[推薦] ONE OK ROCK 「Liar」

看板MusicMood作者 (ivy)時間12年前 (2013/04/24 17:59), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
歌名 ONE OK ROCK 「Liar」 連結 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osr0JxHm9nY
歌詞 What do you want from me? Just let me breathe a little What do you want to see? 目に見えるモノ? What do you want to believe? Still nothing can settled Hold on your words you say It's no good 何を求め そして何を受け入れる? 2つに1つ!! 僕にはまだそれが I don't know となりで笑う君は Hey Liar, Hey Liar What do you think of living without me? Hey Liar, Hey Liar 何がウソでどれが真実? Must be a dream I see まるでデジャヴのよう Trying so hard to know inside of you Staring your eyes to feel この思いが届くようにと 願うけど理想とはウラハラ So cold となりで微笑む君… Hey Liar, Hey Liar あれもこれもウソじゃもう I'm tired, so tired What do you think of living without me? There is nothing left to bleed My heart can't take this any more There is nothing left to bleed My heart can't take this any more Hey Liar, Hey Liar What do you think of living without me? ねぇ Liar, Oh yeah Liar とどまる事は無意味?? 前陣子 用KKBOX隨機輪播音樂聽到的歌 整個非常的ROCK啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!!!!! 本來還以為是外國人唱的耶 因為主唱的英文很不像日本人的發音 後來有去聽他們其他首歌 也都還不錯喔!!! 推薦給各位 :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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文章代碼(AID): #1HTwqRev (MusicMood)