[討論] 大家最喜歡Finn的哪首歌...R.I.P

看板Glee作者 (LOL)時間11年前 (2013/07/15 14:54), 編輯推噓32(3209)
留言41則, 33人參與, 最新討論串1/1
禮拜天 聽到這噩耗 到現在還是很難過.... 然後就上Youtube把Finn以前的歌 都聽了一遍 也很懷念以前的Glee.... 還記得他出場 在浴室唱的那首歌 就愛上他了 還有很多很多 大家最喜歡他在哪集的表現呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/15 15:59, , 1F
cant fight this feeling
07/15 15:59, 1F

07/15 15:59, , 2F
07/15 15:59, 2F

07/15 16:04, , 3F
just the way you are http://bit.ly/16DpeEu
07/15 16:04, 3F

07/15 16:15, , 4F
Don't stop believing
07/15 16:15, 4F

07/15 16:58, , 5F
Just the way you are Q_Q
07/15 16:58, 5F

07/15 17:03, , 6F
Can't fight this feeling
07/15 17:03, 6F

07/15 17:09, , 7F
維基連不上 提問Just the way you are是第2季唱的嗎?
07/15 17:09, 7F

07/15 17:15, , 8F
07/15 17:15, 8F

07/15 17:22, , 9F
Light Up The World
07/15 17:22, 9F

07/15 18:08, , 10F
Losing My Religion,很多人都說唱爛了,但我喜歡
07/15 18:08, 10F

07/15 18:55, , 11F
Just the way you are
07/15 18:55, 11F

07/15 20:16, , 12F
this is not the end 超喜歡
07/15 20:16, 12F

07/15 21:08, , 13F
07/15 21:08, 13F

07/15 21:27, , 14F
Don't dream it's over http://youtu.be/R1eibcLzKhc
07/15 21:27, 14F

07/15 21:42, , 15F
目前追到S2E13,最喜歡hello I love you
07/15 21:42, 15F

07/15 21:49, , 16F
07/15 21:49, 16F

07/15 21:59, , 17F

07/15 22:00, , 18F
07/15 22:00, 18F

07/15 22:28, , 19F
07/15 22:28, 19F

07/15 23:05, , 20F
Don't dream it's over
07/15 23:05, 20F

07/15 23:21, , 21F
Just The Way You Are
07/15 23:21, 21F

07/16 00:24, , 22F
Don't dream it's over!
07/16 00:24, 22F

07/16 00:57, , 23F
現在聽Don't dream it's over 整個大噴淚QQQ
07/16 00:57, 23F

07/16 00:58, , 24F
07/16 00:58, 24F

07/16 01:32, , 25F
I'll stand by you 聽了特別傷感
07/16 01:32, 25F

07/16 04:04, , 26F
07/16 04:04, 26F

07/16 11:13, , 27F
Don't dream it's over
07/16 11:13, 27F

07/16 15:10, , 28F
Just the way you are
07/16 15:10, 28F

07/16 15:39, , 29F
Don't dream it's over
07/16 15:39, 29F

07/16 17:57, , 30F
Dammit, Janet. Cory looks good in glasses.
07/16 17:57, 30F

07/16 18:23, , 31F
Don't dream it's over
07/16 18:23, 31F

07/16 19:23, , 32F
Hey Now (Don't Dream It's Over) Q_Q
07/16 19:23, 32F

07/16 21:05, , 33F
Just the way you are 當初就是因為這首歌開始看glee
07/16 21:05, 33F

07/17 15:02, , 34F
Don't Stop Believin'最具代表性的Glee神曲QQ
07/17 15:02, 34F

07/17 21:21, , 35F
雖然Hey Now那首近日一直縈繞在腦海,不才也很喜歡Cory
07/17 21:21, 35F

07/17 21:22, , 36F
重新詮釋The Door的Hello, I Love You以及
07/17 21:22, 36F

07/17 21:23, , 37F
Rick Springfield的Jessie's Girl :)
07/17 21:23, 37F

07/17 21:31, , 38F
抱歉是The Doors,Cory真的很適合唱經典搖滾的歌曲:)
07/17 21:31, 38F

07/18 00:17, , 39F
You're the one that i want,雖然是回想但是很有感覺
07/18 00:17, 39F

07/21 10:14, , 40F
I just can't stop loving you
07/21 10:14, 40F

02/26 17:19, , 41F
02/26 17:19, 41F
文章代碼(AID): #1HuvoZl3 (Glee)
文章代碼(AID): #1HuvoZl3 (Glee)