[花絮] ND團員的暑假計畫(以及S3小劇透)

看板Glee作者 (球恩)時間13年前 (2011/05/28 16:43), 編輯推噓12(12025)
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暑假快到了,ND團員們各自有哪些夏季計畫? Hollywoodreporter訪問到部份演員,請他們發表自己演出的角色可能在夏天幹啥? 先從老師開始: Matthew Morrison: “Mr. Schue is single now so I think he would be focused on the glee club, gearing up some set lists and curriculum for next year. Maybe he’d also go to a singles’ resort or some all-inclusive resort to meet the next Mrs. Schuester,” he said with a laugh. “Personally I would want to hang out with Jane Lynch. But I don’t think Mr. Schuester would want to hang out with Sue Sylvester. I think Mr. Schuester would want to hang out with Emma (Jayma Mays) for the summer. Obviously.” (連Matt都感覺到Mr. Schue老是把感情生活擺在ND之前,上樑不正下樑歪,難怪學生也忙 著亂愛,把比賽擺一邊,沒晉級是天經地義) Lea Michele: “Rachel would definitely be working at the community theater, probably doing one of their musicals that they do in the town,” the actress said. “And hanging out with Mercedes and Kurt.” (Lea本人比Rachel腦袋清楚多了!!不會被男生搞得暈頭轉向) Chris Colfer: “Kurt probably will develop his relationship with his boyfriend more,” he said. “He did say that he was going to write a musical about Kate Middleton’s sister, so I hope that happens.” (不枉了Klaine支持者這麼愛你啊!而且編劇提過的小事,你也記得很清楚,只怕他們自 己都會忘了) Amber Riley: “I think [Mercedes] has a summer job. I want to say she works in a salon or in a dress shop. And she’d spend her free time with Kurt because she missed him while he was at another school.” (Samcedes的前途真的不樂觀.........妳等了兩年終於等到一個善良,單純,在舞會那 麼重要的場合讓妳美夢成真的男朋友,結果妳暑假的私人時間居然要給妳的好朋友, 完全不記得妳有個男朋友,可見友情在她心中擺在愛情上面,也難怪兩年了只能開出 一朵愛的小花,而且還搞不好是曇花.......) Naya Rivera: “Hopefully [Santana] won’t get anymore plastic surgery! She’d probably go visit her people in Puerto Rico and she’d definitely try and take Brittany. For sure.” (妳真的好想吃了小布呀!!!好堅決) Heather Morris: “I imagine Brittany always taking a family vacation; maybe they go hike the Grand Canyon.” (一樣,Bartie vs. Brittana的難題等回學校再說,但令人擔心她可能會在大峽谷迷路 ,困在裏面一整個暑假........) Cory Monteith: “Finn would go fishing.” (除了臉跟身高以外,高校王子真的有夠boring...........除非是去幽靈海釣美人魚) 而編導B再吐一點第三季小料: 關於Samcedes與曾經跟他們很親近的Quinn: Sandra, I’m as excited as you are about Sam and Mercedes. Please tell me what ’s in the cards for them. — Joanie A:I can’t speak to their longterm viability, but EP Brad Falchuk assures they’ ll continue to simmer over the summer. “When we come back [in season three], they will be together,” he assures. Also on the table as an option next year? A new romance for recently heartbroken (and newly made-over) Quinn! 至於Sue與Sergent Handsome? I loved your idea about bringing in Dustin Goolsby for more Glee time. I find him hilarious. But I’m not totally ready to give up on Sue yet. What’s she going to be up to next season? — Claire A:According to Falchuk, the sweet streak will find an end. Asked whether Sue is actually going to stay sweet and stop trying to destroy the glee club, he replied, “No, of course she’s going to try!” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/28 16:48, , 1F
Naya堅持成這樣 這算是一種怨念嗎XDD 我想Brittana的粉絲應該
05/28 16:48, 1F

05/28 16:49, , 2F
05/28 16:49, 2F

05/28 16:50, , 3F
Samcedes是我覺得第二季最美妙的感情線 千萬不要分啦~好怕
05/28 16:50, 3F

05/28 16:52, , 4F
sweet Sammy步上finn的後塵.....
05/28 16:52, 4F

05/28 16:54, , 5F
05/28 16:54, 5F

05/28 16:55, , 6F
Sue是本劇最佳的笑料啊XD 第二季我都好期待她出現XD
05/28 16:55, 6F

05/28 17:00, , 7F
05/28 17:00, 7F

05/28 17:00, , 8F
有個美好的新戀曲 最後一集她真是太心酸了
05/28 17:00, 8F

05/28 17:02, , 9F
大家趕快來看她適合配Cameron 還是Damian??
05/28 17:02, 9F

05/28 17:03, , 10F
05/28 17:03, 10F

05/28 17:09, , 11F
Amber沒有提到Sam 是因為這篇報導出來的時候2X22還沒播
05/28 17:09, 11F

05/28 17:09, , 12F
05/28 17:09, 12F

05/28 17:11, , 13F
05/28 17:11, 13F

05/28 17:17, , 14F
05/28 17:17, 14F

05/28 19:18, , 15F
05/28 19:18, 15F

05/28 19:19, , 16F
DC沒拍NY的戲,so no DC
05/28 19:19, 16F

05/28 19:19, , 17F
05/28 19:19, 17F

05/28 20:28, , 18F
Naya 支持你!
05/28 20:28, 18F

05/28 20:47, , 19F
Naya想吃小布 但是HeMo想吃Artie 然後Kevin也想吃小布....
05/28 20:47, 19F

05/28 22:07, , 20F
05/28 22:07, 20F

05/28 22:08, , 21F
05/28 22:08, 21F

05/28 22:17, , 22F
不要3P啦 高中生這樣也太重口味 而且3p會破壞Artie在我心中建
05/28 22:17, 22F

05/28 22:18, , 23F
立起的好男人形像 HeMo支持Bartie應該是HeMo媽的關係~媽媽
05/28 22:18, 23F

05/28 22:19, , 24F
很保守 可能無法接受女兒演同志 不然怎麼會這麼不給BFF面子
05/28 22:19, 24F

05/28 22:21, , 25F
05/28 22:21, 25F

05/28 22:22, , 26F
05/28 22:22, 26F

05/28 22:48, , 27F
Puck轉性了啦.. 只剩下兩個........
05/28 22:48, 27F

05/28 23:09, , 28F
05/28 23:09, 28F

05/28 23:44, , 29F
這樣Puck要辜負Lauren..雖然我很不喜歡Lauren 但是
05/28 23:44, 29F

05/28 23:45, , 30F
05/28 23:45, 30F

05/28 23:48, , 31F
原來也想說Q跟Puck復合 但是想到Puck為了幫Lauren爭奪舞后
05/28 23:48, 31F

05/28 23:49, , 32F
居然跟Lauren合作挖出Quinn的過往 這兩人明明就有過孩子耶~
05/28 23:49, 32F

05/28 23:50, , 33F
Q還是另覓好男人吧!雖然Puck現在還不錯 但是看他對待Q的方式
05/28 23:50, 33F

05/28 23:50, , 34F
05/28 23:50, 34F

05/28 23:57, , 35F
05/28 23:57, 35F

05/28 23:58, , 36F
05/28 23:58, 36F

05/29 02:37, , 37F
05/29 02:37, 37F
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