[情報]女神卡卡《A STAR IS BORN》將登上百老匯

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電影《一個巨星的誕生》改編音樂劇 將與女神卡卡Lady Gaga 的熱門歌曲 一起登上百老匯舞台 Exclusive: “A Star is Born” Musical Coming to Broadway with the Lady Gaga Hits https://i.imgur.com/1RzycJi.jpg
來源 showbiz411 : https://reurl.cc/D4LznN Roger Friedman 報導: 在 2017 年曾經宣布, 美國百老匯將上演一部名為 《A STAR IS BORN》的音樂劇, 當時還在撰寫劇本,並且由 「比爾坎登 Bill Condon」擔任導演。 https://i.imgur.com/GbTbVrm.jpg
隨後在 2018 年, 布萊德利庫柏 (Bradley Cooper) 與 女神卡卡 (Lady Gaga) 一起推出了由他們一同主演的電影 《一個巨星的誕生》(A STAR IS BORN) 並且創作出許多熱門的電影原創歌曲, 例如〈Shallow〉等。 擱淺帶 Shallow https://youtu.be/bo_efYhYU2A
這部電影的全球票房收入 高達 4.63 億美元,令人震驚。 https://i.imgur.com/I2Hn5yk.jpg
在那之後, 原版電影的百老匯版本 產生了動搖與不確定性。 P.S. 在 Bradley Cooper & Lady Gaga 的電影之前已經有三部翻拍。 1932 《好萊塢的代價》What Price Hollywood 1937《星海浮沉錄》 A Star Is Born 1954《星海浮沉錄》A Star Is Born 1976 《星夢淚痕》A Star Is Born 2018《一個巨星的誕生》A Star Is Born https://i.imgur.com/eeqPN8i.jpg
獨家消息《一個巨星的誕生》又回來了! 導演比爾坎登離開這個計畫了。 現在這部音樂劇將根據 「 Cooper & Gaga 」2018年電影版本改編, 並包含 Lady Gaga 和 Bradley Cooper 在電影中的歌曲。 https://i.imgur.com/CgkCxhi.jpg
這聽起來很聰明, 因為歌曲已經有了, 劇本大致上也已經完成了, 觀眾現在也認可這就是真正的 「一個巨星的誕生」,毋庸置疑。 https://i.imgur.com/wFTexb3.jpg
目前還沒有這齣電影 改編成音樂劇的其他細節。 演員陣容、導演或編劇都還未透露。 但他們很快就會這麼做。 等不及想像開幕之夜會多隆重! 我們可能要到 2026 年才能看到這一幕。 但無論由誰萊出演,都會一夜成名。 https://i.imgur.com/I6DAdGy.jpg
For a while there, Broadway was getting a musical called “A Star is Born.” Ascript was being worked on, and Bill Condon was going to direct. This was announced in 2017. Then in 2018 Bradley Cooper unleashed his “Star is Born” with Lady Gaga and all those songs that became hits including “Shallow.” https://i.imgur.com/I5iOszW.jpg
The movie made an astounding $463 million worldwide. After that, the Broadway version of the original movies (there were three before the Cooper-Lady Gaga movie) just kind of drifted. Now I’m told by sources that “A Star is Born” is back. Condon is gone. https://i.imgur.com/dR5hSpZ.jpg
Andnow the musical will be adapted from Cooper’s version, complete with Lady Gaga and Cooper songs. This sounds smart since the songs are already there, so is the plot, and the audience now thinks this is the real “Star is Born.” Well, it is, right? https://i.imgur.com/WVr2Ar4.jpg
No other details yet. No cast, director, or writer have been revealed. But they will be soon. And imagine that opening night! We probably won’t see this until 2026. But whoever is cast will become stars over night. -- https://i.imgur.com/wj8RxmW.jpg
. PAWS UP Little Monsters . PTT 看板LadyGaga(女神卡卡板) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LadyGaga/index.html . PTT 看板WesternMusic(西音板) https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WesternMusic/index.html . https://i.imgur.com/3hSFLgk.jpg
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