
看板DrumNBass作者 (Spar Funk)時間23年前 (2001/09/26 20:46), 編輯推噓0(000)
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快笑死我了,有人在Drum & Bass Arena Forum討論最爛的DJ/Producer/MC。 以下選錄一些有意思的。 Wisdom: Worst DJ will have to go to Nicky Blackmarket. I know he's gotta be respected 'n all but I've just heard him bungle so many mixes it aint funny. As for worst MC, that'll have to be MC Fats (stick to singin vocals mate). -- 95 junglist: WORST DJ- BAD COMPANY. they simply cant mix, baaad producers tho ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 一次罵四個人,厲害。不過要比的話,可以選Ram Raiders,一次罵到九個人。:P (我在說啥屁話呀?-_-) WORST MC- Sugars, shortston, juiceman WORST PRODUCERS- Ahprodite- well cheesy, pop sounding jungle foreign producers full stop -- junglistt-01: Worst DJ Award~ 1/Grooverider (most boring sets I ever hear) 2/Jumpin Jack Frost (SHITE - hate it when he takes the mic. cant mix) Worst Producer~ 1/ Aphrodite (the hair and his tracks are just shite) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~哇哈~ 2/ Goldie (ring of saturn!) Worst MC Award~ 1/ Man Paris (on helter skelter tape pack - worst MC in the world) 2/ Fats (good as a SINGER on tracks like I told you how to rock, but not as an MC!) 看來Fats真的很不受好評...-_- Worst Track of late~ 1/ Bodyrock (heard it tooooo many times) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 唉/_\ 2/ Solarize ~~~~~~~~ 哼!! \_/! -- drapht: Worst MC's (cus I feel strongly on this one): Power, Verse, (sorry Arena, but your house MC's suck ass), Skiba (I know I'll get flack for this, but he sucks, he needs to learn to shut the fuck up and let the music run sometimes) worst 2 things an mc can do: rewind every song call a rewind when there's a fucking mix going (*cough*SKIBA*cough), seriously, if you're mixing, rewind WHICH song?? stupid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~ Worst producer: Aphrodite (that jump up shit sucks my ass) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 到底有誰喜歡他呀?? (小聲的說: 其實我還蠻喜歡的*o*) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #xiSur00 (DrumNBass)