Rich men

看板RnB_Soul作者 (Exceed)時間20年前 (2005/02/27 15:46), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Usher Buys Into NBA Team Usher is the latest artist from the hip hop generation to swoop up some NBA property. According to the Bloomberg News and the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the singer is part of an ownership group led by Dan Gilbert, who recently moved forward with plans to purchase the Cleveland Cavaliers for $375 million. Mr. Raymond follows in the footsteps of Nelly, a minority owner of the Charlotte Bobcats; and Jay-Z, an investor in the New Jersey Nets. ...Mr. Usher Raymond -- 勞動是一切財富的泉源; 勞動是人類一切生活的頭號基本條件; 勞動創造了人類自身。 <<Frederick Engels>> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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