五號 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London ,距離他們上次造訪已是一百 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 年前的事了。現在這裡的人們 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 瘋狂迷上真人實境秀,然而輸 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 家的下場就是被消滅掉,究竟 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 衛星五號這次又有什麼樣的謎 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 題等著博士和Rose去解決呢? ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:113:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:112:,#@d,:114:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 操縱衛星五號的居然是Daleks ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London ,博士最大的死敵。Daleks要 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 發起戰爭掃平人類,同時Jack ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek 和衛星五號的自願者組織反抗 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 軍對抗Daleks好讓博士有時間 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day 完成對付Daleks的武器,Rose ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 卻被博士送回家裡,束手無策 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 的Rose知道她只剩下一個辦法 ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town 可以拯救博士,那就是TARDIS ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf 之心.... ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:114:#@l,:L1:,#@u,:113:,#@d,:11:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 9th Doctor : Christopher Eccleston ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Rose 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The End of the World ║Season 1╟──── 3.The Unquired Dead 今天是地球上的聖誕節,剛重 ║Season 2║ 4.Aliens of London 生的博士和Rose迫降回來,博 ║Season 3║ 5.World War Three 士持續昏迷不醒,但是外洩的 ║Season 4║ 6.Dalek TARDIS能量卻引來了不懷好意 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Long Game 的外星人。在博士昏迷的期間 ║Season 5║ 8.Father's Day Rose、Mickey和成為英國首相 ║Season 6║ 9.The Empty Child 的Harris Jones只好扛起保衛 ║Season 7║ 10.The Doctor Dances 地球的責任。 ║ 50th ║ 11.Boom Town ║Season 8║ 12.Bad Wolf ╚════╝ 13.The Parting of the Ways X.The Christmas Invasion ψRussell T Davies ^L:21:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:214:,#@d,:22:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 博士和Rose來到新地球的新紐 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 約,這裡的護士都是貓人,奇 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 怪的是貓人護士居然可以治好 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 許多被視為絕症的重病,這背 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 後到底有什麼秘密?同時,博 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 士的老朋友剝臉也在這,傳說 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit 中剝臉會在死前把他最大的祕 ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters 密告訴"孤獨的神",這指的難 ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her 道是博士嗎? ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψRussell T Davies ^L:22:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:21:,#@d,:23:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 博士和Rose回到了19世紀的英 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 國,在這裡他們遇到了維多利 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 亞女王,但是今晚是月圓之夜 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel ,一頭可怕的野獸正向他們一 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 行人襲來..... ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψRussell T Davies ^L:23:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:22:,#@d,:24:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 一所學校經常發生怪事,學生 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 莫名其妙地失蹤,博士、Rose ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen Mickey決定潛入調查。巧的是 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel ,博士以前的夥伴Sarah Jane ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 和K9也正在調查這起事件,正 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 當他們還沉浸在重逢的喜悅時 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit ,始作俑者已經發現他們並決 ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters 定先下手為強..... ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψToby Whithouse ^L:24:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:23:,#@d,:25:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion Mickey的第一次旅行,博士帶 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 他們來到一個無人太空船上。 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 沒想到這個船上有許多時間窗 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 口,窗口的另一端是18世紀的 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 法國,這些窗口都通向一個女 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 孩人生中的不同階段,到底這 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit 個女孩是誰? ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψSteven Moffat ^L:25:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:24:,#@d,:26:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 博士一行人意外地來到平行宇 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 宙的倫敦,Rose發現她的父親 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 還活著並且是個成功的商人, ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 而Mickey也發現他的奶奶也沒 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 死。平行宇宙的人都帶著相同 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 的耳機,但是耳機的發明人盧 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit 米克似乎有著可怕的陰謀.... ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψTom MacRae ^L:26:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:25:,#@d,:27:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 盧米克和Cybermen發動了政變 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place ,他們轉換了數以千計的平民 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 。另一方面,博士一行人和平 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 行宇宙的Mickey帶領的團隊合 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 作,打算找出擊敗Cybermen的 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 方法。 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψTom MacRae ^L:27:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:26:,#@d,:28:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 博士和Rose意外地來到1953年 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 的英國,卻發現這裡的電視非 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 常的普及,而且電視似乎有自 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 我意識,會吸走看電視的人的 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 面孔,在女王的登基大典上, ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 全英國的人都會看電視,博士 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit 有辦法阻止這場慘劇發生嗎? ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψMark Gatiss ^L:28:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:27:,#@d,:29:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 博士和Rose來到一個位於小行 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 星上的大空基地,但是這顆小 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 行星卻是繞著黑洞旋轉的,小 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 行星上挖掘出了許多寫有古文 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 的瓷器,這顆小行星上似乎潛 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 伏著不尋常的力量.... ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψMatt Jones ^L:29:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:28:,#@d,:210:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 小行星上的黑暗力量覺醒了, ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 它感染了基地上的Oods,現在 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen Oods開始追殺大家。博士決定 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 去黑暗力量的源頭─地底的神 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 秘宮殿去一探究竟,博士在那 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 裡看到了可怕的景象.... ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψMatt Jones ^L:210:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:29:,#@d,:211:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion Elton遇過博士一次,他小時 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 後也見過博士,博士一點都沒 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 老,之後Elton四處尋找博士, ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 他加入一個叫LINDA的調查組織 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern ,成員們也都和博士有過一面 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 之緣,Elton和LINDA成員們相 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit 處地相當愉快,直到有一天, ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters 一個神秘的男子的到來..... ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψRussell T Davies ^L:211:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:210:,#@d,:212:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 時逢2012倫敦奧運,一個看似 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 平靜的社區正準備慶祝,但是 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 社區裡的小孩卻一個接著一個 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 失蹤,奇怪的是,這些失蹤的 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 孩子都出現在一個孤獨的小女 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 孩的塗鴉中..... ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψMatthew Graham ^L:212:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:211:,#@d,:213:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 博士和Rose回到現代英國,他 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 們發現街上到處走滿了鬼魂, ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 而人們好像也習以為常,這都 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 是神祕機構火炬木搞的鬼。博 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 士和Rose被押到火炬木總部, ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 在這裡,他們發現那些神秘的 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit 影子絕對不是所謂的鬼魂。 ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψRussell T Davies ^L:213:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:212:,#@d,:214:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Rose Tyler : Billie Piper ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 原來鬼影是Cybermen,它們穿 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 越了平行宇宙入侵這個世界, ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 不只如此,Daleks中的Skaro ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 教團也來了,並準備啟動創世 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern 方舟計畫,Daleks和Cybermen ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 在火炬木裡大打出手,博士不 ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit 僅要想辦法在這場戰爭中活下 ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters 來,更要阻止雙方的邪惡計畫 ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψRussell T Davies ^L:214:#@l,:L2:,#@u,:213:,#@d,:21:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.New Earth 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Tooth and Claw ║Season 1║ 3.School Reunion 正當博士還在為Rose的離去感 ║Season 2╟──── 4.The Girl in Fire Place 到難過時,TARDIS上突然出現 ║Season 3║ 5.Rise of the Cybermen 一個新娘-Donna Noble,沒有 ║Season 4║ 6.The Age of Steel 人知道她是怎麼上來的,同時 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Idiot's Lantern ,一個巨大的聖誕許願星正在 ║Season 5║ 8.The Impossible Planet 高空上窺視的地球.... ║Season 6║ 9.The Satan Pit ║Season 7║ 10.Love & Monsters ║ 50th ║ 11.Fear Her ║Season 8║ 12.Army of ghost ╚════╝ 13.Doomsday X.The Runaway Bride ψRussell T Davies ^L:31:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:314:,#@d,:32:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock Martha Jones是一位實習醫師 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan ,這一天她遇到一個自稱醫生 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks (博士)的奇怪病人。這時,醫 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 院居然被傳送到了月球上!!還 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 有一群犀牛人闖了進來,氧氣 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 一點一滴的流失,他們有辦法 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 即時脫離險境嗎? ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψRussell T Davies ^L:32:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:31:,#@d,:33:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 博士答應給Martha一趟旅行, ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 他們回到了文藝復興時期英國 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks ,莎士比亞正在寫他最後一齣 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 劇本,但是卻有一群女巫對莎 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 士比亞的劇本虎視眈眈,她們 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 麼目的是什麼呢? ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψGareth Roberts ^L:33:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:32:,#@d,:34:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 博士和Martha再度來到了新地 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 球,但是這裡已經今非昔比, ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 高速公路上塞滿了汽車,每個 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 人都想要擠到上層區,但是車 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 子一輛接著一輛消失,再也沒 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 有出現。另外,垂死的剝臉也 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 在這裡,他終於要像博士透露 ║Season 7║ 10.Blink 出最大的祕密了嗎? ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψRussell T Davies ^L:34:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:33:,#@d,:35:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock Skaro 教團利用緊急時空傳送 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 逃到了1930年的曼哈頓,現在 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 正是經濟大蕭條時期,博士和 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment Martha也來到了這裡,遊民失 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 蹤的傳聞引起了博士的注意, ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature Daleks這回又想要搞什麼鬼呢 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψHelen Raynor ^L:35:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:34:,#@d,:36:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock Daleks的計劃成功了,Dalek ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan Sec和人類融合,製造出了新 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 的種族-Human Dalek,數以千 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 計的人也將被進行改造,博士 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 能夠再次阻止Daleks的邪惡計 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 畫嗎? 又或著是..... ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψHelen Raynor ^L:36:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:35:,#@d,:37:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 博士帶Martha回到現代英國, ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 正當博士準備離去時,新聞上 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 正報導Lazarus 博士已經克服 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 死亡,完成了返老還童的實驗 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 。博士和Martha準備去一探究 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 竟,想不到Lazarus 博士的實 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 驗卻出了致命的意外.... ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψStephen Greenhorn ^L:37:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:36:,#@d,:38:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 博士和Martha來到一個太空船 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 上,沒想到這艘太空船即將墜 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 毀在太陽上,而TARDIS被鎖在 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 了門後,不僅如此,一位船員 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 似乎發生了某些異變.... ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψChris Chibnall ^L:38:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:37:,#@d,:39:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 博士和Martha遭到了嗜血家族 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 的追殺,為了躲避他們,博士 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 使用一個儀器把自己改造成人 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 類,並將時間領主的記憶封在 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 一個懷錶裡,但是人類博士卻 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 不小心愛上另一個人類,嗜血 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 家族也追殺過來了,唯一知道 ║Season 7║ 10.Blink 真相的Martha有辦法阻止嗎? ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψPaul Cornell ^L:39:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:38:,#@d,:310:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 嗜血家族攻擊了村子,博士只 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 好撤退到學校,叫學生們準備 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 好戰鬥,但是子彈有辦法阻止 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 家族的稻草人大軍嗎? 另一方 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 面,遺失的懷表開始在呼喚著 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature ,究竟博士和嗜血家族誰能先 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 得到它? ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψPaul Cornell ^L:310:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:39:,#@d,:311:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 你千萬不能眨眼,你一眨眼它 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 就會活起來,它的動作比閃電 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 還快,一瞬間就能殺了你。如 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 果你還想活命,就睜大眼睛, ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 千萬不要眨眼.... ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψSteven Moffat ^L:311:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:310:,#@d,:312:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 博士和Martha回到了現代卡地 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 夫,利用裂縫能源幫TARDIS加 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 油,想不到此時Jack居然出現 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 了?!原來自從Jack被拋下後他 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 就一直在卡地夫等著博士回來 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature ,TARDIS為了甩開Jack而跑去 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 宇宙末日,在那裡他們遇到兩 ║Season 7║ 10.Blink 種人類和YANA教授。 ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψRussell T Davies ^L:312:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:311:,#@d,:313:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 原來YANA教授居然是時間領主 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 還是博士的敵人-法師,法師 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 盜走了TARDIS回到過去,博士 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 一行人利用Jack的漩渦操縱器 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 追上,卻發現法師已經成為英 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 國首相 Saxon,博士要如何粉 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 碎法師的野心呢? ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψRussell T Davies ^L:313:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:312:,#@d,:314:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Martha Jonse : Freema Agyeman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock 法師成功統治世界,Jack和博 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 士被捕,絕望的Martha只好趁 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 機逃走,但是博士在Martha走 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 前曾告訴Martha打倒法師的辦 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 法。一年後,Martha回來了, ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 這次她有辦法擊敗法師,拯救 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 她心愛的博士嗎? ║Season 7║ 10.Blink ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψRussell T Davies ^L:314:#@l,:L3:,#@u,:313:,#@d,:31:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Astrid Peth : Kylie Minogue ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Smith and Jones 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Shakespeare Code ║Season 1║ 3.Grid Lock TARDIS居然被一艘巨型太空船 ║Season 2║ 4.Daleks in Manhattan 撞到,而且還是鐵達尼號,原 ║Season 3╟──── 5.Evolution of Daleks 來這是太空遊輪鐵達尼號,正 ║Season 4║ 6.The Lazarus Experiment 當博士在上面放鬆時,遊輪居 ║ 2009 ║ 7.42 然被隕石撞擊,準備要墜毀在 ║Season 5║ 8.Human Nature 地球上,不僅如此,船上還有 ║Season 6║ 9.The Family of Blood 殺人天使虎視眈眈,博士有辦 ║Season 7║ 10.Blink 法阻止這齣慘劇發生嗎? ║ 50th ║ 11.Utopia ║Season 8║ 12.The Sound of Drums ╚════╝ 13.Last of Time Lord X.Voyage of the Damned ψRussell T Davies ^L:41:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:414:,#@d,:42:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood Donna自從拒絕博士的邀請後 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 已經過了一年,她一直過著無 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 所事事的生活。後悔的Donna ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 積極地調查神秘事件希能能再 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 次遇到博士,而在一家神秘的 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 減肥藥公司裡她真的再遇到博 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 士了,這次Donna Noble決定 ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight 不再放手。 ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψRussell T Davies ^L:42:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:41:,#@d,:43:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood Donna和博士來到了古羅馬城, ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 但是這裡是龐貝城,還是火山 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 爆發的前一天!!不僅如此,龐 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 貝人還得到了預言的能力,博 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 士和Donna都各自被給了一個預 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 言。明天火山就要爆炸了,博 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 士能及時逃走嗎? 火山裡怪異 ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight 的吼聲又是什麼呢? ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψJames Moran ^L:43:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:42:,#@d,:44:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 博士和Donna來到Ood行星,這 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 裡是奴隸外星人Oods的母星, ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 人類在這裡設置工廠大量出產 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter Oods,但,被壓榨已久的Oods ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 這次似乎正在策劃著什麼... ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψKeith Temple ^L:44:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:43:,#@d,:45:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 博士接到Martha的電話,被叫 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 回了地球,原來Martha現在正 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 為UNIT服務,他們在調查新的 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 汽車廢氣過濾系統-ATMOS,已 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 經有52起死亡事件被證實和這 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 個新系統有關,博士去拜訪發 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 明ATMOS的年輕人Luke,卻發 ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight 現背後有更大的勢力.... ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψHelen Raynor ^L:45:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:44:,#@d,:46:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 原來ATMOS是Sontaran用來征 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 服地球的武器,數以萬計的 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky ATMOS正在排放毒氣以轉換整 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 個人類族群,博士有辦法即時 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 阻止Sontaran的陰謀嗎? ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψHelen Raynor ^L:46:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:45:,#@d,:47:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 繼上集,TARDIS居然自行啟動 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem ,帶著博士、Martha、Donna ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 到了一個人類的外星殖民地, ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 在這裡,人類和Hath反目成仇 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp ,互相攻訐。而在此時,博士 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 居然被取走了DNA,拿去做出 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 了一位女戰士,她就是博士的 ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight 女兒?...... ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψStephen Greenhorn ^L:47:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:46:,#@d,:48:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 博士和Donna來到1926年參加 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 一場晚宴,他們很驚訝的發現 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 其中一位客人居然是知名女作 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 家Agatha,但是隨著晚宴的進 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 行,有些客人居然被謀殺了, ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 和Agatha的小說情節一模一樣 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead ,究竟這是怎麼回事呢? ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψGareth Roberts ^L:48:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:47:,#@d,:49:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 博士和Donna來到大圖書館-一 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 個擺滿書的星球,但是這裡在 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 一百年前發生一件事,所有人 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 都消失了!沒人知道這裡發生 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 過什麼事,此時一個探險隊也 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 來了,領隊的是一位考古學家 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead River Song,她似乎認識未來 ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight 的博士,她的真實身分是...? ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left 此時,黑影慢慢向他們靠近。 ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψSteven Moffat ^L:49:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:48:,#@d,:410:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 黑影持續攻擊,隊員們一個接 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 著一個被吃掉,Donna也迷失 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 在電腦空間裡,但是更讓博士 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 驚訝的是,River Song居然知 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 道博士的真名! ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψSteven Moffat ^L:410:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:49:,#@d,:411:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 博士和Donna到一個名叫午夜 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 的行星渡假,博士自己一人搭 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 上參觀午夜的遊覽車,但是有 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 一個東西卻跑了進來,駕駛們 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 死了,一名乘客也被感染,乘 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 客們人心惶惶互相猜忌,博士 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 有辦法阻止他們自相殘殺嗎? ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψRussell T Davies ^L:411:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:410:,#@d,:412:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood Donna這輩子做過最重要的一 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 決定就是在一個交叉道路上左 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 轉,因為這使她遇見了博士, ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 但是要是她從來沒有左轉,從 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 來沒遇見博士,這個世界又會 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 是什麼樣子呢? ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψRussell T Davies ^L:412:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:411:,#@d,:413:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 得到了Rose的惡狼警告,博士 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 和Donna趕緊回去地球,卻發 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky 現地球被偷走了!?博士只好向 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 影子連盟和Judoon求救。另一 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 方面,被偷走的地球的天空上 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 出了十幾個行星,過去的夥伴 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 們Jack、Sarah Jane、Martha ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight 開始調查,卻發現了驚人的事 ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left 實,老敵人又回來了。 ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψRussell T Davies ^L:413:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:412:,#@d,:414:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Donna Noble : Catherine Tate ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 博士終於和Rose再度重逢,但 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 他們卻被抓到Daleks的主艦上 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky ,博士和時間之子們再次聚在 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter 一起,一切就如Skaro 教團最 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp 後的成員Dalek Caan所預言的 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 一樣,地球和其他被偷走的星 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 球的命運又是如何呢? ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψRussell T Davies ^L:414:#@l,:L4:,#@u,:413:,#@d,:41:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Jackson Lake : David Morrissey ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Partners in Crime 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.The Fires of Pompeii ║Season 1║ 3.Planet of Ood 在送走所有人後,博士一人獨 ║Season 2║ 4.The Sontaran Stratagem 自晃到18世紀的英國,在這裡 ║Season 3║ 5.The Poison Sky ,他遇到另一個自稱博士的人 ║Season 4╟──── 6.The Doctor's Daughter ,博士認為這是他的未來版本 ║ 2009 ║ 7.The Unicorn and the Wasp ,但是真的是這樣嗎? 另一方 ║Season 5║ 8.Silence in the Library 面,Cybermen打破零度空間再 ║Season 6║ 9.Forest of the Dead 次回歸,這次他們帶回了一些 ║Season 7║ 10.Midnight 更致命的東西.... ║ 50th ║ 11.Turn Left ║Season 8║ 12.The Stolen Earth ╚════╝ 13.Journey's End X.The Next Doctor ψRussell T Davies ^L:091:#@l,:09:,#@u,:094:,#@d,:092:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 10th Doctor : David Tennant ║ ║ Lady Christina de Souza : Michelle Ryan ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ ║Season 1║ 博物館遭到入侵,重要的皇冠 ║Season 2║ 被一位女賊盜走,這人居然是 ║Season 3║ 一位貴族-Christina,正當她 ║Season 4║ 1.Planet of the Dead 搭上公車要逃跑時,想不到博 ║ 2009 ╟──── 2.Water of Mars 士也在車上。此時蟲洞居然開 ║Season 5║ 3.The End of Time Ⅰ 啟,整輛公車都被傳送到了外 ║Season 6║ 4.The End of Time Ⅱ 星球上,這裡還有巨大的食人 ║Season 7║ 飛魚,博士有辦法在蟲洞關閉 ║ 50th ║ 前救出大家嗎? 另外,一個預 ║Season 8║ 言也被傳達給了博士。 ╚════╝ ψRussell T Davies & Gareth Roberts ^L:092:#@l,:09:,#@u,:091:,#@d,:093:,#@
║Season 8║ 12.Closing Time ╚════╝ 13.The Wedding of River Song X.The Doctor,The Widow..... ψToby Whithouse ^L:612:#@l,:L6:,#@u,:611:,#@d,:613:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.The Impossible Astronaut 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Day of the Moon ║Season 1║ 3.The Curse of Black Spot 在博士最後的日子中,博士去 ║Season 2║ 4.The Doctor's Wife 拜訪之前的同伴Craig,Craig ║Season 3║ 5.The Rebel Flesh 和Sophie生了個兒子Alphie。 ║Season 4║ 6.The Almost People 但是博士注意到了一些不太對 ║ 2009 ║ 7.A Good Man Goes to War 勁的事,一家百貨公司的員工 ║Season 5║ 8.Let's Kill Hitler 居然一個接著一個地消失了?? ║Season 6╟──── 9.Night Terrors ║Season 7║ 10.The Girl Who Waited ║ 50th ║ 11.The God Complex ║Season 8║ 12.Closing Time ╚════╝ 13.The Wedding of River Song X.The Doctor,The Widow..... ψGareth Roberts ^L:613:#@l,:L6:,#@u,:612:,#@d,:614:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.The Impossible Astronaut 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Day of the Moon ║Season 1║ 3.The Curse of Black Spot 時間出了問題,全世界都停留 ║Season 2║ 4.The Doctor's Wife 在4/22下午5:02,唯有博士之 ║Season 3║ 5.The Rebel Flesh 死能讓一切回復正常。但是無 ║Season 4║ 6.The Almost People 法狠下心殺死她心愛的博士的 ║ 2009 ║ 7.A Good Man Goes to War River Song卻做出了一件大家 ║Season 5║ 8.Let's Kill Hitler 都意料不到的事來.... ║Season 6╟──── 9.Night Terrors ║Season 7║ 10.The Girl Who Waited ║ 50th ║ 11.The God Complex ║Season 8║ 12.Closing Time ╚════╝ 13.The Wedding of River Song X.The Doctor,The Widow..... ψSteven Moffat ^L:614:#@l,:L6:,#@u,:613:,#@d,:61:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Claire Skinner : Madge Arwell ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.The Impossible Astronaut 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Day of the Moon ║Season 1║ 3.The Curse of Black Spot 在二戰前夕的英國,一個名叫 ║Season 2║ 4.The Doctor's Wife Madge Arwell的婦人幫助墜落 ║Season 3║ 5.The Rebel Flesh 在地球的博士找到了TARDIS, ║Season 4║ 6.The Almost People 博士表示必會回報這個恩情。 ║ 2009 ║ 7.A Good Man Goes to War 三年後,二戰爆發,被通知丈 ║Season 5║ 8.Let's Kill Hitler 夫失蹤的Arwell帶著兩個孩子 ║Season 6╟──── 9.Night Terrors 難過地回到鄉下的房子,此時 ║Season 7║ 10.The Girl Who Waited 出來應門的人居然是博士?! ║ 50th ║ 11.The God Complex ║Season 8║ 12.Closing Time ╚════╝ 13.The Wedding of River Song X.The Doctor,The Widow and The Wardrobe ψSteven Moffat ^L:71:#@u,:713:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:72:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 博士中了Daleks的詭計,被抓 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 到了Daleks的議會中,Daleks ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 要求博士幫他們解除Daleks監 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 獄的力場。為了協助博士,連 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John Amy和Rory都被抓來了,但是 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten 他們兩人卻離婚了,博士必須 ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War 想辦法逃出Daleks的魔掌和解 ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide 救兩人的婚姻。另外,一個神 ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... 秘的女孩Oswin Oswald也在等 ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror 著博士..... ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψSteven Moffat ^L:72:#@u,:71:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:73:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 一台大型太空船向著未來地球 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 衝過來,博士被要求解除這個 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 危機,他卻在接Amy和Rory時 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 不小心也把Rory的父親帶上了 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John TARDIS..... ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψChris Chibnall ^L:73:#@u,:72:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:74:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 博士一行人來到美國西部牛仔 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 時代,卻發現有一個小鎮受到 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 外星人的攻擊,解救小鎮的方 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 法就是把外星人要求的人交出 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 去受死,不然全鎮的人都會死 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten ,博士該如何抉擇? ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψToby Whithouse ^L:74:#@u,:73:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:75:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 天上掉下了許多的方盒子,這 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 次博士不請自來調查奇怪的小 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 盒子。然而小盒子一直找不出 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 什麼古怪的地方,就連UNIT也 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 束手無策,直到有一天,小盒 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten 子都動起來了.... ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψChris Chibnall ^L:75:#@u,:74:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:714:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Amelia Pond : Karen Gillan ║ ║ Rory Williams : Arthur Darvill ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy Rory被哭泣天使抓到過去,想 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 去救他的博士和Amy卻被時空 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 漩渦困住,另一方面,Rory遇 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 到了調查天使的River Song, ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 究竟隔了半世紀的兩邊人馬要 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten 如何逃出天使的手掌? ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψSteven Moffat ^L:714:#@u,:75:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:76:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 失去了夥伴的博士和Vastra、 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three Jenny和Strax一起待在維多莉 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 亞時代休息。今天是白色聖誕 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 節,但是雪裡卻有奇怪的生物 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John ,另外,博士遇到了一個女孩 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten Clara,這個女孩有什麼神秘 ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War 之處呢? ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψSteven Moffat ^L:76:#@u,:714:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:77:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 博士在旅程中尋找Clara,但 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three Clara卻主動打電話到TARDIS ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan ,又驚又喜的博士連忙前往 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen Clara的所在地,但是博士只 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 找到了Clara失魂的軀體... ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψSteven Moffat ^L:77:#@u,:76:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:78:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 博士帶Clara到Akahaten行星環 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 上,當地正好在迎接一年一度 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 的祭祀典體,年度女王Marry ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 因為害怕而逃走,Clara說服 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John Marry回去主持典禮,但是典禮 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten 卻發生了嚴重的錯誤。 ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψNeil Cross ^L:78:#@u,:77:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:79:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 博士和Clara搭上了一艘冷戰 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 時代的蘇聯潛艇。潛艇正準備 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 對美國進行核武攻擊,正當博 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 士為此焦頭爛額的時,想不到 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 船上還有另一名不速之客... ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψMark Gatiss ^L:79:#@u,:78:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:710:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 博士和Clara回到過去尋找抓 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 鬼專家和會通靈的助手。四 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 個人在一棟古老的房子裡尋 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 找鬼影,不過博士來這裡找 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 是其他東西... ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψNeil Cross ^L:710:#@u,:79:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:711:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy TARDIS被太空垃圾船收走,而 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three Clara還在裡面,博士必須想 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 辦法救出Clara。另一方面, ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen TARDIS裡閒晃的Clara將發現 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 博士最大的秘密。 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of ║Season 8║ The TARDIS ╚════╝ 11.The Crimson Horror 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψStephen Thompson ^L:711:#@u,:710:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:712:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy Vastra、Jenny和Strax正在 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 調查一處離奇命案,被害人 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 的屍體都變成緋紅色,一切 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 的證據都指向一個名為微笑 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 莊園的神祕社區。三人在這 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten 一個還活著的緋紅人,想不 ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War 到那個人居然是博士... ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψMark Gatiss ^L:712:#@u,:711:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:713:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 被Artie和Angie抓住把柄, ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three Clara只好帶他們一起去時空 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 旅行。博是帶他們去一趟星 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 際樂園,想不到這裡因為失 ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 蹤人口過多而荒廢,而且這 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten 還有許多奇怪的銀色小蟲出 ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War 沒,這兩者之間究竟有什麼 ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide 關聯呢?? ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψNeil Gaiman ^L:713:#@u,:712:,#@l,:L7:,#@d,:71:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Asylum of the Daleks 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Dinosaurs on a Spaceship ║Season 1║ 3.A Town Called Mercy 博士有一個會帶進墳墓的秘 ║Season 2║ 4.The Power of Three 密,現在已經被發現了。博 ║Season 3║ 5.The Angels Take Manhattan 士發現GI綁架了他們朋友好 ║Season 4║ X.The Snowmen 逼迫他說出他最大的秘密, ║ 2009 ║ 6.The Bells of Saint John 究竟博士該怎麼辦。 ║Season 5║ 7.The Rings of Akhaten ║Season 6║ 8.Cold War ║Season 7╟──── 9.Hide ║ 50th ║ 10.Journey to the Centre of... ║Season 8║ 11.The Crimson Horror ╚════╝ 12.Nightmare in Silver 13.The Name of the Doctor ψSteven Moffat ^L:L801:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L813:,#@d,:L802:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ║ 11th Doctor : Matt Smith ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood 一隻暴龍出現在維多利亞倫敦 ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ,Vastra、Jenny和Strax前往 ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist 調查,卻發現暴龍吐出了一台 ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker 藍色警察亭,裡面是Clara和 ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon 剛重生的博士.... ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ψSteven Moffat ^L:L802:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L801:,#@d,:L803:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood 博士和Clara這回有進入宇宙中 ║Season 2║ 4.Listen 最危險的地方...Dalek內部。 ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ψPhil Ford&Steven Moffat ^L:L803:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L802:,#@d,:L804:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood 博士讓Clara選擇了下一次冒險 ║Season 2║ 4.Listen 的地點,Clara選擇去見中世紀 ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist 義賊羅賓漢... ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ψMark Gatiss ^L:L804:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L803:,#@d,:L805:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood 有時你是否覺得你不是獨自一 ║Season 2║ 4.Listen 人? 有時你是否覺得你的床下 ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist 有東西存在? 或許... 這一切 ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker 並不是你的錯覺。 ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ψSteven Moffat ^L:L805:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L804:,#@d,:L806:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood 博士和Clara發現他們和其他兩 ║Season 2║ 4.Listen 個陌生人困在一個房間,四人 ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist 都失去記憶。此時,一位神秘 ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker 人士要求四人前往宇宙中最嚴 ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon 密的銀行.....去搶劫。 ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ψStephen Thompson ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas &Steven Moffat ^L:L806:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L805:,#@d,:L807:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ^L:L807:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L806:,#@d,:L808:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ^L:L808:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L807:,#@d,:L809:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ^L:L809:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L808:,#@d,:L810:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ^L:L810:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L809:,#@d,:L811:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ^L:L811:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L810:,#@d,:L812:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ^L:L812:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L811:,#@d,:L813:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas ^L:L813:#@l,:L8:,#@u,:L812:,#@d,:L801:,#@ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Starring by 12th Doctor : Peter Capaldi ║ ║ Clara Oswald : Jenna-Louise Coleman ║ ╠═════════════════════════════════════╝ ║ ║ ║ 1.Deep Breath 劇情簡介: ╟────╖ 2.Into the Dalek ║Season 1║ 3.Robot of Sherwood ║Season 2║ 4.Listen ║Season 3║ 5.Time Heist ║Season 4║ 6.The Caretaker ║ 2009 ║ 7.Kill the Moon ║Season 5║ 8.Mummy on the Orient Express ║Season 6║ 9.Flatline ║Season 7║ 10.In the Forest of the Night ║ 50th ║ 11.Dark Water ║Season 8╟──── 12.Death in Heaven ╚════╝ X.Last Christmas
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05/21 09:50, , 1F
05/21 09:50, 1F

05/21 09:58, , 2F
好累 晚點在把每集的大綱補上去
05/21 09:58, 2F

05/21 23:45, , 3F
05/21 23:45, 3F

05/22 17:32, , 4F
05/22 17:32, 4F

05/22 17:33, , 5F
05/22 17:33, 5F

05/22 17:34, , 6F
OK 晚點再加上去
05/22 17:34, 6F

05/22 19:30, , 7F
05/22 19:30, 7F

05/22 19:43, , 8F
05/22 19:43, 8F

06/03 03:09, , 9F
06/03 03:09, 9F

08/01 22:41, , 10F
唉呀 不是耶 可是長得好像@@
08/01 22:41, 10F

08/01 22:44, , 11F
抱歉 推錯
08/01 22:44, 11F

06/19 20:06, , 12F
06/19 20:06, 12F
※ 編輯: benka 來自: (05/13 12:28)

05/13 22:51, , 13F
05/13 22:51, 13F
※ 編輯: benka 來自: (06/02 17:54) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (06/18 23:55) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (11/26 15:30) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (11/26 15:31) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (11/26 15:32) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (11/26 15:34) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (12/03 15:01) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (12/03 15:02) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (12/04 16:28) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (12/04 16:33) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (12/04 16:35) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (01/03 16:56) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (01/03 16:58) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (01/03 17:08) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (01/03 17:23) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (01/03 17:24) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (01/03 17:27) ※ 編輯: benka 來自: (01/08 13:39) ※ 編輯: benka (, 08/30/2014 00:05:28 ※ 編輯: benka (, 08/30/2014 00:06:32 ※ 編輯: benka (, 08/30/2014 00:45:15 ※ 編輯: benka (, 08/30/2014 00:46:27 ※ 編輯: benka (, 08/30/2014 00:47:06 ※ 編輯: benka (, 04/04/2015 01:36:43 ※ 編輯: benka (, 04/04/2015 01:38:04 ※ 編輯: benka (, 09/20/2015 00:27:35

10/22 14:48, , 14F
10/22 14:48, 14F

06/02 00:47, , 15F
做的真好 :D
06/02 00:47, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1DrncIfM (DoctorWho)
文章代碼(AID): #1DrncIfM (DoctorWho)