[討論] People's Choice Award 2012

看板Glee作者 ((._.?))時間13年前 (2012/01/13 11:26), 編輯推噓6(602)
留言8則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
首先~~ 恭喜Lea得到The People's Choice for Favorite TV Comedy Actress http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AibhNkel44
基本上,Lea不穿Rachel Berry裝, 她的團隊在選衣服上真的很優秀XDDDDD 人超美,個性美的那種.... 而且她講話真的風趣又得體,最喜歡的致詞大概是這兩段 “First of I want to dedicate this award to my amazing cast, my Glee Club, every single one of you. You’re my family and all of you are my best friends and I’m an only child and now I have 11 other siblings and you guys are the best.” “For all the Rachel Berrys out there, this one’s for you guys.” 再次恭喜她www 就算是PCA,還是非常棒啊!!!! -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Nisio 來自: (01/13 11:27)

01/13 12:00, , 1F
恭喜Lea!! http://0rz.tw/msJFq 感覺這時候這張圖可以派
01/13 12:00, 1F

01/13 12:00, , 2F
01/13 12:00, 2F

01/13 12:02, , 3F
01/13 12:02, 3F

01/13 13:32, , 4F
Wow! They're Chloe and Dianna<3! You're awesome!
01/13 13:32, 4F

01/13 13:44, , 5F
感覺那個表情如果有設計對白就是~Chloe:woo she's great.
01/13 13:44, 5F

01/13 13:45, , 6F
Dianna:of course. 這樣XD
01/13 13:45, 6F

01/13 14:04, , 7F
Yeah! Haha! 真的很適合耶!超喜歡Di與Chloe!謝謝E大=)!
01/13 14:04, 7F

01/13 20:51, , 8F
恭喜Lea 另外我想問Di跟Chloe那張圖是??
01/13 20:51, 8F
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