[閒聊] 又一個車禍的

看板RnB_Soul作者 (Exceed)時間19年前 (2005/09/27 02:49), 編輯推噓2(201)
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看來D'Angelo不只跟毒品有關... R&B star D'Angelo is still hospitalized at VCU Medical Center after a September 19 car crash in Powhatan County. At last report he was listed in critical condition. D'Angelo, whose real name is Michael E. Archer, and Lynne Sellers were in a Hummer SUV on Route 711 just west of Route 288 when the accident occurred. Around 7:45 pm the Hummer ran off the right shoulder, crossed the road, ran off the left shoulder and then slammed into a fence and flipped. D'Angelo was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown from the car. He was airlifted to VCU Medical Center. Sellers was wearing her seat belt and was treated for her injuries and released. D'Angelo is hospitalized under an assumed name ?! (用假名怎還讓記者發現咧???) http://wtvr.com/Global/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 看來好像是真的... R&B Singer D'Angelo Critically Injured In SUV Crash By Nolan Strong Date: 9/26/2005 11:10 am Soul singer D’Angelo was critically injured in a recent Sept. 19 accident in Powhatan County, Virginia. Virginia State Police said D'Angelo, born Michael Eugene Archer, was driving on Route 711 when his 2003 hummer ran off the road, struck a fence and flipped over. D’Angelo was not wearing a seatbelt and was thrown from the vehicle. Police have yet-to-determine who was driving the vehicle when it crashed. A passenger in the SUV, Lynne Sellers, was also injured. D’Angelo and Sellers were taken to VCU Medical center. As of press time, no further information was available about their medical conditions. Police are still investigating the crash. In April of 2005, D’Angelo pleaded guilty to marijuana possession and driving under the influence of alcohol, stemming from an earlier infraction in Richmond, Virginia. His driver’s license was suspended for a year for the DUI conviction and for an additional six months for the marijuana charge. http://www.allhiphop.com/hiphopnews/?ID=4869 怪誰呢 他根本就是一個危險駕駛 吊照 沒綁安全帶 有沒有吃藥呢 有謠言說他快死了 還是擔心一下好了 ※ 編輯: prexceed 來自: (09/27 03:14) ※ 編輯: prexceed 來自: (09/27 03:15)

09/27 12:32, , 1F
09/27 12:32, 1F

09/28 07:49, , 2F
09/28 07:49, 2F

09/30 13:17, , 3F
09/30 13:17, 3F
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