[分享] Dieselboy & MC Messinian - LiveDallas - 05.24.2008

看板DrumNBass作者 (Siren)時間17年前 (2008/06/02 18:04), 編輯推噓4(406)
留言10則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
No Tracklisting DL: http://tinyurl.com/6knr6z 給喜歡硬蕊或是喜歡帥DJ的追星族(雖然小D已經中年發福了) anyway it's still a good set though. 給老屁股 我們來玩個小遊戲, 猜猜看第35分50秒小胖D tease了什麼經典amen break進去!? jungleboy and mooby不知道就該打屁股囉! 這邊真的是搔到我的癢處啦~過癮的tease!!! 猜不出來~我再公佈!! Cheers, 赤 -- Real mean Killin',but the wrong guy died. They buried his body.. but the Soul Survived...!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/02 21:42, , 1F
1小時02分有ED Rush Pacman(2008 RMX)a must check track!
06/02 21:42, 1F

06/02 21:49, , 2F
1小時06分progressive house switch in!!! WICKED!
06/02 21:49, 2F

06/02 22:32, , 3F
Twisted Anger - Dread Comes 2 Conquer?
06/02 22:32, 3F

06/02 22:44, , 4F
06/02 22:44, 4F

06/02 23:53, , 5F
是Limewax和Sabre合作的dub,Limewax makes drums loop,
06/02 23:53, 5F

06/02 23:54, , 6F
and Sabre gives the atmosphere.我很喜歡Sabre的東西!
06/02 23:54, 6F

06/02 23:56, , 7F
推一首它的作品給你參考 http://0rz.tw/804az
06/02 23:56, 7F

06/02 23:57, , 8F
Sabre - Colony Assault(Lucky Devil 02)
06/02 23:57, 8F

06/03 10:38, , 9F
06/03 10:38, 9F

06/05 14:22, , 10F
我人在大陸不能下載喇靠腰...= =
06/05 14:22, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #18GyMrm0 (DrumNBass)
文章代碼(AID): #18GyMrm0 (DrumNBass)