[問題] Ron?

看板ICRT作者 (lih)時間12年前 (2013/01/13 13:12), 編輯推噓4(403)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛看了FB Gary's Classroom PO了一個跟Ron有關的貼文 然後又去Ron的臉書看了一下... 星期五的時候他的貼文: Yup!!!! EXTREME RADIO in it's final curtain call tonight... I was going to try to slip on out quietly, but then I thought what kind of way is that to treat your friends...The "new ICRT" will not include EXTREME RADIO, but we still have facebook, so we'll still be together!! Who was I trying to fool?! Let's party "as if there was no tomorrow!!!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaahahahaaha!! Put your request right here or call me at 8522-8282! 有人知道到底怎麼了嗎@@? Ron不會要離開了吧:OO 沒有了他 聽ICRT就少了一點樂趣阿:( -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/15 15:36, , 1F
The station has decided to implement a new business
01/15 15:36, 1F

01/15 15:36, , 2F
model-DJ Alex 所以好幾個節目和主持人都消失了QQ
01/15 15:36, 2F

01/16 00:00, , 3F
Ron的FB說晚上八點後的節目都需要贊助商 目前好像缺贊助
01/16 00:00, 3F

01/18 17:56, , 4F
01/18 17:56, 4F

01/20 21:09, , 5F
01/20 21:09, 5F

02/15 23:50, , 6F
Vicky也走了 ICRT怎麼了=.=?
02/15 23:50, 6F

03/28 18:33, , 7F
03/28 18:33, 7F
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文章代碼(AID): #1Gya8f-O (ICRT)