[分享] ATM Magazine present Breakage mix cd! 05/2008
曲序 進歌點 曲目
01 00:00 Shy FX - Plastic Soul (D Bridge Remix) [Digital Soundboy]
02 03:39 System - Near Miss [Digital Soundboy]
03 05:52 Loxy - Green Destiny [Digital Soundboy]
04 09:55 Breakage - Rebel Creations [Critical Music]
05 13:36 Insight - Transmission [Digital Soundboy]
06 17:38 Benga & Coki - Night (Breakage's DSB Remix) [Tempa]
07 20:35 Breakage - Clarendon [Digital Soundboy]
08 24:04 Noah D - Hotta [Subway]
09 27:14 Badawi - Den Of Drums (Kode9 Remix) [Reachout Int]
10 30:23 Peverelist & Appleblim - Circling [Skull Disco]
11 33:32 Breakage - Callahan [Digital Soundboy]
12 36:42 Breakage - Chakra [Deep Medi Musik]
13 40:18 Breakage - Untitled [Digital Soundboy]
14 43:27 TRG - Broken Heart (Martyn Rmx) [Hessle Audio]
還沒聽! 不過東西應該挺深沉一點~有閒的就下來聽聽囉!
Cheers, 赤
Real mean Killin',but the wrong guy died.
They buried his body..
but the Soul Survived...!!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
06/05 17:08, , 1F
06/05 17:08, 1F
06/05 21:27, , 2F
06/05 21:27, 2F
06/05 23:40, , 3F
06/05 23:40, 3F
06/06 11:03, , 4F
06/06 11:03, 4F
06/10 07:58, , 5F
06/10 07:58, 5F
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