[推薦] Above & Beyond pres. Oceanlab - I Am What I Am

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Above & Beyond pres. Oceanlab - I Am What I Am http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-O_h-BKY2k&feature=related
進階某版 Above & Beyond pres OceanLab - I Am What I Am (Lange Remix) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cs7flmYiD2g&feature=related
I know you've read So many books You keep a breast of all the things you think you should You've got your own home grown philosophy And it works for you But please don't try to make it work for me You have nothing to prove But you’re trying much too hard Stop trying to change me (Stop trying to change me…) I am what I am (I am what I am…) No I don’t need you to save me (I don’t need you to save me…) I am what I am (I am what I am…) I don’t want you to show me (I don’t need you to show me…) Because I stand where I stand (I stand where I stand…) I just need you to know me (just need you to know me) Just know who I am (Just know who I am…) Just know who I am... Just know who I am... I know you feel You need to prove That you are good at something Everything you try to do And people have on your every word That you deliver With conviction Though they may just be absurd Leave your armor behind Free your vulnerable mind Stop trying to change me (Stop trying to change me…) I am what I am (I am what I am…) No I don’t need you to save me (I don’t need you to save me…) I am what I am (I am what I am…) I don’t want you to show me (I don’t need you to show me…) Because I stand where I stand (I stand where I stand…) I just need you to know me (just need you to know me) Just know who I am (Just know who I am…) Just know who I am... Just know who I am... ======================================================== PTT上音樂好多版哪.. 看得我眼有點花.. 我經常也搞不懂音樂是哪種分類,總之是用來聽 音樂之於我,都是用來聽心情的,這話有點怪,不過心情真的蠻常隨聽的音樂類型而改變 電音似乎給人的感覺是有點俗跟台(?) 其實我也不太瞭解,我只知道兄弟姊妹很難接受,覺得頗吵, 聽音樂其實沒什麼固定類型,只要自己覺得好聽就是了 (很廢言 = ="..) 要我說音樂我還真的說不出什麼東西來,形容詞只有好跟不好,噗~ 我盡力了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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