[心得] YOASOBI"怪物"美國Time年度十大最佳歌曲

看板J-PopStation (日本流行音樂)作者 (patdolye)時間3年前 (2021/12/09 01:12), 編輯推噓8(805)
留言13則, 11人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
時代雜誌網站十二月五日發表了二零二一年十大最佳歌曲 第五首是YOASOBI的怪物 也是唯一的亞洲歌手/組合入選的 時代雜誌的評語(抱歉沒有能力翻譯) The J-pop duo YOASOBI has taken Japan by storm over the last couple years, topping several charts, accruing billions of streams and winning this year’s “Artist of the Year” at MTV’s Video Music Awards Japan. “Monster,” an English language version of one of their biggest hits, thrums along with the band’s trademark vivacity. It seamlessly integrates a giant pop hook with furious math rock riffs, jazzy chromatic runs and a seismic EDM-esque drop. Given the song’s yearning, cinematic nature, it’s wholly unsurprising that it served as the title song to the anime Beastars. https://time.com/6125601/best-songs-2021/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/J-PopStation/M.1638983550.A.924.html

12/09 01:41, 3年前 , 1F
推 The book 2 在Tidal也有
12/09 01:41, 1F

12/09 07:47, 3年前 , 2F
12/09 07:47, 2F

12/09 22:21, 3年前 , 3F
12/09 22:21, 3F

12/10 01:20, 3年前 , 4F
12/10 01:20, 4F

12/11 16:05, 3年前 , 5F
SONY還要強推到何時啊 我古参粉都聽不下去了 後面幾首
12/11 16:05, 5F

12/11 16:05, 3年前 , 6F
芭樂到有夠廉價 然後幾乎每首都硬出英文版
12/11 16:05, 6F

12/11 16:07, 3年前 , 7F
12/11 16:07, 7F

12/11 16:48, 3年前 , 8F
12/11 16:48, 8F

12/11 19:55, 3年前 , 9F
12/11 19:55, 9F

12/13 09:51, 3年前 , 10F
12/13 09:51, 10F

12/14 17:51, 3年前 , 11F
12/14 17:51, 11F

12/14 23:33, 3年前 , 12F
12/14 23:33, 12F

12/15 12:22, 3年前 , 13F
12/15 12:22, 13F
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文章代碼(AID): #1XiET-aa (J-PopStation)