[情報] 秋日午後的木管與電影

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秋日午後的木管與電影 Afternoon Woodwinds and Movie of The Fall 時間 Time/ 2018/11/25(日) 15:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市東區興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performers/ 山內桂 Katsura Yamauchi (JP) / 短片、薩克斯風 short film, saxophone Mark Alban Lotz (DE) / 長笛 flute 入場贊助 Donation For Entry/ $300-200 自由定價 Self-pricing Donation *請勿攜帶外食飲品 No outside food or drinks allowed. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於短片 About The Short Film/ 《HuuA》 片長:25分 山內桂(導演、音樂、攝影、薩克斯風) 關祥子(水精靈) 安田敦美(演唱) Sagaing(山內桂/薩克斯風、Hugh/吉他、米增博俊/貝斯) (劇情) 水精靈向我們揭示了宇宙與它的運行道理。 她在山與海裡到處遊走嬉戲與歌唱。 所有事物都是同一且不斷循環的,即使是解構也只是和諧中唯一的元素。即使它永恆不斷 的重複敘說,也不是在相同的時刻。 Katsura Yamauchi (director, camera, music, sax) Shoko Seki (fairy of water) Atsumi Yasuda (vocal) Sagaing (Katsura Yamauchi/sax, Hugh/guitar, Hirotoshi Yonemasu/bass) (storyline) Fairy of water shows us universe and its affection. She goes round mountain and sea playing and singing. Everything is one and circulating. Even destruction is only one element of harmony. Even though it is eternal iteration, it is not the same moment. 山内 桂(監督・音楽・撮影・サックス) 関 祥子(水の精) 安田敦美(歌) サガイン(山内桂/サックス、ヒュー/ギター、米増博俊/ベース) 預告片 Trailer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5EPMomrhoU
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performers/ ● 山內桂 Katsura Yamauchi (JP) http://salmosax.com/ 1954年生於九州別府市,大學時代開始吹奏薩克斯風和演奏自由爵士,同時即興演奏與作 曲。20多年工作的在職期間,仍參與多場音樂會之籌備規劃並與音樂家同台演出,2002年 自職場退休後,全心投入音樂人生涯。 受到來自東京的新實驗音樂影響,山內桂仍然發展出屬於自己的音樂,以薩克斯風獨奏的 方式,揉合即興與極簡,挑戰易聽、易懂與優美的形式,創造出像是要觸動樂音與細胞的 溝通般那樣,閃閃發亮、生動活潑且獨一無二的「SALMO SAX」音樂,多年來陸續於海內 外演出。 山內桂曾獨立發過數張CD,也曾與法國薩克斯風即興音樂家Michel Doneda、德國聲音藝 術家Gunter Muller、瑞士即興音樂家Norbert Moeslang等人共同錄音,合作過的音樂家 更是不計其數;2005年起陸續於歐美諸國巡演參加音樂節。 對即興演奏狂熱喜愛的山內桂,對於大自然同樣抱持著狂熱的情感,20多年來除了陸續獨 立登上日本各地的山峰滑雪,也曾在非積雪期的湍流裡釣魚,這樣的經驗自然也在某種形 式上成為其創作的要素與靈感,CD「祝子」就同時收入了水的寫真集,實際結合了山、水 與音樂。 然而,雖然沒有經驗也沒有相關的知識,大自然的美景也讓他萌生拍片的念頭, 於是手 持鏡頭只想把水好好的拍下來。他的第一部電影水的抒情詩 「ホフネン」 ( HoFuNeM) 就此而生,並獲得參展機會。能夠向世界傳達自身感覺的山田桂自然開心,也持續以這個 方式進行創作,雖然沒有任何具體的計劃或意圖,但對他而言大自然就是宇宙,充分的享 受與之交流的喜悅才是最重要的。 2008年組成Salmosax Ensemble,2016年Sagaing成軍。 2012年首次製作電影水的抒情詩「ホフネン」 (HoFuNeM);2014年的第二部作品「ハルリ 」(HaRuLi),2017年「フウア」(HuuA)皆入選國際電影節。 (簡介文字翻譯:響響) Katsura Yamauchi picked up his first saxophone in the early 1970s and was quickly drawn to modern jazz, avant-garde and free improvisation. Born in Beppu, far from the traditional creative centers around the bigger cities in Japan, Yamauchi was until recently relatively unknown, but has now shown himself to be one of the most unique musicians in Japan. For years Katsura Yamauchi was sporadically active as both musician and concert organizer, and helped arrange performances in Japan for veteran musicians from both the USA and Europe, such as Derek Bailey, Han Bennink and Milford Graves. Not until 2002 did he quit his regular job to dedicate himself fully to music. Yamauchi was influenced by the new experimental sounds coming from Tokyo, but had developed his own original style, mixing improvisation and minimalism with melodic elements. The music is at the same time challenging and easily accessible, unrecognizable and beautiful. Katsura Yamauchi has released several solo CDs and recorded with Michel Doneda, Gunter Müller and Norbert Möslang from Voice Crack and performed with Taku Unami, I.S.O., Misha Mengelberg, Tatsuya Nakatani, Sharif Sehnaoui, Jason Kahn, Otomo Yoshihide, sachiko M, Barre Phillips, Kim Dae-Hwan, Gino Robair, Toshinori Kondo, Yoshimitsu Ichiraku, Travassos, Toshimaru Nakamura, Seijiro Murayama, Han Bennink and many others. In addition to extensive activity in Japan, Katsura Yamauchi has toured the USA and several times in Europe. He has performed at the following festivals: Musique Innovatrices 2005, Castello Canalis 2007, Ftarri Festival 2008, Amplify Festival 2008, Beppu Contemporary Art Festival 2009, Asian Meeting Festival 2009, Ftarri Doubtmusic festival 2010, Yokohama Improvisation Festival 2010 and Nuit Bleue festival 2010, BACK TO THE TREES 2011 etc. "Katsura Yamauchi is really both a new and a veteran artist... I am greatly refreshed by his energetic and confident performance." - Otomo Yoshihide, July 2003 --- ● Mark Alban Lotz (DE) http://www.lotzofmusic.com/ 生於1963年,長笛演奏家,在泰國、烏干達與德國長大,先後於Hilversum音樂院學習爵 士樂與阿姆斯特丹藝術學院學習古典/當代音樂,並曾於鹿特丹Codarts學習印度Bansuri 笛。除長笛外,還演奏短笛、中音長笛、低音長笛、預置長笛等。Mark演奏的音樂風格十 分多元,他致力於策劃「音樂:世界系列」音樂會/音樂節及「u-ex(perimental)」自由 即興系列音樂會,極力推廣當代音樂與即興音樂,更涉獵非洲音樂、古巴音樂、巴爾幹音 樂、浩室音樂、現代爵士等,更為其他藝術類型演奏音樂,包括舞蹈、劇場、視覺藝術、 錄像藝術等。即使在演奏較通俗的音樂類型時,也總是帶入新的演奏技法與音樂語彙,讓 人耳目一新。多次獲得荷蘭政府資助出國演奏計畫,曾於美國、加拿大、古巴、法屬圭亞 那、土耳其、俄羅斯、烏克蘭、保加利亞、德國、荷蘭、西班牙、斯洛伐克、奧地利、法 國、塞內加爾及埃及等地演出。目前為止已發行十六張個人專輯,其它參與合作的專輯約 有四十張。近期發行個人笛類獨奏專輯,在國際間獲得極高的評價。目前任教於烏特勒茲 、鹿特丹、茲沃勒等地的音樂院,教授爵士與拉丁長笛演奏。 Born in 1963; grew up in Thailand, Uganda and Germany. Started playing the flute at seventeen and ended up studying both: jazz at the Hilversum Conservatory as well as classical/contemporary music at the Amsterdam ‘ School of Arts’. Private tuition in the US (NYC & LA) and student of Indian Bansuri flute at Codarts, Rotterdam. Mark’s music builds a bridge between jazz and contemporary music – often crossing boundaries with other musics of the world. Exponent of a new generation of an truly European Jazz Musician, broadly informed and minded. This live takes him all over the globe. As (co-)leader realized many collaborations in various disciplines: African music, Afro-Cuban music, Balkan music, free improvised music, house music, modern jazz, new contemporary music, art, dance, theater and video art. Part of the ‘Music: World Series‘ concert/festival organisation, initiator of the weekly concert series ‘u-ex(perimental)‘ with free improvised music (2007-2011) and the government board of Improvising musicians (BIM). Toured the USA, Canada, Cuba, Suriname, French Guiana, Turkey, Russia, Moldavia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Slovakia, Austria, France, Senegal, Egypt. Now proffessor for flute (jazz/latin) at the Conservatories of Utrecht, Rotterdam, Zwolle. 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/2250595725171869/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Orchestra/M.1543117068.A.B27.html
文章代碼(AID): #1R-XaCid (Orchestra)
文章代碼(AID): #1R-XaCid (Orchestra)