[音樂] Seasons of Love

看板Glee作者 ((._.?))時間11年前 (2014/01/15 23:15), 編輯推噓6(604)
留言10則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
第一個版本,演員出自S3的畢業紀念 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMNu4UTGh7I
第二個版本,演員出自S5悼念Cory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DeCB9xeXeE
個人最近超瘋迪士尼動畫電影Frozen(台譯:冰雪奇緣), 剛好在上週六電視中又看到Rent(2005電影版)。 剛好原版都有Idina Menzel。 而這位演員歌手又剛好在Glee飾演Rachel的生媽、Quinn生女的養母, 剛好Seasons of Love這首歌正是出自Rent, 剛好Glee也在具有紀念意義的地方唱了兩次這首歌..... 實在是太多剛好,所以興起標示兩版的配唱。 搞不好有錯誤的地方,請多包涵!!! 關於S3那句到底是不是Brittany唱的,除非Rachel當天咳嗽藥水喝太多, 否則個人怎麼聽都是B而非R。 另外S3有幾句Puck的地方,覺得搞不好是Mike,但很難證實XDD Seasons of Love [出自百老匯音樂劇:Rent(台譯:吉屋出租)] Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes (S3:Rachel/ALLS5:ALL) Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear (S3:Santana/ALLS5:ALL) Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes (S3:Puck/ALLS5:ALL) How do you measure, measure a year? (S3:Finn/ALLS5:ALL) In daylights, in sunsets In midnights, in cups of coffee (S3:Rachel/ALLS5:ALL) In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife (S3:Mercedes/ALLS5:ALL) In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes (S3:Puck/ALLS5:ALL) How do you measure, a year in the life? (S3:Finn/ALLS5:ALL) How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love (ALL) Seasons of love Seasons of love (ALL) Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes (S3:RachelS5:Mercedes) Five hundred twenty-five thousand journeys to plan (S3:SantanaS5:Mercedes) Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes (S3:MercedesS5:Mercedes) How do you measure the life of a woman or a man? (S3:低Quinn/高BrittanyS5:Mercedes) In truths that she learned (S3:PuckS5:Santana) Or in times that he cried (S3:PuckS5:Kurt) In bridges he burned (S3:FinnS5:Puck) Or the way that she died (S3:FinnS5:Tina) It's time now, to sing out Though the story never ends Let's celebrate Remember a year in the life of friends (S3:Kurt/ALLS5:ALL) Remember the love (ALL) (Oh, you got to, you got to remember the love) (S3:KurtS5:Mercedes) Remember the love (ALL) (You know that life is a gift from up above) (S3:無此句、S5:Mercedes) Remember the love (ALL) (Share love, give love, spread love) (S3:SantanaS5:Mercedes) Measure in love (ALL) (Measure, measure your life in love) (S3:MercedesS5:Mercedes) Seasons of love Seasons of love (ALL) (Measure your life, measure you life in love) (S3:Rachel、S5:無此句) 水管上很多各式版本,大家可以去找找原版 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/15 23:35, , 1F
01/15 23:35, 1F

01/15 23:38, , 2F
01/15 23:38, 2F

01/15 23:38, , 3F
01/15 23:38, 3F

01/16 00:07, , 4F
喔~忘了已經演到S5... 謝謝提醒!!!
01/16 00:07, 4F

01/16 00:19, , 5F
01/16 00:19, 5F

01/16 00:55, , 6F
01/16 00:55, 6F

01/16 00:57, , 7F
01/16 00:57, 7F

01/16 00:58, , 8F
原po好用心~!!感謝整理~ ^ ^
01/16 00:58, 8F

01/16 08:31, , 9F
01/16 08:31, 9F

01/16 10:16, , 10F
01/16 10:16, 10F
※ 編輯: Nisio 來自: (01/17 16:37)
文章代碼(AID): #1IrgOQfz (Glee)
文章代碼(AID): #1IrgOQfz (Glee)