[碟報] London Elektricity - Yikes!

看板DrumNBass作者 (Siren)時間14年前 (2011/04/12 23:11), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
睽違兩年的倫敦電力又推出新專輯Yikes! 這次除了Hospital records 近年慣用的高BPM+amens breaks的epic sound drum & bass外.. Yikes! http://youtu.be/rX5txu2EOEg
仍有Tony Coleman最在行刻畫的騷靈之聲, something deep and soulful w/ his sense! 不論是主打單曲Elektricity keeps me warm http://youtu.be/Opwt3J3z57c
或是這首had a little fight... http://youtu.be/ofLaS3Wda_0
都是值得一聽的好作品!! 當然我還是比較喜歡Had a little fight, 因為less vocal, 一直覺得好的drum & bass不需要太多的歌聲... coz' bass can speak itself!! what do you think?? Hope you all like it!! Cheers, 赤 -- I've been sick of those we call DJ who can only match the fucking beats..... How to Kill the DJs partX Fuck Them!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/12 23:15, , 1F
04/12 23:15, 1F

04/13 00:19, , 2F
speakers are for the bass speaks!
04/13 00:19, 2F

09/10 19:45, , 3F
總覺得 dnb+歌 就好奇怪... +rap 也是...
09/10 19:45, 3F

10/24 22:49, , 4F
10/24 22:49, 4F

10/24 22:50, , 5F
10/24 22:50, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1Df6keyJ (DrumNBass)
文章代碼(AID): #1Df6keyJ (DrumNBass)