[ 售 ] A means to an end (The music of Joy …
A means to an end (The music of Joy Division)
向Joy Division致敬專輯
1. She's lost control by Girls Against Boys
2. Day of the lords by Honeymoon Stitch
3. New dawn fades by Moby
4. Transmission by Low
5. Atmosphere by Codeine
6. Insight by Further
7. Love will tear us apart by Stanton-Miranda
8. Isolation by Starchildren
9. Heart and soul by Kendra Smith
10.Twenty four hours by Versus
11.Warsaw by Desert Storm
12.They walked in line by godheadSilo
13.Interzone by Face to Face
14.As you said by Tortoise
內頁有Anthony Wilson 在95年為這張專輯寫的一段話。
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※ 編輯: babybird 來自: (02/03 03:48)
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