Jay Dee快掛了?

看板RnB_Soul作者 (Exceed)時間20年前 (2005/02/02 07:23), 編輯推噓0(000)
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才提到ATCQ JAY DEE IN CRITICAL CONDITION (資料來源:http://0rz.net/8009C) Former A TRIBE CALLED QUEST producer JAY DEE is seriously ill in hospital suffering suspected liver damage. The news was revealed by pal, THE ROOTS drummer ?UESTLOVE in a posting on the internet. According to SOHH.COM, ?uestlove asked fans to pray for Dee - also known as J DILLA - who is currently in and out of a coma after being found unconscious and rushed to hospital. He was placed on a respirator and regained consciousness, but is still in critical condition. The extent of the Detroit-based musician's illness is unknown, but he is known to have suffered ill health over the last year and ?uestlove alluded to Dee needing a new liver. 19/01/2005 02:58 昏迷不是好事...(除去哲學家之理想) 喔 ? 可是他媽說 (資料來源:http://www.sohh.com/thewire/read.php?contentID=6631) Daily Hip-Hop News: Jay Dee's Mom: "He is not in a coma..." Wednesday - January 19, 2005 by Carl Chery While Jay Dee aka J-Dilla's health condition remains unspecified, new reports have surfaced to dismiss rumors that the producer is in a coma. Earlier this week, a post by ?uestlove on The Roots' Okayplayer.com web site stated that the beatsmith was found in a near coma and remained gravely ill in the hospital. An outpouring of support along with speculation of acute kidney and liver ensued from online fans of the group, Slum Village. 不知到底如何?哈,好像八卦版! -- 勞動是一切財富的泉源; 勞動是人類一切生活的頭號基本條件; 勞動創造了人類自身。 <<Frederick Engels>> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: prexceed 來自: (02/02 07:30)
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