[心情] 惠妮休斯頓-若你說我的眼睛很美

看板MusicMood作者 (購物車男孩。)時間13年前 (2012/03/10 17:26), 編輯推噓0(000)
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『若你說我的眼睛很美,那是因為正注視著你。』 少女時期深深被這樣的句子打動,儘管英文還不靈光,卻也 捧著歌詞一遍又一遍反覆聆聽。長大了才知道,這種句子只 會出現在情歌,或者瓊瑤八點檔連續劇。如果現實生活中真 有人講出這種話,大概只會覺得此人小時候瓊瑤看太多,一 點也不會有浪漫的感覺。 哎!少女的純情青春夢,終究是與現實世界有所隔閡的。 不過仍然慶幸自己活過了這樣的年歲,有夢、有仰望。畢竟 做夢還是得趁早,否則等到現在這把年紀,想做夢也做不起 來了。 謝謝惠妮,給我一段純真的少女之夢。 謹以此曲紀念永遠的天后--惠妮休斯頓,以及,我已逝的 少女時代。 □ If You Say My Eyes Are Beautiful Whitney Houston & Jermaine Jackson (1986) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVgSoWYzt0Y
If you say my eyes are beautiful It's because they're looking at you And if you could only see yourself You'd feel the same way too You could say that I am a dreamer Who’s had a dream come true If you say my eyes are beautiful It's because they're looking at you If you wonder why I'm smiling It's because I'm happy with you And the warm sensations touch my heart And fill me through and through I could hold you close forever And never let you go If you say my eyes are beautiful It's because I just love you so Now my heart is an open door Won't you come inside for more? You can love so sweetly now Take my love, take me completely now If you say my eyes are beautiful It's because they're looking at you And my eyes are just the window For my feelings to come through And by far, you are more beautiful Than anything I ever know If you say my eyes are beautiful It's because they're looking at you -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #1FMnueLJ (MusicMood)