[BB. ] S23 Week3 LF整理

看板Realityshow (真人實境秀)作者 (藍光)時間3年前 (2021/07/25 11:11), 編輯推噓18(18022)
留言40則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
簡單紀錄一下看完EP7以後上網爬的文字版live feed。 基本只講剪輯裡沒講到的東西+劇透。 1.全屋子刻意丟比賽 (Why?!) (很可能是因為全屋子的人想走Brent + Whitney) Xavier的HOH是撿到的 貌似Brent現在靶子最大 但是Whitney和Hannah故意告訴Brent他很安全 2.Xavier有意思要票走女盟的人 Xavier- If I win, I'm not opposed to taking the shot (at Brent or Whitney). Kyland- The question is which one. Xavier- If someone was going to go, I think I would rather it be Whitney right now. If Whitney sticks around, she is going to be vengeful #BB23 2.5 女盟認為自己很安全 Britni覺得自己越來越安全 (您哪來的自信?!) 3.大D 繼續針對 DX (大D、農夫、Brent怎麼搞DX的,正片0剪輯) 4.Hannah 與 DX繼續一組 兩人共同想走Brent Alyssa想走Brent+Whitney Kyland想走Brent DX and Kyland both want Brent to go next, but are also talking BD options in case Brent ends up winning POV. Ky tells X about his thoughts on this week. He’s also talking about the veto comp on Saturday and if Brent would be a threat in it or not if they had the numbers. They all agree everyone is on the same page in the house. DX跟他的男人Ky想BD Brent因為怕他贏Veto(Brent比賽有好到需要被BD?!) Ky去告訴Xavier他想走B(Ky因為在黑人盟外烤會的緣故這一週雖然下了HoH但位置很好) (DX有被當人質或BD的風險但是因為這週Ky挺他+全屋想走Brent,所以位置尚可) Ky+DX建議Xavier BD Brent Xavier沒有同意(除非全屋子的人都想BD Brent) Xavier在提名儀式開始前,希望每個小隊都進來跟他談一談。 目前大流上全屋子想走Brent (如果只看正片剪輯,估計沒人曉得Brent怎麼把自己的位置搞得這麼差) Xavier與上週Kyland的玩法一樣直接順大流,提B+W的機率很高 5.Brent當初丟比賽就是因為覺得Xavier和他鐵盟 6.Brent說大D連續兩週鬼票 想提他上去 7.Alyssa 和 Chris持續發展感情(?) 兩人已經在屋內被視為綁定。 但是Alyssa認為Chris對她的遊戲沒有幫助。 8.國王隊開會 決定走Brent Whitney (他們兩個在week2 就已經被扒出來是三頭蛇的其中兩名 靶子很大) 9.Whitney告訴大D 如果她能活下來 她就要對付Xavier 10. Alyssa說如果走不了Brent 和 Whitney 就把其他鬼牌隊的人弄上去當人質 Alyssa says no matter what, the nominees need to be Brent and Whitney. She says if one of them were to win the veto, another member from Team Aces (Hannah or DX) or even Azah could be a replacement as a pawn. (個人意見:因為鬼牌隊各懷鬼胎+DX比賽婊,所以這週他被BD的機率其實不小) (不過Britni是農夫死忠,而且是女盟,所以她靶子也挺大) 11.Claire說,X可能會讓B或W其中一個上排名,另外一個放人質。 (留一個起來防止兩個都去參加Veto、方便BD) Claire says she can see Xavier putting up either Brent or Whitney with a pawn, instead of putting them both up right away. 12.Ky認為不一定非得走女盟,因為女盟比賽能力弱。 13. Brent wants to name his final 2 with Alyssa “Trick or Treat”. Xavier, Alyssa, and Whitney are in the BA. Alyssa tells them about her conversation with Brent and how he told her to come up with a F2 name. Brent在求生 跟Alyssa訂F2約定 Alyssa把他賣給X跟W X知道B在求生(X知道B知道他有可能會提他上Block) Alyssa says this week is going to an awkward week for her because when Brent sees his face during the nomination ceremony, he’ll know that she knew he was the target this week, even after having a conversation with him about a F2. Alyssa肯定Brent必上提名 而且當Brent與她訂F2約定時 Alyssa沒有告訴B 他就是這週的target (Alyssa在敷衍他而且也想走他) Brent之前一直在騷擾Alyssa(正片把Brent剪得聰明又聖人 但他前兩週有持續在騷擾女房客) + Whitney跟Alyssa談過 所以Alyssa其實本來就不喜歡Brent Alyssa says(to christian) Brent later approached her to make a final 2 deal and sat uncomfortably close to her. Alyssa向Chris賣Brent說B找她訂F2協議 重點是Brent又在PUA搞得她很噁心(難怪想走他) 14. Alyssa says she had to fake it with Brent. She tells Christian that Brent wanted to target Christian and Derek X first from their two teams. Alyssa賣Brent 告訴Chris Brent想走他和DX 另外因為Brent這人挺噁心 就想騷擾女房客、趕走異性緣更好的男人 所以他想走C跟DX的用意很明顯(不是遊戲層面而是個人層面) (B真的從week 1一路惡臭到week 3) 15.Sarah Beth says she likes Brent as a person but he's a threat to her game - wanting to target girls, not trusting her, SB想走PUA因為PUA想針對女盟 (想撩妹又想霸凌女盟,還行) Sarah says Brent is too defensive and feels attacked if anyone disagrees with him. They don't believe he's a bad person but agree that he needs to go. Brent是農夫第二 下一個自大狂 想操縱屋子 攻擊性太強 必須走 16. Hannah jokes that her goal is to help DX win the $750k, then take out a life insurance policy on him. He jokes back "no prenup...your final speech is a marriage proposal to me" Hannah開玩笑說幫DX拿獎金 然後幫DX保保險 DX說這是求婚 17.Brit對Chris和Brent心動 (姑娘你眼光還正常否 18. Xavier- I am ready to do what I have got to do. He (Brent) is not part of the Royal Flush. Tiffany- And he started an alliance with us (Queens) yesterday. Xavier- Motive. Tiffany- And he was the one that initiated it #BB23 X準備提B上去 T賣了B 告訴X B和皇后隊組聯盟 而且是發起人 19.Claire, Kyland and Tiffany are have-nots for the week #BB23 C K T是Week3的貧民 T下週(Week4)生日 20.Brent to Derek X- I am sitting pretty. X and me are close. Big D was definitely the vote for Frenchie. That's the second time. His vote, we never know where it is #BB23 B告訴DX Xavier和他很鐵 大D鐵定是保農夫的那一票 week 1 和 week 2的鬼票都是大D投的 如果不走大D的話 大D永遠不會跟著全屋子投票 (反正B來遊說DX 而且說得挺有道理 不過X不會走黑人 所以這遊說我覺得沒用) 21.DX和Hannah聊天 DX說Brent是比賽弱雞根本不必BD他 但是B如果看到自己上提名 他會在這一週裡面到處賣人、說流言 Derek X to Hannah- Brent got out the first round. Holy shit. I was like "should we try to backdoor him?". "Brent, please reset". Nope, we good #BB23 Hannah- I dont think we should backdoor him. I think we should just put him on the block. Derek X- I could see X's argument for a backdoor. If Brent knows he is nominated tomorrow, he is going to be flipping shit the entire week #BB23 22.Hannah- We cannot have all three of them (Alyssa/Christian/Xavier) on jury cause they are all going to vote the same way. Derek X- Alyssa would probably make the most sense. I think she ties together Christian and X #BB23 H和DX聊天 H認為進Jury之前ACX不能全留 因為他們會投一樣的票 DX說A才是做決定的那個人 (沒錯 因為C跟X都是A的舔狗 奇妙的三角戀......) Ky和Sarah也認為AC這對遲早必須拆 23.Tiffany- I think it's in our best interest to keep Derek X. He is a strong competitor. At some point we might have to get rid of him because he is so strong. Claire- I think someone else will want to get rid of him. Tiffany- We can keep him to work for us #BB23 T認為DX是比賽婊留著很危險 該走DX的時候就必須走他 C說其他人也會想走DX原因就如T所言 T說如果DX還沒走的 就得好好利用DX來幫助她們自己的遊戲 24.Tiffany- We picked him (Derek X) up on Day 3. Claire- We have always been loyal. I feel like maybe he has a little bit of a crush on me. Maybe not, who knows #BB23 C懷疑DX喜歡她 (所以現在全屋子裡的女人大概除了T跟B還有W以外的通通都喜歡DX 難怪Brent非得要走他) 25.#BB23 DF thinks the three of them (X,Ky) should name an alliance.. He suggests the Kings of Nazareth - Def Jam is also suggested. They leave it and will come back to it later. Ky tells DF that the best place to talk is the HN room, it's soundproof. 外烤盟中組建小盟 黑人核心男盟 成員:大D X Kyland 目前在幫聯盟取名字(還沒取好?) 26.Brit tells Tiff she may want to play in WC because she was just up this week. She asks Tiff if she wants to play WC this week. Tiff says maybe because she wants Claire to be safe next week. They agree DX doesn't want to win so it's really just the 2 of them playing. 前面DX有說過比外卡可以丟比賽 Brit 和Tiffany都要比外卡 Brit上週上過提名感覺自己不安全所以要比 Tiff想比是因為想保C安全 所以外卡賽就她們兩個比了 (不過DX說過比賽放水很難(汗 所以鹿死誰手還不知道... 27.DX想要夏威夷男孩回來QAQ (你們的Bromance居然不假嗎) 28. DF says "you guys are thinking Christian for next week but I'm thinking Whitney, Claire." He says he's also thinking DX. DF says he doesn't think he's at the top of the list to keep around. Brit says "you think Whit and Claire are more dangerous then A and C together?" DF不想走Chris 想走W C 和 DX(所以DX是被他當女的看嗎?! Brit問他為何不覺得Alyssa和Chris更危險...Orz (大D從week1開始堅定想走DX 原因不明) DX知道這件事(大D想走他 29.外卡 T贏 30.T和X聯手 T在屋裡針對Britni X把Brit和Brent放提名 告訴Brent他是人質 Brent如果贏了veto X就替補W上去 31.因為T提議讓X提Brit上去 所以大D不爽 去撕T Azah不想讓Brit上去當pawn 自願當pawn 大D與T鬧翻 黑人盟毀滅於week3 32.因為Brent過度自信+他對伍裡的人都在騙他 所以雖然他上提名但他覺得自己走不了(???? 33.DX本週推特人氣第二 還是有希望拿個全美最愛(??? 34.AC在HoH房蓋被子親熱 X:我頭上的帽子變色了 Xavier caught Alyssa and Christian doing a little sumin sumin under the blankets in his HOH room. Alyssa won’t stop saying how embarrassed she is. #BB23 X laughing to hide the pain #bb23 35.Brit想贏Veto保證自己安全 Whit讓她丟比賽 36.Brit接下來很可能會成職業pawn 再看她撐幾週(? 37.X和W關係好 雖然屋子裡的人都想讓X在Brent贏Veto的時候提W 但是X不想 C就說不然提Azah (因為Azah這一週一直被外烤盟的人晃點+對著DX/Ky/T發神經) 38.C和T真心組L2 但C認為T太強 39. DX又 又又 又又又想扔比賽 告訴Brit如果自己抽到Veto就扔給她 (他其實沒有抽到Veto) The veto players are Xavier, Brent, Britini, Christian, Derek F and Whitney. Christian赢了 Veto比賽是車輪戰 所有人打一個Brent 40.DF says when Brent gets older he'd be into him. He explains why Christian is attractive (his face) and Xavier is attractive (good face, nice butt). DX's body fits him, and Kyland is basically perfect. #bb23 大D認為Brent再老一點會愛上他 他控Chris的臉 X的臉跟屁股 DX的身體 Ky整個人都很好 我很討厭大D但我覺得他說得很對(除了Chris以外) 41.DF isn't sure he wants to win HOH until f6, He doesn't think he needs to right now other than to see where ppl are at. Azah agrees. She doesn't really want to win until later but now thinks maybe she needs to #bb23 兩個比賽弱雞在討論是否需要贏得HoH 大D認為他在F6前不需要 Azah感覺到自己有風險 所以必須為了以後的HoH全力以赴 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Realityshow/M.1627182714.A.7D0.html

07/25 12:06, 3年前 , 1F
07/25 12:06, 1F

07/25 12:56, 3年前 , 2F
感謝整理! DX這幾天在Jokers上人氣已經第一了!! 希
07/25 12:56, 2F

07/25 12:56, 3年前 , 3F
07/25 12:56, 3F

07/25 14:59, 3年前 , 4F
Jokers 走Brent以後DX靶子會很大,我擔心喔
07/25 14:59, 4F

07/25 19:29, 3年前 , 5F
這季好多假盟 講女盟有點不知道在講誰
07/25 19:29, 5F

07/25 19:29, 3年前 , 6F
事實上現在除了Jackpot (Tiffany Claire SB)之外的女盟都是
07/25 19:29, 6F

07/25 19:30, 3年前 , 7F
假的. 這季聯盟的關係還蠻鬆散的 比較像一個複雜的關係網
07/25 19:30, 7F

07/25 19:31, 3年前 , 8F
目前SB Kyland Tiffany 應該是玩的比較好的幾個 Joker三人
07/25 19:31, 8F

07/25 19:31, 3年前 , 9F
07/25 19:31, 9F

07/25 23:11, 3年前 , 10F
至少比上一季ok jackpot也是從農夫建的女盟裡核心化
07/25 23:11, 10F

07/25 23:11, 3年前 , 11F
出來的 套路跟外烤會一樣 大盟裡搞小盟
07/25 23:11, 11F

07/25 23:26, 3年前 , 12F
jackpot 我印象中在農夫女盟之前就存在
07/25 23:26, 12F

07/25 23:27, 3年前 , 13F
農夫女盟根本是笑話 女生沒人當真
07/25 23:27, 13F

07/25 23:27, 3年前 , 14F
在農夫盟之後建的應該是king slayer 但這也是假盟
07/25 23:27, 14F

07/25 23:35, 3年前 , 15F
目前遊戲中比較真的聯盟 有royal flush, jackpot, cookout
07/25 23:35, 15F

07/25 23:36, 3年前 , 16F
但Cookout比較算互保 不太談策略
07/25 23:36, 16F

07/25 23:37, 3年前 , 17F
又有各種深淺不一的關係網 關係網最核心的是Kyland Tiffany
07/25 23:37, 17F

07/25 23:38, 3年前 , 18F
接著是 SB , Claire 也算蠻核心的 但主要是因為她跟Tiffan
07/25 23:38, 18F

07/25 23:38, 3年前 , 19F
y 很鐵 本身的社交其實不好
07/25 23:38, 19F

07/26 01:21, 3年前 , 20F
07/26 01:21, 20F

07/26 18:31, 3年前 , 21F
07/26 18:31, 21F

07/27 16:21, 3年前 , 22F
07/27 16:21, 22F

07/27 17:30, 3年前 , 23F
07/27 17:30, 23F

07/27 22:03, 3年前 , 24F
07/27 22:03, 24F

07/28 03:12, 3年前 , 25F
07/28 03:12, 25F

07/28 19:05, 3年前 , 26F
這季有看LF精彩很多 策略玩家超多 彼此間的拉扯很有趣 單
07/28 19:05, 26F

07/28 19:05, 3年前 , 27F
07/28 19:05, 27F

07/28 23:05, 3年前 , 28F
問一下有推薦的LF嗎 有翻譯佳 沒翻譯也可咬看看
07/28 23:05, 28F

07/29 01:14, 3年前 , 29F
推特我主要是看Big brother daily 翻譯可以看百度的老大哥
07/29 01:14, 29F

07/29 01:15, 3年前 , 30F
吧 但我覺得那邊有時候個人意見很重 對全盤的理解也不完全
07/29 01:15, 30F

07/29 01:16, 3年前 , 31F
正確 如果英聽好可以聽RHAP的LF update 主持人很有趣 講的
07/29 01:16, 31F

07/29 01:16, 3年前 , 32F
好 我找找 感謝S大
07/29 01:16, 32F

07/29 01:16, 3年前 , 33F
蠻客觀的 分析的也很好
07/29 01:16, 33F

07/29 01:59, 3年前 , 34F
07/29 01:59, 34F

07/29 02:00, 3年前 , 35F
07/29 02:00, 35F

07/29 02:19, 3年前 , 36F
07/29 02:19, 36F

07/29 09:00, 3年前 , 37F
美國是禮拜日 三 四 所以是台灣時間 禮拜ㄧ 四 五 早上
07/29 09:00, 37F

07/31 11:23, , 38F
推 這季玩家真的不錯!
07/31 11:23, 38F

08/01 10:37, , 39F
08/01 10:37, 39F

08/03 23:56, , 40F
LF看得我眼花撩亂 XD 這季選角真好
08/03 23:56, 40F
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