[心得] Stars@legacy 歌單

看板Indie-pop作者 (人間火炎瓶!!!!!)時間11年前 (2013/02/21 01:52), 編輯推噓17(1701)
留言18則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
憑印象無順序 Elevator love letter Heart set your self on fire angeless beauty one more night[encore] Calendar girl[encore] take me to the riot my favourite book Window bird[現場點歌] dead heart fixed he dreams he`s awake change backline the north hold on when you get love and let go when you give it do you want to die together? a song is a weapon -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/21 02:18, , 1F
02/21 02:18, 1F

02/21 11:12, , 2F
02/21 11:12, 2F

02/21 11:31, , 3F
Calendar Girl 後來移到One more night 前面XDDD
02/21 11:31, 3F

02/21 11:33, , 4F
這場會讓我永生難忘 滿滿能量
02/21 11:33, 4F

02/21 12:35, , 5F
有window bird嗎?!
02/21 12:35, 5F

02/21 12:37, , 6F
應該沒有window bird吧?
02/21 12:37, 6F

02/21 12:46, , 7F
菲律賓那場好像還多唱了set yourself on fire...QQ
02/21 12:46, 7F

02/21 12:59, , 8F
02/21 12:59, 8F

02/21 16:57, , 9F
後來有人大叫my favorite song的是on peak hill嗎?
02/21 16:57, 9F

02/21 17:11, , 10F
02/21 17:11, 10F

02/21 21:59, , 11F
02/21 21:59, 11F

02/21 22:22, , 12F
walls encore前一首
02/21 22:22, 12F

02/22 00:17, , 13F
還有the 400
02/22 00:17, 13F

02/22 16:54, , 14F
為了趕車,聽完one more night就走,後來還唱了什麼呢?
02/22 16:54, 14F

02/22 23:02, , 15F
02/22 23:02, 15F

02/22 23:35, , 16F
查到了,是my favorite book!
02/22 23:35, 16F

03/02 18:18, , 17F
也是為了趕車聽到change就閃人了 但聽到這首我就很滿足了 QQ
03/02 18:18, 17F

03/02 18:19, , 18F
好險沒唱through the mines不然我真的要撞牆了 (小聲)
03/02 18:19, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1H9GrGi- (Indie-pop)
文章代碼(AID): #1H9GrGi- (Indie-pop)