[角色] Brittany's Best 15 Quotes in Glee S2

看板Glee作者 (Tennis/Music/Travel)時間13年前 (2011/05/29 18:02), 編輯推噓12(12010)
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回味一下 Brittany 在 Glee 第二季中的一些經典對白 回頭看起來,我還是比較喜歡以前還是 Cheerio 傻傻天外飛來一筆的 Brit.. 網誌有圖板 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cuteone/18924798 Enjoy! #1 ( Episode 203- Grilled Cheesus) I did a book report on heart attacks if you want to give it to the doctor. It got knocked down an entire letter grade cuz it was written in crayon. #2 (Episode 201- Audition) People thought I went on vacation but actually I spent the summer lost in the sewers. #3 (Episode 210- A Very Glee Christmas) I don’t understand the difference between an elf and a slave. #4 (Episode 202- Britney/Brittany) I don't brush my teeth, I just rinse with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist. #5 (Episode 210- A Very Glee Christmas) Last year I left my stocking up over Christmas vacation and an entire family of mice started living in it. Their Christmas gift to each other was rabies. #6 (Episode 219- Rumours) You know, just because we’re doing this interview, it doesn’t mean I’m still not mad at you, cuz I know you started smoking again. #7 (Episode 202- Britney/Brittany) This room looks like the one on that spaceship where I got probed. #8 (Episode 210- A Very Glee Christmas) Remember: Even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf. #9 (Episode 207- The Substitute) Mr. Schue taught me the second half of the alphabet. I stopped after ‘M’ and ‘N.’ I felt they were too similar and got frustrated. #10 (Episode 213- Comeback) My uncle lost his job and his goat was going hungry, so I spent it on food for the goat. I mean, sort of. The goat just ate the money. #11 (Episode 202- Britney/Brittany) Please don't pull all my teeth. When I smile I'll look like an adult baby with boobs. #12 (Episode 210- A Very Glee Christmas) I'm bringing a gift for the homeless kids. It's a dollhouse. At least their dolls won't be homeless. #13 (Episode 211-The Sue Sylvester Shuffle) Quinn: “I’m torn." Santana: “Well I’m not." Brittany: “I’m Brittany." #14 (Episode 215- Sexy) Three days ago a stork built its nest on top of my garage. I’m not stupid, it’s obviously getting ready to bring me my baby. I know where babies come from. #15 (Episode 216- Original Song) Will: "Just think about it. What is your favorite song of all time?" Brittany: "My Headband" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/29 20:22, , 1F
05/29 20:22, 1F

05/29 21:04, , 2F
傻布這季尾聲變得好聰明我不知道該高興還是難過 lol
05/29 21:04, 2F

05/29 21:07, , 3F
05/29 21:07, 3F

05/29 23:27, , 4F
S1第14集:u konw dolphins are actually gay sharks?
05/29 23:27, 4F

05/29 23:27, , 5F
05/29 23:27, 5F

05/30 00:16, , 6F
樓上那句真的是XDDD 我就是從那句開始喜歡傻布XDDD
05/30 00:16, 6F

05/30 00:25, , 7F
05/30 00:25, 7F

05/30 01:12, , 8F
05/30 01:12, 8F

05/30 01:25, , 9F
不過真的他S2的尾聲眼神都變得不渙散了xD 好想醒了一樣
05/30 01:25, 9F

05/30 01:40, , 10F
I'm Brittany 我看的時候重播好幾次 笑翻了!!!
05/30 01:40, 10F

05/30 17:45, , 11F
她是從哪一集開始會天外飛來一筆? 海豚是Gay鯊那一句嗎?
05/30 17:45, 11F

05/30 18:45, , 12F
她舉手問Mr.Schu Jesse是不是他兒子也很好笑
05/30 18:45, 12F

05/30 18:48, , 13F
05/30 18:48, 13F

05/30 22:49, , 14F
第二季DVD幕後花絮 傻布有說上面那句是她自己想出來的XD
05/30 22:49, 14F

05/31 00:20, , 15F
我記得有花絮說 HeMo都是沒台詞的 直到第一季不知哪一
05/31 00:20, 15F

05/31 00:21, , 16F
集, 對台詞有反應 露出笨笨的表情 所以RM就說: HeMo
05/31 00:21, 16F

05/31 00:22, , 17F
從今天開始, 你就是我們的stupid girl (有強者知道是
05/31 00:22, 17F

05/31 00:22, , 18F
哪一集的哪一個表情嗎? 我實在找不到)
05/31 00:22, 18F

05/31 01:32, , 19F
好像是107 sue跟puck還有Brit講話時 Sue提到Brit是荷蘭裔哪裡
05/31 01:32, 19F

05/31 01:34, , 20F
不過那一閃而過的表情 我個人不怎麼覺得驚艷 所以我不太確定
05/31 01:34, 20F

05/31 01:34, , 21F
05/31 01:34, 21F

06/04 13:44, , 22F
06/04 13:44, 22F
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