[情報] 「光束分離」即興長號與人聲二重奏

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「光束分離」即興長號與人聲二重奏 首次訪台巡演 BEAM SPLITTER Improv Trombone & Voice Duo Taiwan Debut Tour 時間 Time/ 2017/04/20(四) 19:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街13號至15號間小巷內/城隍廟旁) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (In the alley between No.13 & No.15, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple) 表演者 Performers/ BEAM SPLITTER: Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (NO) / 長號 Trombone 陳皓伊 Audrey Chen (US) / 人聲 Voice feat. 謝奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh / 電腦、電子 Laptop, Electronics 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang / 二胡、嗩吶 Erhu, Suona 票價 Ticket/ $350-200(自由定價 Suggested Donation) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performers/ ● BEAM SPLITTER 「光束分離 BEAM SPLITTER」為台裔大提琴暨人聲音樂家陳皓伊(Audrey Chen)與挪威 伸縮號演奏家Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø所組成的即興音樂二重奏。陳皓伊長年於美國 受學院教育,後轉往歐洲發展,其運用延展人聲的高度技巧,動態幅度與表現張力之豐富 ,享譽國際,邀約不斷。Henrik為新生代伸縮號音樂家,利用人聲及長號發展獨特的聲音 組合,企圖在脆弱、親密、欣喜、測量的控制感等之間取得平衡。自2015年起,陸續受邀 於歐洲、紐西蘭、阿根廷、巴西、美國等各地音樂節演出,甚至受到布宜諾斯艾利斯 Teatro Colon委託創作、基輔Olympic Stadium的合作。 陳皓伊,擁有台灣與美國雙重國籍,大提琴與人聲皆受古典音樂學院訓練,之後,對於古 樂與現代音樂產生興趣,探索聲音的組織方式,發展自己的獨立美學。 近年經常與國外 藝術家合作,特別是與英國的人聲大師Phil Monton有長期的二重奏組合。其個人曾經於 歐洲、澳洲、俄國、紐西蘭、中國、日本、台灣、巴西、加拿大、美國等地演出。 Henrik專精於現代音樂領域,先後於瑞典哥德堡以及挪威奧斯陸音樂學院研習即興音樂與 爵士等方面,並取得學位。Henrik的音樂風格相當多元,有好幾個樂團計畫持續進行,含 括新音樂、自由爵士等。亨利克利用伸縮號吹奏出多聲部複音、對位線條、微分音或電子 音樂的質感。曾與許多國際知名音樂家合作過,受邀至各音樂節演出,已發行獨奏專輯與 二重奏專輯數張。 (文字翻譯:李世揚) BEAM SPLITTER is the duo of Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (NO) and Audrey Chen (US). Using the trombone and voice, they maneuver a balance between fragility, intimacy, the ecstatic and measured control. They share a common sense of pulse and an inherent understanding of the way they each aurally manage and let go of every consecutive moment. The lungs release through to mouths to bell, back and forth like a tactile breathing exchange. Since beginning their collaboration in 2015, Nørstebø and Chen have been extensively touring the globe; in Europe, New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, and the USA. Audrey Chen is a Chinese-American musician born outside of Chicago in 1976. She turned to the cello at age 8 and voice at 11. After years of classical and conservatory training in both instruments, with a resulting specialization in early and new music; now, using the voice and cello, Chen’ s work delves deeply into her own version of narrative and non-linear storytelling. Since 2004, Chen has been performing across Europe, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Canada and the United States. She is currently based in Berlin, Germany. Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø (born 1986 in Trondheim, Norway) is a trombonist working mostly within contemporary fields of music. An ambiguous relationship with the trombone has led him to explore both the boisterous and brassy side of the instrument, as well as its counterpoint in microscopic and ‘electronic ’ sound possibilities. Utilizing a wide spectrum of playing techniques, from pure long tones to noise and the almost inaudible, he often works balancing the intuitive with the precisely constructed. Having toured actively since 2010, he has played at clubs and festivals all over Europe, as well as in Russia, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Brazil and Argentina. http://www.beamsplitter.org/ http://www.soundcloud.com/beamsplitter/marahau/ --- ● 謝奉珍 Feng-Chen Hsieh 主要以聲音為創作媒材,她總是以聲音為媒介與環境做互動。參與現場表演、聲音裝置、 聲音影像間的關係實驗、田野錄音等。在聲音表演上,她會透過日常的聲音採集,組合成 不同的聲音片段,在現場表演時會依據現場的氣氛運用聲音的表現來做回應,並嘗試與觀 眾互動。她也常與國內外不同的表演者進行合作交流。 http://dieananas.weebly.com/ http://pinh.bandcamp.com/ --- ● 張登堯 Deng-Yao Chang 1984年生於新竹,美國馬里蘭藝術學院藝術創作碩士,2010年回台後持續從事藝術展演、 策劃與推廣至今,並成立江山藝改所藝文空間。自幼學習鋼琴與二胡多年,並參與樂團演 出,聆聽音樂類型廣泛,從古典傳統到前衛實驗,近年開始嘗試以二胡進行自由即興與噪 音演奏。 Born 1984 and based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. DYC received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in Baltimore, MD. He has been constantly working on artistic practice, curatorial practice and art promotion since returning to Taiwan in 2010. He founded the art space "Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo". He learned to play piano and erhu for many years when in young ages and participated in a well-known local Chinese orchestra. He enjoys listening to music comprehensively, from very classical or traditional to extremely avant-garde or exprimental. He has attempted to play erhu in an freely improvisational and noisy approach in recent years. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 交通方式/ ● 大眾運輸 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走約100公尺,於左手邊「台灣銀行」前搭乘大遠 百免費接駁車,在第三個停靠站(中山路北門街口)下車,往前直走約50公尺右轉仁德街( 地標為貢茶),直走約50公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15 公尺右手邊即為本所正門。 ● 步行 火車站出口出來,沿著左前方林森路直走,看到右手邊的「南門醫院」後右轉復興路並直 走接東門街,看到城隍廟前廣場往正前方找到仁德街(地標為貢茶),進入仁德街直走約50 公尺左轉江山街,找到13號及15號之間的防火巷,進入巷子約15公尺右手邊即為本所正門 。(約15~20分鐘) ● 地圖 Map 中文版:http://0rz.tw/3y8dH English Version:http://0rz.tw/AQCdk 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/1661691124124700/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 04/19/2017 00:22:29
文章代碼(AID): #1OzZqpTO (Orchestra)
文章代碼(AID): #1OzZqpTO (Orchestra)