Shawn Desman

看板RnB_Soul作者 (Exceed)時間20年前 (2005/02/22 17:08), 編輯推噓0(000)
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加拿大人 應該是混葡萄牙和義大利血統 曲風十分的接近黑人(但出道走的是拉丁語系) 算不算是Jon B.改良版呢? Shawn Desman is the newest signing to BMG Canada/ViK Recordings. He joins the family via the UOMO imprint label. Shawn is a 19 year-old professional singer/songwriter/producer/dancer who began performing at events in his native Portuguese and Italian communities at age 9. His early introduction into the entertainment industry helped him establish a solid Latin fan base worldwide. Recently, he recorded a duet entitled, “Amor De Mujer”, with one of Brazil’s multi-platinum, Grammy award-winning superstars, Alexandre Pires. In addition to his numerous accolades in the Latin community, Shawn also achieved substantial crossover success with his first English single, “Don’t Want To Lose You”, which was released independently 2 years ago. Although singing is his first love, Shawn is recognized as a multi-faceted entertainer because he has amassed a notable dance, production and acting repertoire over the years. His acting and dance credits include a major role in last year’s teen movie “Get Over It” with Martin Short, Carmen Electra and Sisqo, various TV commercials and performances in videos by Alanis Morisette, Len and Boomtang Boys. His producer skills were honed via collaborations with producer/writer teams that have worked with Backstreet Boys and TLC. Shawn has written and co-produced many of the tracks on his forthcoming release. 嗯,看了官網的介紹 這小子雖然年輕但經驗豐富 是個備受矚目的半新人 聲音像不像乾淨許多的Usher呢? 這個場子還不賴 -- 勞動是一切財富的泉源; 勞動是人類一切生活的頭號基本條件; 勞動創造了人類自身。 <<Frederick Engels>> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: prexceed 來自: (02/22 17:31)
文章代碼(AID): #126lPulr (RnB_Soul)
文章代碼(AID): #126lPulr (RnB_Soul)