[閒聊] Rockwell

看板RnB_Soul作者 (B-jam)時間19年前 (2005/09/05 00:02), 編輯推噓1(100)
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今天聽到一首歌曲"Knife",曲子一開始就透露出悲傷的感情, 隨著歌手Rockwell如薄紗般輕柔的歌聲, 漸漸感受到愛情心如刀割般的…。 (以上是屁話啦,不過聽起來的味道蠻像Lionel Richie的"Hello") 重點是後來才發現Rockwell本名Kenneth Gordy, 也就是Motown的創始人Berry Gordy的兒子。 雖然有個大名鼎鼎的老爸,Kenneth Gordy卻想靠自己成功, 所以改名Rockwell,並且以歌手的身分簽進Motown,這事連Berry Gordy都不知道。 1984年第一張專輯找來Michael Jackson合作, 主打專輯同名曲"Somebody's Watching Me"在當年拿下R&B榜冠軍, 後來就後繼無力了。 http://0rz.net/450Hh You touched my life with a softness in the night my wish was your command until you ran out of love I tell my self I'm free got the change of living just for me no need to carry on now that you're gone CHORUS Knife cuts like a knife how will I ever heal I'm so deeply wounded knife cuts like a knife you cut away the heart of my life When I pretend when I smile to fool my dearest friends I wonder if they know it's just a show I'm on a stage day or night through my charades but how can I disguise what's in my eyes (Repeat CHORUS) Oh oh oh oh oh ... I try and try locking up the pain I feel inside the pain of wanting you wanting you (Repeat CHORUS) -- 歡迎光臨 WesternMusic 音樂 ◎西洋音樂板 RnB_Soul 音樂 ◎節奏藍調與靈魂 Brien "B-jam" John -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 09/05, , 1F
真是有志氣 09/05, 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #136ngbtj (RnB_Soul)