[公告] GLEE 最愛角色大票選 Final Round 投票 …

看板Glee作者 (head)時間13年前 (2011/08/02 11:29), 編輯推噓8(800)
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歡迎來到 PTT-GLEE 最愛角色大票選的最終決賽 在開始之前我們先來看一下賽前訪問.... Host:Hi, Rachel, do you have anything to say to your fans? Rachel:(big smile) Yes, I'd like your feedback as to whether I am brilliant or simply outstanding. (big smile again) Host:O..okay, and how about you, Kurt, are you already planning for your big win? Kurt:Well, I'm thinking a russet and cognac theme. Those are colors, BTW. Host:Sounds great, and what do you think about that, Blaine? Blaine:I think it's adorable, I think KURT is adorable. (staring at Kurt) Host:Next, we have Sue, how do you feel about those people who hate you? Sue:You know how I feel, "True love always springs from true hate." And that's how Sue (making gesture) "C"s it. Host:And Santana, you've come to 3rd place in the second round, are you excited? Santana:(rolling eyes) Oh, please, I'm not interested in any labels, unless it's on something I shoplift. Host:And last but not least, is our lovely Brittany, how do you feel coming so far in this competition? Brittany:Umm......Did you know dolphins are just gay sharks? Host:........ GLEE 最愛角色大票選 Final Round 誰將獲得最終勝利 由你決定!!!! (請按大寫 V 進行投票) 投票時間 8/2 00:00 ~ 8/7 24:00 開票時間 8/8 12:00 每個人可投 1 票 請好好把握! 投完票記得留下想對你最愛角色想說的話喔~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: qhforever 來自: (08/02 11:36)

08/02 18:35, , 1F
08/02 18:35, 1F

08/02 19:51, , 2F
08/02 19:51, 2F

08/02 21:25, , 3F
版主台詞記好熟XD 真用心~!
08/02 21:25, 3F

08/02 23:45, , 4F
08/02 23:45, 4F

08/03 00:08, , 5F
08/03 00:08, 5F

08/03 14:58, , 6F
08/03 14:58, 6F

08/03 18:12, , 7F
San!!! 另外推板主的用心~
08/03 18:12, 7F

08/08 16:32, , 8F
08/08 16:32, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1EDsy60U (Glee)
文章代碼(AID): #1EDsy60U (Glee)