碎拍實驗室 4-29-2006

看板DrumNBass作者 (Back To The Old School)時間19年前 (2006/04/29 18:01), 編輯推噓11(1102)
留言13則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.djonair.com.tw 週六晚間10:00~12:00, 週日同時段重播。 Part.1 FunkStar In The Mix 1.Sub Focus - Special Place 2.The Militia - Let Loose (TC Remix) 3.Jenna G & Chast & Status - In Love 4.Spirit - Siren (Hive Remix) 5.D.Kay - Move Y'all 6.Crystal Clear & Code:Breaker - 2 Tone Sound 7.Chase & Status - The Druids 8.Fresh - Living Daylights II 9.Shimon & Moving Fusion - Mysterons (Baron Remix) 10.TC - Robots 11.Fresh - Nervous 12.Sub Focus - Frozen Solid 13.Total Science - Never Had A Dream 14.Fresh - Matador 15.Marky & XRS - Closer (Total Science Remix) 16.Craggz & Parallel Forces - Keep Me Real 17.Marky & XRS - Going Deaf 18.Unkown - Pump Fiction 19.TC1 & Stres Level feat Jenna G - You 20.Zinc - Casino Royale (Kosheen Hide You Acapella) 21.Cuba Gooding - Pedro Karcus Part.2則是播放即將於5.26來台表演的London Elektricity 2006年於Trible J Radio的DJ表演。 -- Choose da sword, and you will join me. Choose da bone , and you will join your motherfucking death. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/29 21:01, , 1F
04/29 21:01, 1F

04/30 10:41, , 2F
即將於5.26來台表演的London Elektricity...??????
04/30 10:41, 2F

04/30 22:25, , 3F
04/30 22:25, 3F

05/01 06:42, , 4F
請問是Djing or Live Performance?在"這牆"辦如果是後者
05/01 06:42, 4F

05/01 06:44, , 5F
05/01 06:44, 5F

05/01 06:49, , 6F
光想到Live Elektricity,Jungle Drummer,Liane Carroll...
05/01 06:49, 6F

05/01 06:51, , 7F
05/01 06:51, 7F

05/01 15:14, , 8F
05/01 15:14, 8F

05/01 15:15, , 9F
05/01 15:15, 9F

05/01 21:23, , 10F
實在可惜.不過應該不差啦!只是我想看Jungle Drummer呀~冏!
05/01 21:23, 10F

05/02 01:08, , 11F
有機會能看到London Elektricity就很棒了!!!!
05/02 01:08, 11F

05/02 09:35, , 12F
是不賴啦..但是看過Live Elektricity就更挑了..冏
05/02 09:35, 12F

05/05 02:25, , 13F
※ 編輯: FunkStar 來自: (05/06 19:44)
文章代碼(AID): #14KpbZaf (DrumNBass)
文章代碼(AID): #14KpbZaf (DrumNBass)