[趴訊] "Drunk & Bass" at The Wall 6.24 周六

看板Rave_Party作者 (Soulwax)時間18年前 (2006/06/11 22:09), 編輯推噓0(000)
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2006.24 周六 Drunk & Bass at The Wall 為了慶祝炎炎夏日的到來,The Wall 接下來準備了一系列的暢飲派對提供給愛玩的你, 準備讓你在這個夏天喝個痛快,跳個不停! 活動的第一彈是由JungleMania 帶給大家的"Drunk & Bass"party, 我們為你準備了喝不完的酒以及分別來自英國、澳洲、加拿大與台灣的DJ/MC 來為你提供可以讓你跳足整晚,活力四射的碎拍音樂。 不管你是個習慣在周末夜晚飲酒作樂的派對動物, 還是個早已厭倦了那些一再重覆的舞池國歌的新人類 歡迎你來跟我們一起享受個不一樣的玩樂方式 To welcome the coming summer, The Wall has prepared a series of free drinks party for all you clubbers to spend the summer with. The first party of the series is the "Drunk & Bass" party from JungleMania. We have filled our fridges up and got the best djs and mc to fire up the dancefloor with the music from jungle. Got fed up with the same music in every club? Be sure to come to feel the bass and get yourself drunk! DJs: A-Bomb Da zEOn+Chin FunkStar Amber & MC Beemer 時間:/Time:11:30~4:30 門票/Ticket: 男生(Boy)500/ 女生 (Girl)400 整晚無限暢飲/Free Drinks All Night The Wall: 羅斯福路四段200 號B1( 羅斯福路 / 基隆路口,百老匯影城地下室) B1F., No.200 , Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei (Corner of Roosevelt & Keelung Rd, at the basement of the Broadway Cinema) *歡迎大家多多幫忙散佈本活動訊息! -- It's All About The Funkdelic... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #14Z2GTFv (Rave_Party)
文章代碼(AID): #14Z2GTFv (Rave_Party)