Fw: [影音]pSylu?@地球革命戶外電子季05182012

看板Rave_Party作者 (Lysergide∫US)時間12年前 (2012/05/22 19:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 electronic 看板 #1Fkto2mo ] 作者: Euphonie (Lysergide∫US) 看板: electronic 標題: [影音]pSylus@地球革命戶外電子季05182012 時間: Tue May 22 19:46:07 2012 EF was as massive as anticipated except for some heavy rain which spoilt some parts of the event, a resounding success overall. Besides that, we will continue to work with the main organizer and get ourselves more involved. Will update you soon when the ball starts rolling again after everyone involved is properly rested. Meanwhile, you can check out first ever 'Live' session by Cy!us a.k.a pSylu? as he represents Trance Bass for EarthFest Revolutions. This is one real dark tunnel with no end...welcome to the Dark Psyluspace World by pSylu? Trance Bass DJs@地球革命戶外電子季第一波是由pSylu?帶來的Darkpsy set; 他嘗試以多個曲目帶給您故事般的旅程, 現在就來聽看看他的最新表演吧!!! 線上收聽/Online Stream: http://i.mixcloud.com/CBYdCN 此混音下載連結(320kbps DL): http://www.sendspace.com/file/fphfz9 Tripactors: 1. Deceptive Cadence - Darkshire 2. Skywalker - Darkshire 3. Instyle - Darkshire 4. Katedra - Space Shaman 5. Start Smart - Dr. Zabay 6. Traumatik Castle - Paraforce 7. Who Are You - Dream Visioner 8. Haunted Forest - Khaos Sektor 9. Gold Freaks - Nolm 10. Tibetan Lamas Chants - Nammah Ohm 11. Gruunach (The Black Dragon Of The Great Swamp) -Therange Freak 12. Sundial Wood - Metamorphose 13. Lost Senses - Gioll 14. Voyager Of Psychedelic States - Petran 15. LSD USA - Psychoson 16. Staged Invasion - Terra Moto 17. Approach - Antagon For more info plz refer: Trance Bass Fan page http://www.facebook.com/Trance.Bass.Asia TB MIxtape on Mixcloud http://www.mixcloud.com/Trance_Bass/uploads pSylu? http://www.mixcloud.com/lupsyfor-del-extasis/ Cyluspace World http://www.facebook.com/CyluspaceWorld -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Euphonie (, 時間: 05/22/2012 19:47:27 ※ 編輯: Euphonie 來自: (05/22 19:50)
文章代碼(AID): #1FktpGp7 (Rave_Party)
文章代碼(AID): #1FktpGp7 (Rave_Party)