[心得] 看摩登家庭學英文_Modern Family S01E02

看板EAseries (歐美影集)作者 (書蟲女孩)時間8年前 (2016/03/16 23:23), 8年前編輯推噓43(43010)
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沒想到上一篇的摩登家庭學英文得到大家這麼多的迴響,很開心能找到跟我一樣喜歡 摩登家庭的人,在大學畢業前我會一直整理下去的,畢竟我也很樂在其中,希望可以讓大 家在學英文的路上多點樂趣~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 無音樂部落格好讀版 http://wp.me/p7b3yU-sA Modern Family season 1 episode 2 –The Bicycle Thief http://imgur.com/c2UvaxF
劇情提要:Phil 買了一台新腳踏車給 Luke;Cam 和 Mitch 帶 Lily 去 toddler school ;Jay 和 Manny 一起合作組裝風扇 ,這集從一開始就非常有趣,第一幕就問了劇中所有 爸爸 “What’s the key to be a great dad?",短短的幾分鐘之內呈現出這四個爸爸個 性上的差異,這也是我個人非常喜歡這齣戲的原因之一,所有角色的個性設定非常鮮明, 而且始終如一。 cottage (n.): a small house in the country, 其實我覺得美國郊區蠻多房子都可以稱為 cottage,但 cottage 通常面積較小,房間較少,劇中Phil 和 Jay 的家就比較不適合用cottage形容。 →例句:We’re staying in a holiday cottage in Dorset. http://imgur.com/thrK0l7
mogul (n.): a businessman or businesswoman who has great power and influencein a particular industry.中文可以翻譯成大亨,例如: 地產大亨 real estate mogul We caravanned that house.: Caravan很少當動詞使用,主要是房屋仲介才會使用這個字,意思類似開放讓顧客參觀房子,以下是我查到的英文解釋:in real estate a caravan refers to a showing method that some listing agents will use when selling a home. We’ll have to have you over sometime. 美國人還蠻喜歡禮尚往來的,也喜歡邀請朋友來家裡作客,have sb over 是一個可以學下來的片語 Just chill: relax rub anyone the wrong way: To annoy or irritate somebody. The saying refers to rubbing an animal/cats fur the wrong way, but means to piss somebody off. 類似惹惱別人或給人壞印象 →例句:I didn’t mean to upset you. Don’t rub her the wrong way! tie a noose on this thing: 綁繩結,但大多指上吊自殺的那種繩結。本集中 Jay 說這 句話是因為 Manny 的舉動讓他想上吊自殺。 He’s a total flake.(n.): An unreliable person; someone who agrees to do something, but never follows through. flake又有以下幾種解釋: (n.) a small thing breaks away easily from something else. →chocolate flakes/ flakes of snow (v.) 1.to break off in small thin pieces. →The paint is begin to flake off. 2.to break fish or another food into small thin pieces. →Remove the skin and flake the flesh. who boost who into a bedroom window 中文有點難找到一個適合的詞來形容,所以找了 個圖片給大家,就是用手墊著幫人翻牆的感覺 http://imgur.com/H78Eool
boost : (v.) 1.to increase or improve something and make it more successful. →boost sb’s confidence/morale 2.to help someone reach a higher place by lifting or pushing them →He boosted her up. (n.) 1. something that gives someone more confidence. →A major boost to the economy 2. to lift someone so that they can reach a higher place. → If I give you a boost, could you reach the window? grab and scoot: 抓東西和移動,寶寶亂動也會用 scoot 這個單字 1.to move quickly or suddenly →There’s the bus-I would better scoot! 2.to make someone or something move a short distance by pulling or pushing →I scooted my chair over to their table. scoot over: to move to one side, especially in order to make room for someone or something else. →He scooted over so I could sit down.(這個片語還蠻常聽到的,大家可以記下來) tamp down my natural gift: to reduce the amount, level, size, or importance of something. →例句:As the price of gasoline rose above $3 a gallon, consumers cut their spending elsewhere, tamping down profits in retail,travel and other industries. Screwdriver (n.): 螺絲起子 But you had clip my wings which you used to be the wind beneath. 這句話是 Cam 對Mitch 說的,一直以來 Mitch 都相當支持 Cam 各種誇張的行為, 但這一次因為擔心其他家長的眼光所以叫 Cam 收斂一點,也就是 clip Cam’s wings. wind beneath my wings 實在找不太到中文相對應的諺語,有點像推波助瀾,但偏向正面 的意思,就像鳥飛翔時風就是讓牠們飛更高的助力,有支持的感覺,國外有一首歌就叫 wind beneath my wings,大家可以聽聽看~ WIND BENEATH MY WINGS (Lyrics) - BETTE MIDLER https://youtu.be/jorJh8DTMVM
Superman can’t drag himself away from a craps table.: 沈迷於賭博;無法離開賭博 桌→Can you drag yourself away from (stop watching) the TV for a minute? §摩登家庭小趣聞:在摩登家庭角色還沒完全定下來之前, Jesse Tyler Ferguson (飾演 Mitchell 的演員)本來是要演 Cameron 這個角色,但後來導演和製作人都覺得 他比較適合 Mitch 這個角色,所以才由 Eric Stonestreet 飾演 Cam,在現實生活中 Jesse Tyler Ferguson(飾演 Mitchell)的先生也是一位律師喔! 圖片來源: http://www.cooneycottage.com http://cinchyourstate.com/helping-people/ 題外話(感謝各位幫忙^^) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1458141820.A.DC7.html

03/16 23:35, , 1F
推推 最近
03/16 23:35, 1F

03/16 23:50, , 2F
03/16 23:50, 2F

03/16 23:51, , 3F
03/16 23:51, 3F

03/16 23:53, , 4F
03/16 23:53, 4F

03/17 00:06, , 5F
03/17 00:06, 5F

03/17 00:57, , 6F
03/17 00:57, 6F

03/17 01:52, , 7F
推實用! 問卷已填~
03/17 01:52, 7F

03/17 02:00, , 8F
03/17 02:00, 8F

03/17 05:30, , 9F
03/17 05:30, 9F

03/17 06:53, , 10F
03/17 06:53, 10F

03/17 07:06, , 11F
推~~~好用心又好實用 :)
03/17 07:06, 11F

03/17 07:27, , 12F
03/17 07:27, 12F

03/17 08:50, , 13F
03/17 08:50, 13F

03/17 09:05, , 14F
03/17 09:05, 14F

03/17 09:28, , 15F
03/17 09:28, 15F

03/17 09:54, , 16F
03/17 09:54, 16F

03/17 10:11, , 17F
03/17 10:11, 17F

03/17 10:20, , 18F
03/17 10:20, 18F

03/17 11:00, , 19F
推用心!對了,Cottage 是小木屋(釋義中the country
03/17 11:00, 19F

03/17 11:00, , 20F
03/17 11:00, 20F

03/17 11:00, , 21F
03/17 11:00, 21F

03/17 11:02, , 22F
03/17 11:02, 22F

03/17 11:03, , 23F
另外,screwdriver 少個s唷
03/17 11:03, 23F

03/17 11:34, , 24F
03/17 11:34, 24F
※ 編輯: wormlady (, 03/17/2016 11:43:40 ※ 編輯: wormlady (, 03/17/2016 12:06:36

03/17 12:09, , 25F
03/17 12:09, 25F

03/17 13:36, , 26F
03/17 13:36, 26F

03/17 13:38, , 27F
03/17 13:38, 27F

03/17 15:57, , 28F
推!想每集的學英文都印下來耶哈哈,也想重看一次Modern Fa
03/17 15:57, 28F

03/17 15:57, , 29F
03/17 15:57, 29F

03/17 16:06, , 30F
好棒 推
03/17 16:06, 30F

03/17 17:20, , 31F
03/17 17:20, 31F

03/17 17:20, , 32F
03/17 17:20, 32F

03/17 17:20, , 33F
03/17 17:20, 33F

03/17 18:09, , 34F
03/17 18:09, 34F

03/17 19:50, , 35F
03/17 19:50, 35F

03/17 22:09, , 36F
03/17 22:09, 36F

03/17 22:18, , 37F
03/17 22:18, 37F

03/17 23:00, , 38F
03/17 23:00, 38F

03/17 23:40, , 39F
03/17 23:40, 39F

03/18 03:05, , 40F
03/18 03:05, 40F

03/18 10:28, , 41F
03/18 10:28, 41F

03/18 19:20, , 42F
03/18 19:20, 42F

03/18 19:48, , 43F
這超強的啊!! 都是滿難的!! 推用心做下去!!
03/18 19:48, 43F

03/19 02:49, , 44F
還沒開始追 推推
03/19 02:49, 44F

03/19 21:53, , 45F
03/19 21:53, 45F

03/20 01:35, , 46F
為什麼要自己打? 應該有劇本或字幕可以抓
03/20 01:35, 46F

03/20 01:36, , 47F
其實拿摩登教學非常棒的說 當你學懂以後會有很大幫助
03/20 01:36, 47F

03/20 01:37, , 48F
摩登多半笑點都比較隱晦 不是美國人還要自己找來源
03/20 01:37, 48F

03/20 01:38, , 49F
學懂會就知道甚麼叫高深大笑點XD 這也是這部有別於其它戲
03/20 01:38, 49F

03/20 01:38, , 50F
的地方 所以入門也難
03/20 01:38, 50F

03/20 15:21, , 51F
03/20 15:21, 51F

03/20 16:45, , 52F
03/20 16:45, 52F
※ 編輯: wormlady (, 03/20/2016 22:19:49

10/28 21:22, , 53F
10/28 21:22, 53F
文章代碼(AID): #1MwNfyt7 (EAseries)
文章代碼(AID): #1MwNfyt7 (EAseries)