[花絮] PCA 2013

看板Glee作者 (中間人)時間12年前 (2013/01/12 01:44), 編輯推噓3(304)
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People's Choice Awards在美國時間一月九號舉行,Chris跟Lea都得獎囉!名單入下 Favorite Comedic TV Actor WINNER: Chris Colfer Jesse Tyler Ferguson Jim Parsons Neil Patrick Harris Ty Burrell Favorite Comedic TV Actress WINNER: Lea Michele Jane Lynch Kaley Cuoco Sofia Vergara Zooey Deschanel Chris的完整感謝詞:To be handed an award by, by this woman [Ellen] is just, uh, incredible. Um, thank you so much for this, this just means the absolute world to me. It—it is an honor to somewhat represent you out there. And it is so flattering to be exploited in your fanfiction. Um, I can’t tell you, it is the ultimate, uh, high five! So thank you so much! Thank you to our amazing crew, thank you to our wonderful fans, and the—the Klainers, the Gleeks, the all the names you have for yourselves, it’s just amazing to—to be the subject of your fandoms, so thank you, thank you so much from the bottom of our heart! And to our amazing crew and cast, thank you guys so much, I appreciate it. Thank you, thank you. Lea的完整感謝詞:Thank you so, so much. This is so amazing.I want to thank everyone who voted for me and all of the gleeks out there. What you guys—What you guys can do together, It's unbelievable and I know I speak for my entire cast when I say we would be nowhere without all of you. You're amazing and thank you all so much for being so inspiring and so unbelievable. I just want to also thank ryan for creating this amazing show He's at home with his baby boy and to our very hardworking crew I love you all so much. To my family and to my partner in crime, Chris Colfer.I love being— I love being in new york with you and working with you everyday and also to miss jane lynch so thank you guys so much! 兩個人得獎後在後台可愛的合照:http://ppt.cc/2LSt Chris如願拿到shiny object,恭喜他們得獎啦~~(灑花) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/12 11:29, , 1F
http://ppt.cc/1mqS CC才22歲就拿那麼多獎 實在很強大XD
01/12 11:29, 1F

01/12 15:54, , 2F
01/12 15:54, 2F

01/13 00:02, , 3F
01/13 00:02, 3F

01/13 02:09, , 4F
Glee價值剩下演員吧,製作部份全槓XD (有些典禮連提名都沒)
01/13 02:09, 4F

01/18 17:03, , 5F
01/18 17:03, 5F

01/18 17:04, , 6F
01/18 17:04, 6F

01/18 17:04, , 7F
01/18 17:04, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1Gy4zwCG (Glee)
文章代碼(AID): #1Gy4zwCG (Glee)