[ 售 ] CDs

看板Music-Sell作者 (hypocrisy)時間12年前 (2012/11/08 01:48), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串118/150 (看更多)
使用ezship店到店寄送,買幾張運費皆為50元 意者請站內信聯絡,不議價,謝謝! A Place To Bury Strangers - 同名專輯 (近全新,CD無刮痕,200) Animal Collective - Fall Be Kind (全新未拆,150) Adem - Takes (全新未拆,150) Barenaked Ladies - All In Good Time (全新未拆,180) Bloc Party - Intimacy (全新未拆,150) Bent / Intercept! (全新未拆,120) Coldplay - X&Y (首批流水編號限量盤,近全新,CD無刮,150) dEUS - keep you close (全新未拆,250) Duran Duran - All You Need Is Now (全新未拆,200) Edson - Unwind With Edson (全新未拆,150) Fleet Foxes - 同名專輯 (全新未拆,250) Girls - album(全新未拆,200) Green Day / 21st Century Breakdown (CD+DVD 全新未拆250) Garbage - Version 2.0 (CD無刮,100) Little Dragon - Machine Dreams (全新未拆,200) Low - C'Mon (全新未拆,200) The Marshmallow Kisses - I wonder why my favorite boy leaves me (些微刮痕, 120) The Legends - Over and Over(全新未拆,120) The XX - Coexist(進口盤,未拆,400) Muse - Hullabaloo Soundtrack (2CD,無刮,200) My Bloody Valentine - Loveless (美版,單CD版,全新未拆,250) Memoryhouse - The Slideshow Effect (全新未拆,280) Frank Ocean - channel ORANGE (全新未拆,250) The Gaslight Anthem Handwritten (14首歌豪華版,全新未拆,250) Primal Scream - Give out but don't give up (全新未拆,150) Placebo - Battle For The Sun (CD+DVD) (近全新,無刮,150) 重塑雕像的權利 - Watch Out, Climate Has Changed,Fat Mum Rises (近全新,無刮, 220) 林憶蓮-蓋亞 (全新未拆,230) 徐佳瑩 - LaLa首張創作專輯 (約八成新,一般使用痕跡,180) 江美琪-房間 (全新未拆封,150) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1Gcfxu3p (Music-Sell)