[推薦] Drenched-曲婉婷(春嬌與志明主題曲)

看板Lilith作者 (Somos Juntos)時間11年前 (2012/07/06 22:21), 編輯推噓1(107)
留言8則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
看了春嬌與志明,在最後結尾的地方聽到這首歌 雞皮疙瘩都跑出來了...他的歌聲好特別! 在這邊與大家分享囉:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUMunjwsO2U
os.為什麼她唱歌樣這樣扭來扭去勒? "Drenched" by Wanting(曲婉婷) When minutes become hours When days become years And I dont know where you are Color seems so dull without you Have we lost our minds? What have we done? But it all doesnt seem to matter anymore When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back You held me in your arms, I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I Im drenched in your love Im no longer able to hold it back Is it too late to ask for love? Is it wrong to feel right? When the world is winding down Thoughts of you linger around Have we lost our minds? What have we done? But it all doesnt seem to matter anymore When you kissed me on that street, I kissed you back You held me in your arms, I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I Im drenched in your love Im no longer able to hold it back -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/17 16:14, , 1F
她好像是 Nettwerk 旗下的藝人 ( 而且應是 Nettwerk 旗
07/17 16:14, 1F

07/17 16:15, , 2F
下首位華語樂手 ), 其實還蠻酷的. Nettwerk 的 YouTube
07/17 16:15, 2F

07/17 16:15, , 3F
另外推薦了我這首: http://0rz.tw/hPbPl
07/17 16:15, 3F

07/17 16:16, , 4F
( 這首是華語的. )
07/17 16:16, 4F

07/17 16:28, , 5F
美國 Amazon 上整張專輯的歌曲 30 秒試聽:
07/17 16:28, 5F

07/17 16:28, , 6F
07/17 16:28, 6F

07/17 16:37, , 7F
抱歉, 剛剛打錯, 更正: 是旗下首位 "華人" 樂手.
07/17 16:37, 7F

07/20 17:12, , 8F
07/20 17:12, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1FzlHupL (Lilith)
文章代碼(AID): #1FzlHupL (Lilith)